
正文翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 翻译:zmmyc 转载请注明出处What celebrities have you encountered that were either really nice or really horrible?你遇到过哪些名人真的很好或者真的很糟糕?


评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 翻译:zmmyc 转载请注明出处xxtraspicyyFlava Flav ate at the restaurant I work at once, he made a huge deal about having to sit somewhere private because he didn’t want any attention. When it came to pay his bill? He tried to pay with a pre paid visa that did not have enough money on it...弗拉瓦 · 弗拉夫曾在我工作过的餐厅吃饭,他说要找个私密的地方坐下,因为他不想引起任何注意。当他吃完付账的时候,因没带足够钱,他想用预付的visa信用卡支付... ..。nokarma4ulolzSamuel L. Jackson at the Calgary stampede in Canada. He was super nice. My family went up for it because my uncle is part of the committee that organizes the stampede every year and he got us VIP seating. I was a kid at the time and I was like does your wallet really say OBAMF? He laughed and said he left that one at home. Of course when I told the story at school I told everyone his wallet did in fact say that.在加拿大的卡加利牛仔节遇见过塞缪尔·L·杰克逊。他人超好。我和家人一起参加这个活动,因为我叔叔是牛仔踩踏节目组织委员会的成员,他为我们安排了 VIP 座位。当时我还是个孩子,我问杰克逊,你的钱包里真的有奥巴马夫字样吗? 他笑着说他把钱包忘在家里了。当我在学校讲述这个故事的时候,我告诉每个人他的钱包确实是这样的。aestusveritas All of these were waiting tables:所有这些都是在服务的时候遇到的:


My dad said sure but didn’t really know the Beatles at that age, and only said yes because that’s kinda what you do at that age. He sat on the couch next to George (different time, airlines treated you like people), George folds up his newspaper and says, “soo, do ya like my music?”我爸爸说当然可以,但是在那个年纪,他并不真正了解披头士乐队,他只是说可以,因为那个年纪的人都会这么做。他坐在乔治旁边的沙发上(那时候航空公司对待乘客态度还挺好) ,乔治折起报纸说,“所以,你喜欢我的音乐? ”My dad says (like a confused 10 year old) “um, no”. Apparently George smiled and went back to reading his newspaper. My dad sat there like a doofus for like 5-10 minutes until the stewardess came and got him.我爸爸说(就像一个困惑的10岁孩子)“嗯,不”。 显然,乔治笑了笑,继续读他的报纸。我爸爸像个傻瓜一样坐了大概5到10分钟,直到空姐过来把他带走。So George Harrison was cool to children, and my dad’s the most Stone cold 10 year old ever所以乔治·哈里森对孩子们很酷,而我爸爸是有史以来最冷酷的10岁孩子thebeautyinthelotus Oh my gosh, George is my favorite person ever, so nice to find a story about him ?? thanks for sharing!!!哦,我的天,乔治是我最喜欢的人,很高兴找到一个关于他的故事,感谢分享!nstb21Met Dave Chappelle a few years back. Long story short, a friend of a friend got me and two friends into an after party. We were sitting at the bar when his manager offered us some shots. We talked with his manager for a while. Then Dave sat down near us. Dave was kind of sitting by himself and he looks over at us and goes “What’s going on fellas?” And we talk to him for about an hour. We thanked him for coming to our town, talked about music, sports, all kinds of stuff. Super cool dude. One of my favorite memories.几年前运到过Dave Chappelle一次。 长话短说,一个朋友的朋友带我和两个朋友参加了一个派对。我们正坐在酒吧里,他的经理给了我们一些酒。 我们和他的经理谈了一会儿。然后戴夫在我们旁边坐下。 戴夫独自一人坐在那里,他看着我们说: “伙计们,最近怎么样? ” 我们和他谈了大约一个小时。 我们感谢他能来到我们这个小镇,我们一起谈论音乐,体育,各种各样的事情。 超级酷的哥们。 这是我最美好的回忆之一。thestereo300What going on fellas?最近怎么样,伙计们?I read that in his voice.我听他的声音就能知道这个人。weekendbrainsurgeon I met Vin Diesel at a truck stop diner when I was a kid.当我还是个孩子的时候,在一个卡车休息餐厅遇到了范·迪塞尔。It was like 4 in the morning and me, my grandpa and vin and his friend were the only ones in the diner, and we ended up getting sat at the table next to them.