




评论翻译Lich bui trongAs a Vietnamese, I really like the Philippines. a beautiful and friendly country, after covid19 pandemic i plan to visit Palawan island.作为越南人,我真的很喜欢菲律宾,这是一个美丽友好的国家,在疫情结束后,我计划去巴拉望岛访问jason james naborAs a Filipino, I really admire Vietnam for their improvement in agriculture sector.作为菲律宾人,我真的很欣赏越南他们在农业领域的进步Non Fungible GamerVietnam has a continuous landmass. Philippines simply cannot do the same thing because it is a nation compose of thousands of islands with limited fresh water source.越南的陆上领土都是连在一起的,菲律宾做不到同样的事情,因为菲律宾是一个淡水资源有限,由数千个岛屿组成的国家Việt HưngI'm Vietnamese, I have a few Filipino friends right in the city where I live, Hai Phong. When I talked to them, I suddenly realized that there are too many cultural similarities between the two countries. I really like the Philippines, hope the two countries develop together and forever be good friends我是越南人,我在我生活的城市海防有几个菲律宾朋友,在我和他们聊天的时候,我突然意识到我们两个国家的文化有那么的相似之处。我真的很喜欢菲律宾,希望两个国家能够一起发展,永远都是好朋友clc0991Different countries, different ways of approach to development, Vietnam focus more on balance of wealth among their citizens (i.e: no one is left behind) while Philippines is much more market oriented. The gap between the poors and the riches in Phils is really wide, I have been there and I saw a lot of poor people with much lower living condition than those in Vietnam. One thing for sure is that both countries put a very high emphasis on education. While it is a norm among countries belong to Sinosphere like Vietnam to focus on education, I found a lot of my Pinoy friends having higher degrees in engineering. Too bad both countries are loosing a lot of talents to the western world as they tend to leave their homelands to migrate elsewhere不同的国家,有不同的发展方式。越南更注重公民之间的财富平衡(即:没有人被落下),而菲律宾则更注重市场导向。菲律宾的贫富差距真的很大,我去过菲律宾,看到菲律宾很多穷人的生活水平要比越南低很多。可以肯定地是,这两个国家都很注重教育,虽然像越南这样属于中华文化圈的国家注重教育是很正常的事情,但我发现我的很多菲律宾朋友有着更高的工程学学位。遗憾的是,这两个国家有很多的人才都流失到了西方世界,因为他们倾向于离开自己的国家移民到其他地方。Việt T. NguyễnActually according to WEF , Vietnam has more STEM students than the Philippines, and there are more Vietnamese engineers than Filipino engineers. Most Vietnamese engineers focus on computer, electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering, so they're not widespread to other fields such as nuclear, aerospace, or energy engineering.根据世界经济论坛的数据,越南理工科学生的数量要比菲律宾多,而且越南的工程师数量也比菲律宾多,大部分越南工程师专注于计算机,电气,机械和化学工程,所以在核能,航空航天或能源工程等领域很少看到他们的身影tagum cityAs a Filipino, we love the western world. Please adopt us. Hahaha作为菲律宾人,我们喜欢西方世界,请接收我们吧Keynet BeltranPhilippines and Vietnam is growing so fast they're like running in a race but I love this two The main reason why Philippines is rising again is the rapid Industrialization菲律宾和越南正在快速发展,他们就像是在竞赛一样,但我喜欢这两个国家,菲律宾再次崛起的原因在于快速的工业化Emily AcanaThe main reasons is Philippines has a good leader and that is President DUTERTE. The previous government has done nothing.菲律宾崛起的主要原因在于有一个好的领导人,那就是杜特尔特总统,上一届政府什么也没有做Tarash BermudezVietnam's export is 5 times more than PH . This is due mainly to Vietnam's openness to FDI manufacturing investments. Next in line to overtake PH in the coming years: Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.越南的出口规模是菲律宾的五倍。这主要是因为越南对来自外国的制造业投资持开放态度。未来几年老挝,柬埔寨和缅甸将会陆续超越菲律宾Gooble GobblersThe Philippines is great, look at our progress! It's rising so rapidly;however, certain problems are keeping us from speeding up the process. e.g., we have corrupt government .菲律宾真的太棒了,看看我们取得的进步,菲律宾上升的是如此之快,但是还有一些问题阻碍了我们的进一步发展,比如我们的政府很腐败지인입니다Many decades ago. Agriculture in the Philippines was on top within Asia. And as far as I remember historically Vietnam went to the Philippines to study about agri. specifically on how to grow rice. And look at them now, agriculture in Vietnam is on top.I hope Philippines will make our agriculture become mega industry in the next coming years.几十年前,菲律宾的农业在亚洲名列前茅,我记得在历史上越南曾到菲律宾学习过农业知识,尤其是学习如何种植水稻。但看看他们现在,越南的农业遥遥领先。我希望未来菲律宾可以将农业这个产业做大Maco LetI hope Philippines and Vietnam will prosper together. I dont see any competition here because Philippines is Service driven Economy while Vietnam is Agriculture and Industry Driven.我希望菲律宾和越南可以共同繁荣,我不认为他们之间存在竞争,因为菲律宾的经济是靠服务业驱动的,但越南的经济是靠农业和工业驱动的Aarni B.We are brothers and sisters, supporting each other- As a Filipino I support Vietnam, and welcoming them here in the Philippines我们是相互支持的兄弟姐妹,作为菲律宾人,我支持越南,欢迎他们到菲律宾来KrUkVietnam and Philippines have both bright future越南和菲律宾前途光明Filipino HUB TVWe are ASEANS we can grow together我们是东盟国家,我们可以共同发展oω oAs a vietnamese, i would honestly say that vietnamese need to work harder to catch up the phillipines. We lose Phillipines in many sides.作为越南人,老实说,我认为越南人需要更加努力才能追上菲律宾。我们在很多领域都不如菲律宾。tran anh tuanSome Filipino don't know why Vietnam is recalculating gdp, then: Since the International Monetary Fund (IMF) asked Vietnam to recalculate gdp, they think that the GDP size of $340 billion (2020) is not accurately reflect the economic scale of Vietnam. Because there are many economic sectors that have not been included in GDP and Vietnam's GDP calculation method is not according to international standards.一些菲律宾人不知道为什么越南要重新计算GDP,因为这是国际货币基金组织的要求,他们认为越南(2020年)3400亿美元的GDP规模并不能准确反映越南真正的经济规模。因为有很多经济领域的产出没有被纳入GDP的统计之中,越南GDP的统计方式并没有参照国际标准。You nerddddd@My optimum pride Vietnam's GDP has increased from $245.2 billion in 2019 to $340.8 billion in 2021 (To be able to earn nearly $100 billion in just 2 years, Vietnam's GDP needs to grow by 25.4% every year from 2019)越南的GDP从2019年的2452亿美元增加到2021年的3408亿美元,短短两年时间要让GDP规模增加近1000亿美元,这要求越南的GDP从2019年开始要以每年25.4%的速率增长。Ryan RamalBeen to Vietnam last 2018, and it is a beautiful country with colorful and vibrant culture.上一次是在2018年去的越南,这是一个美丽的国家,有着丰富多彩充满活力的文化


