

1, bring up 抚养

He has brought up his two children 他养育了两个孩子

2, by accident 偶然

I found the house by accident 我偶然发现了这个房子

3, stare at 盯着

He is staring at the man 他正在盯着这个男人

4, on the spot 在现场

He is on the spot 他正在现场

5, account for 是。。。的原因

His mistakes account for his careless 他的错误是因为他的粗心

6, on the contray 正相反

He is not short ,on the contray ,he is so tall 他不矮,正相反,他很高

7, take a chance 冒险

He has to take a chance to cross the bridge 他不得不冒险过这个桥

8, in rags 衣衫褴褛

He is in rags 他衣衫褴褛

9, as for 至于

As for me ,English is very important 对于我,英语是很重要的

10, find fault with 。。。对。吹毛求疵

He always finds fault with her job 他总是对她的工作吹毛求疵