大概是凌晨4点,餐厅里只有我、我爷爷、范·迪塞尔和他的朋友,我们就坐在他们旁边的桌子上。Vin and a friend were getting ready to go on some fishing trip which was made obvious by the clothes they were wearing. My grandpa struck up a conversation about fishing with him, completely oblivious to who he was. He was a really nice guy and apparently knew a great deal about fishing techniques.范和一个朋友正准备去钓鱼,从他们穿的衣服就可以看出来。我爷爷开始和他谈起钓鱼的事,完全忘记了他是谁。 他人很好,显然对钓鱼技术了如指掌。I was a bit geeked out and didn’t say much or contribute to the conversation but I spent the next hour of our road trip explaining to my grandpa who vin diesel was and why it was a huge deal we just met him.我当时有点紧张,没有多说什么,也没有参与到他们的谈话。在接下来的一个小时的公路旅行中,我花了一个小时向爷爷解释范·迪塞尔是谁,以及为什么我们刚见到他是一件大事。tennisdrums I bet for Vin it was probably refreshing to have a casual conversation with someone about a personal hobby that didn''t center around his celebrity status.我敢打赌,对于范来说,和某人随便聊聊个人爱好,而不是围绕他的名人地位,可能会让人耳目一新。Creeggsbnl"THAT GUY DOES MOVIES, GRANDPA"“爷爷,那家伙是拍电影的”"Shh, did you remember what he said what type of bait is best for..."“嘘,你还记得他说过什么样的诱饵最适合钓鱼吗... ... ”


Kenny, on the other hand, and I feel bad for saying this, due to his recent passing, treated me like the help (which I of course was) and even made a huffy impatient noise when, slightly flustered by Dolly’s remark, I struggled to find the key to put the elevator into independent service. Dolly touched my arm, looked me in the eye, and said “Darlin’, don’t you pay him any attention, we appreciate y’all!”另一方面,由于肯尼最近刚刚过世,我这么说可能很不好意思,他当时把我当成了跟班(当然,我就是跟班) ,当我被多莉的话弄得有点慌乱时,他甚至还发出了不耐烦的声音,我费了好大劲才找到钥匙把电梯开到独立服务区。多莉碰了碰我的胳膊,看着我的眼睛说: “亲爱的,你别理他,我们很感激你! ”I guess I got the good and the bad in one shot.我这一次好的和坏的名人都遇到了。BraelindJesus, Dolly has got to be one of the most wholesome people to ever walk the earth!天啊,多莉一定是世界上最酷的人之一!tikikattI met A few celebs working as an event photographer for fundraisers from time to time.我遇到过一些名人,他们时不时地为筹款活动担任活动摄影师。Chevy Chase, well, the stories are true. He was a huge jerk.塞维·蔡斯,好吧,传闻都是真的,他就是个大混蛋。Jamie Lee Curtis was one of the sweetest people I''ve ever met, bar none and easily the nicest celeb I met working the camera. Very considerate and thoughtful person. She kept checking with us to see if she could do anything for us or if we needed any more shots she could help with. Great sense of humor too.杰米·李·柯蒂斯(好莱坞演员)是我见过的最贴心的人之一,无与伦比,也是我拍电影遇到的最好的名人。很体贴周到,她总会不停地问是否能为我们做些什么,或者问我们是否需要多拍几次,她能帮上忙。 而且很有幽默感。GSSariJamie Lee Curtis seems to do a good job remembering her extras. They did a bit on James Corden''s show and she picked out the lady that did a scene with her several years ago.杰米·李·柯蒂斯似乎记性很好。他们在詹姆斯·科登的节目上做了一些表演,她一眼就认出了几年前和她一起表演的那位女士。IamCaptainHandsomeI''ve heard that Pierce Hawthorne was basically just Chevy Chase.我听说Pierce Hawthorn和塞维·蔡斯是一类人。rain-dog2 When I was a teenager, I met Neil Armstrong at a retirement ceremony that my dad brought me to. It was at a museum and it was a private event. There was time for everyone to wander the museum, and my dad saw Mr. Armstrong looking at one of the planes that my dad helped design.十几岁的时候,在我父亲带我去的一个退休仪式上遇到了尼尔·阿姆斯特朗。 那是在一个博物馆举行的私人活动。每个人都在博物馆里漫步,我爸爸看到阿姆斯特朗先生在看我爸爸帮忙设计的一架飞机。