

润色专家意见:An “en dash” should be used when expressing a numerical range in the text, rather than a hyphen.

译文: 文中用连接线而不用连字符表示数据范围。

编辑解读: 连字符hyphen (‐), 连接线 en dash (–) 和破折号em dash (—) 是英文稿件中常见的三个横线符号。

★连字符hyphen (‐):链接前后缀, 链接单词构成复合词,分隔数字,行尾断词。

★连接线 en dash (–):表示数字范围或时间跨度。可以将其理解为 “to”或“through”。

★破折号em dash (—):用于分隔额外信息或标记句子中的中断。破折号可以成对使用,以标记对理解句子不重要的附加信息。



连字符(‐)不能与连接线(–)和破折号 (—) 互换使用。

连接线(–) 有时可以与破折号 (—) 用法相同,这种情况,需要在短连接线两侧加空格。



润色专家意见:“Many reviews have discussed the possibilities of various miRNA applications, especially the therapeutic application of miRNA for tissue engineering (Hutchison et al., 2013; Zhao et al., 2014; Caputo et al., 2015; Chew, 2015; Li et al., 2015a; Miller et al., 2015; Raschzok et al., 2015; Sabirzhanov et al., 2016; Yao et al., 2016).” This sentence does not communicate to the reader if these studies generally support the idea or not, or if they have conflicting findings. A brief statement on their general findings would be more informative.


编辑解读: 引用的文献需与表达的观点相关一致。稿件中经常会遇见引用错误的现象。有些作者为了达到稿件要求的文献数量,用关键词在PubMed等数据库中检索,将检索到的文献随意补充到稿件内,实际上并没有核查文献内容是否与该研究相关,这会大大降低要表达的观点的可信度。


润色专家意见:Do you mean loss of cells?

译文: 是想表达“细胞丢失”吗?

编辑解读: “apoptosis (细胞凋亡)”一词不仅仅意味着“细胞死亡”。细胞凋亡是一个由基因决定的细胞自我毁灭过程,以核DNA的断裂为标志,通过存在的刺激物或通过去除刺激物或抑制剂而被激活,是一个正常的生理过程。这个过程可消除DNA损害的、多余的、不正常细胞或者不想要的细胞。基因突变时,可能导致不受控制的细胞生长和肿瘤形成。


润色专家意见:Please provide a heading that summarizes the main finding of this figure.

译文: 请提供一个标题,概述该图的主要发现。

编辑解读: 一个“好的”figure legend 包括title 和 caption。也就是说需要一个总标题来概述图片的主要发现,然后具体描述图片。如果有分图的话,caption中内容的描述要按照图片的排列顺序来描述。Caption中需指明图中各种符号的含义,并列出图片上或legend 中出现的缩略语的全称。


润色专家意见:I have inserted “our” or “this” where I think it is your study. You need to make a clear distinction between the findings of previous research and those reported in this paper.

译文: 我在我认为是本文作者的研究的地方插入了“our”或“this”。需要明确区分之前研究的结果和本文中报告的结果。

编辑解读: 在稿件的Discussion 部分, 结合作者以往的研究进一步讨论实验结果的重要性。但要指明哪些观点是基于以往研究的, 哪些是本研究的结论。以往研究用过去时表述,并提供相关引文。本研究使用现在时态表述。



润色前:It has recently been reported that ncRNA H19 may act as a molecular spontage to inhibit let-7 bioactivity (Cao et al., 2019).

润色后:LncRNA H19 has recently been reported to act as a molecular sponge to inhibit let-7 bioactivity (Cao et al., 2019)

润色前:The results showed that OGD/R treatment did not change the level of lnc RNA H19 in astrocytes, while neuronal exosomes transported lncRNA H19 from neuron to astrocytes, and neuronal lncRNA H19 inhibition decreased the expression of lncRNA H19 in the co-culture system

润色后: OGD/R treatment had no effect on lncRNA H19 levels in astrocytes, while neuronal exosomes transported lncRNA H19 from neurons to astrocytes, and neuronal lncRNA H19 inhibition decreased the expression of lncRNA H19 in the co-culture system