Nobody else around. They struck up a conversation and Neil asked me questions about what I was studying and how I felt about the work my dad did (my dad worked on classified planes when I was much younger). He seemed like such a gentle guy to me. 当时周围没有其他人。他们聊了起来,尼尔问了我一些问题,包括我在学习什么,以及我对父亲工作的看法(我父亲在我很小的时候就一直忙机密工作)。 在我看来,他是一个很温和的人。A bunch of other men suddenly joined as and started asking him for autographs, which he declined. It seemed to snap him out of his happy mood, and he kind of shut down and walked away. At that time I thought he was a bit of a jerk for not saying goodbye or anything, but I recently read about the hard time he had with fame, and I guess it makes sense.突然,一群人也加入进来,开始向他要签名,但他都拒绝了。这似乎让他有点不高兴,变得不想说话了,最后走开了。那时候我觉得他招呼都不打就走开,有点混蛋,但是最近我读到了他因为名声而经历的一些麻烦,我想我有点理解他了。willis1988Genuinely amazing that you got to meet him, and 1 to 1 (with your dad) at that. He''ll always be a one of a kind for what he achieved so you should feel very lucky to have met him :)很惊讶,你还能见到他,而且面对面的那种(和你父亲)。他的成就独一无二的,所以你应该感到非常幸运能遇到他:)AllthatJazz_89 Sounds like he’s really nice, but overwhelmed with the accidental stardom. I don’t blame him. I’d be the same way after years of that.听起来他真的很不错,但是有点不适应名声带来的不方便。我不怪他。这么多年过去了,我还是会这样。zerbey Armstrong was an engineer and preferred to just stay out of the limelight, I''m sure he enjoyed the chance to just talk engineering stuff with someone.阿姆斯特朗是一名工程师,他不愿意面对聚光灯,我相信他更愿意别人谈论工程技术。RayAnselmo Sounds pretty on-brand.听起来不错。sendgoodmemesMy mom and sister met the Rock when he was still a wrestler. They had a couple car seats and tons of bags having a hell of a time getting off the plane and people were waiting and then this massive guy offered to carry some things for them and they happily took the help, 强森还是摔跤手的时候,我的妈妈和妹妹就遇见他一次。他们当时带了几个汽车安全座椅和好多行李,当时人们都在等待下飞机,然后这个高大的家伙提出为我妈和我妹搬运一些东西,他们高兴地接受了帮助he grabbed some bags and held the baby carrier with my niece in it and helped them off the plane and left. After people kept going up to them asking how they knew the rock and they were very confused until someone explained who he was.他抓起一些袋子和婴儿背(我的侄女在里面),帮助他们下飞机后就离开了。人们不停地走到我妈和我妹面前问他们是怎么认识强森的,他们非常困惑,直到有人告诉他们那个大块头是谁。TannedCroissaEverything I ever hear about him he’s super cool. He did a rap from Moana with some dude interviewing him for the guys kids because the guys kids were massive Moana fans.我听到的关于他的都是很酷的事情。有个家伙当时孩子们采访了他,因为孩子们都是Moana的超级粉丝,他就唱了一首Moana的饶舌歌。I reckon he’s so nice that on the aeroplane, I bet you he let the person next to him have the armrest. He probably thought this isn’t the Rock’s elbow room, this is the people’s elbow room.我估计他对飞机上的人都很好。我敢跟你打赌,他一定让他旁边的人可以舒适地放置他的胳膊。他可能认为这不是我的活动空间,这是旁边乘客的胳膊活动空间。


nola_mike Nola mike"hey, you''re the quietest kid ever, don''t you talk?"”嘿,你是最安静的孩子,你不说话吗? ”I literally heard him say that in my head as I read it.当我读的时候,我真的听到他在我的脑海里这么说。TenebraeVisionxDid he take his shoes and socks off? “Dogs are barkin’”.他在飞机上有脱鞋脱袜吗? “狗在叫”。Jandalf81A man with the name of Candy cannot ever be evil, right?一个能叫坎迪的人不可能这么邪恶的,对吧?Please note:This was written completely free of irony and sarcasm!请注意: 我这么说完全没有讽刺和挖苦的意思!TheJadedSF John Candy in a plane bathroom, sounds like that scene from Tommy Boy lol约翰·坎迪在飞机上的浴室里,听起来就像汤米男孩里的那个场景But seriously sounds like a warm guy, passed too young ;(但说真的,听起来像个热心肠的家伙,英年早逝uglypudding101 Not me but my uncle used to be a professional body guard. He said by far, Tom Hanks was the kindest and the worst was Azelia Banks.不是我,是我叔叔,他以前是个职业保镖。他说,到目前为止,汤姆汉克斯是他遇到最善良的名人,最坏的是 Azelia Banks(美国说唱歌手)。Janisneptunus My husband and I were wandering around Philly a few years ago and Don Cheadle was walking toward us. We both stopped and turned as we watched him go by. After he passed us he turned around with a big smile and waved/winked.几年前,我和丈夫在费城闲逛,唐·钱德尔(美国演员)朝我们走来。我们都停下来,转身看着他走过。他从我们身边走过以后,笑容满面地转过身来,向我们挥手和使眼色。I just thought that was pretty cool.我只是觉得这很酷。skip_leg_day Boom, you lookin for this?你在找这个吗?WatchTheBoom I ran into Adam Sandler outside of a Planet Fitness in Brooklyn in early 2016.2016年初,我在布鲁克林的一个Planet Fitness外碰到了亚当·桑德勒(美国演员)。As I was leaving the Planet Fitness, it looked like he was walking in. We made eye contact, so I stopped and held the door for him. He got to the door and stopped right before he walked through, in one of those fake poses that little kids make when you tell them to freeze.当我离开Planet Fitness的时候,看起来他好像是往里走。我们有了眼神交流,所以我停下来帮他开门。他走到门口,在他走进来之前停了下来,摆出那些小孩子们在你叫他们别动时摆出的假动作。I stood there holding the door, plenty confused. For about five seconds, we just stood there- him, motionless and I, standing there holding the door. Finally, he turned his head and said in the stereotypical Adam Sandler voice, "Ahhh, who we kidding? I''m not going in there!" Giant grin on his face. We both laughed and then he continued down the street.我扶着门站在那里,十分困惑。 我们站在那里大约五秒钟——他一动不动,而我站在那里,扶着门。最后,他转过头,用老套的亚当?桑德勒的声音说: “啊,我们谁在开玩笑? 我不是要进去! ” 他脸上露出巨大的笑容。 我们都笑了,然后他继续沿着街道走。Awesome.太棒了。Joey_AP2 He was in my town in NY shooting something for Netflix a few years ago. When he was done for the day he went down to the local park and started playing pickup games of basketball with people.几年前,他在我纽约的家乡为 Netflix 拍摄一些东西。 当他结束那天的活动后,他去了当地的公园,开始和人们一起打篮球。SufferingWithYou2 He shook my hand before I went to pee. Then when I reentered the comedy club he asked me how it went.我上厕所前他和我握了手。然后当我再次进入喜剧俱乐部时,他问我演得怎么样。It was glorious.那真是太棒了。PacdooI met him down in Nantucket one summer a few years ago. I had no money and so he bought me and my friends a pizza and shared it with us. Probably the greatest moment of my life.几年前的一个夏天,我在楠塔基特岛遇到了他。我当时没带钱,所以他给我和我的朋友们买了一个比萨饼,并和我们一起吃。那也许是我一生中最美好的时刻。elevenghosts I saw him do standup in the mid-90s and afterward noticed him waiting for his ride. So my friend and I went to say hello. He was really funny and self-deprecating, and kept ignoring the woman trying to get him to stop talking with us and get in the car. Pretty cool.90年代中期他还是单口喜剧人时,有一次注意到他在等车。所以我和我的朋友去打招呼。他真的很有趣,而且喜欢自嘲,并且一直无视那个试图让他停止和我们说话女人。很酷。spwf Sandler is great. Whenever he comes into my job, he’s always a class act. He jokes around with the staff and is always super polite and grateful for the service.桑德勒很棒。每当他来到我的工作岗位上,他总是表现得很出色。 他喜欢和工作人员开玩笑,总是非常有礼貌,并且对服务表示感谢。You wouldn’t believe how much your fandom of someone is affected by how they are in real life. Before Sandler was a regular at my job, I liked some of his movies but since he’s come in a bunch I think he’s great and I found myself watching more Sandler stuff.你不会相信一个人在现实生活中的表现会对他的粉丝产生多大的影响。 在桑德勒成为我工作的常客之前,我喜欢他的一些电影,但是因为他经常来,我觉得他很棒,我发现现在自己看了有关桑德勒更多的东西。poto-cabengoYeah. I used to work in a movie theater in Santa Monica, Ca and we had celebrities come in on a practically daily basis. The one celeb who stood out for me, in terms of niceness, was Adam Sandler. He was always friendly to the staff when he came in and never failed to give a generous tip to the concession workers.是的。我以前在加州圣塔莫尼卡的一家电影院工作,几乎每天都有名人光顾。 就友好而言,有一个名人脱颖而出,那就是亚当 · 桑德勒。他进来的时候对工作人员总是很友好,而且总是给服务人员慷慨的小费。unnaturalorder The funny thing is I can picture this happening perfectly in one of his movies. Sounds like he''s an awesome guy in real life. Loved him in Uncut Gems.有趣的是,我可以在他的一部电影中完美地描绘出这一切。听起来他在现实生活中是个了不起的家伙。 喜欢他在《Uncut Gems》中的表演。tommyboy6733I was working on a set once where John C. Reilly acted as one of the main characters. It was a pretty small set and low budget (not even sure if the show ever aired) so we all found ourselves working closely together for the most part.我曾经在一个片场工作过,约翰·C·赖利(演员)是其中的主要角色之一。 这是一个小成本节目(甚至不知道该节目是否播出了) ,我们大部分时间都在密切合作。I sat across from him during lunch one day and we chatted for a bit about random stuff. The guy talks the same way he acts, which is why I think he plays such a great character in any comedy because he quite literally plays his own attitude in many roles.. at least it seems.有一天吃午饭的时候,我坐在他对面,我们聊了一些无关紧要的事情。 这个家伙说话的方式和他的行为一样,这就是为什么我认为他在任何喜剧中塑造一个伟大的角色,因为他在很多角色中都融入他自己的态度。 . 至少看起来是这样。But anyway he was a very nice and down to earth guy, I found it hard not to giggle every time he spoke because I just couldn''t shake the image in my head of all the roles he''s played.无论如何,他是一个非常友好和脚踏实地的家伙,他每次都能把我逗笑,我脑海中不断闪现所有他扮演的角色。_GlibnikI met Paul Rudd on a flight from NY, sat next too him on the plane. My buddy leaned over and told me that he wanted to compliment him on this band shirt he wore when making Clueless, but he "didn''t want it to be weird". 我在从纽约起飞的飞机上遇到了保罗·路德(美国演员),他就坐在我旁边。我朋友弯下腰告诉我,他想称赞他在拍摄《独领风骚》时穿的这件乐队衬衫,但是他“不希望它变得很尴尬”。 So his solution was to write him a note and slip it to him, lol. So he does this, and Paul just gets this nervous look on his face, opens the note and reads it. Starts cracking up laughing, leaned over to us and said "best note ever". 所以他的解决办法就是给他写一张便条,然后塞给他,哈哈。 他这样做了,保罗紧张地看着他的脸,打开纸条读了起来。他开始哈哈大笑,弯下身子对我们说: “有史以来最好的音符。”


He looks at me and just goes- "rough night?" I laughed, nodded. I slurped at my coffee, which was more or less empty at this point. My boss comes out of the office to yell at me about something, and Paul drops what he''s doing, runs to my counter, and rings the little bell to interrupt the boss. I run over and he has a single butterfinger on the counter.他看着我说,“今晚过得不好吗? ” 我笑了,点点头。 我咕噜咕噜地喝着咖啡,这时咖啡已经差不多喝完了。我的老板从办公室出来对我大喊大叫,保罗放下手头的工作,跑到我的柜台,摇响小铃铛打断老板。我跑过去,发现他的柜台上只有一块手指饼。I ring him out, and he laughs. He says- "how long you been here?" Truthfully, I told him- 10 hours. I sputter something about loving him in "Fundamentals of Caring." He looks at my boss and says the best thing ever.我摇铃回应了他,他笑了。他说,“你在这里多久了? ”我说10个小时了。 我告诉他我喜欢他在《Fundamentals of Caring》的表演,他看着我的老板,说出了有史以来最好的话。"I need [my name] to help me to my car with my purchase. My back hurts. Mind taking over for him?"“我需要他(我的名字)帮我拿这些东西到我车上。我背疼。介意替他一下吗? ”So i go outside, he bums a cigarette off me, and bought me coffee- then wouldn''t let me inside until i finished a whole cigarette and half my coffee. Boss came out to bitch, he laughs and says "I still need his help loading my car." Honestly, its actually probably the single best customer-moment I''ve ever had in my time in retail.于是我走到外面,他递给我一支烟,给我买了咖啡——然后不让我进去,直到我抽完一整支烟,喝完一半咖啡。老板这时出来抱怨,他笑着说: “我还需要他帮我装车。” 老实说,这实际上可能是我在零售业生涯中最好的一次顾客体验。Dude''s goddamn awesome.这家伙太牛逼了。mothmanr6 Omg lucky! I would love to meet Paul Rudd! He just seems so friendly and easygoing!我的天,真幸运! 我真想见见保罗·路德! 他看起来那么友好和随和!TheJadedSFMy mom spotted Robin Williams once and she went up to him and asked if she could get a quick photo. She didn''t realize he was there in the middle or about to do something with the Make A Wish Foundation so she waited until they were done around 20-30 min later and then a bunch of the kids and people wanted photos with him我妈妈见过罗宾·威廉姆斯一次,她走过去问他能不能拍张照片。她没有意识到他正在或者正准备和Make A Wish基金谈合作,她等他们谈话结束,等了大约20-30分钟。然后一群孩子和人们想和他合影。he made it a point to stick around and told his staff "I think that woman wanted a photo" and made sure she got it. Mom was thrilled. He was such a humble nice dude.他特意留下来,告诉他的员工“我想那个女人合影一张照片” ,并确保她得到了照片。 妈妈很激动。 他是个谦虚的好人。noradam22I was working in a little boutique store in Seattle with my girlfriend and it was a particularly slow day when all of a sudden Robin Williams walks through the door. He was the only one in the store and my girlfriend didn’t know who he was. 我和我的女朋友在西雅图的一家小精品店工作,那是一个特别清闲的日子,罗宾·威廉姆斯突然走进门来。 他是店里唯一的一名顾客,我的女朋友不知道他是谁。 We left him alone and when he came up to purchase his things he started barking at my Boston terrier in a cute way. It scared the crap out of my Boston terrier and he started barking back at Robin. He was so genuine and nice and I really do remember how hairy his arms were. 我们没有上去打扰他,当他准备买东西的时候,他开始用可爱地声音冲着我的波士顿梗犬叫。吓得狗屁滚尿流,它也开始对罗宾吠叫。他是那么真诚和善良,我记得他的胳膊上毛茸茸的。For some reason that really stuck out. He walked out the door and instantly was surrounded by a bunch of tourists trying to take pictures of him. He put his bags in the back of his mini Cooper and drove off. He bought a little piece of artwork and three Goorin Bros hats.这真的很突出。他走出大门,立刻就被一群游客包围了。他把行李放在他的迷你库珀车的后座上,开车离开了。他买了一件小艺术品和三顶 Goorin Bros 帽子。willis1988 Seems like a lovely man. He is missed!看起来是个可爱的男人,大家都很想念他!MudiusPWhile filming Patch Adams at UC Berkeley (I was an extra during the classroom scene), Robin Williams got hold of a students bike and rode around Telegraph Ave. whizzing by unsuspecting and surprised day tourists and just had a great time entertaining people on a whim on a bicycle!罗宾·威廉姆斯在加州大学伯克利分校拍摄《心灵点滴》的时候(我是个临时演员) ,他抓住了一辆学生自行车,骑着它绕着电报大街呼啸而过,周围的游客毫不知情,惊讶不已!Turicus Bumped into Gordon Ramsay in the lift in a hotel in Hong Kong. He was very friendly. We didn''t talk to him or ask for a picture. I just blurted out "You''re Gordon Ramsay!" and he aknowledged and smiled. He insisted on us going first because we had our suitcases with us, wished us a nice day, said bye several times when we saw him in the lobby again. Very friendly!在香港一家酒店的电梯里遇到戈登· 拉姆齐。他非常友好。我们没有和他说话,也没有要他拍照。我只是脱口而出: “你是戈登 · 拉姆齐! ” 他学识渊博,面带微笑。他坚持让我们先出电梯,因为我们带着行李箱,祝我们度过愉快的一天,当我们再次在大厅见到他时,他说了几次再见。 非常友好!kaelizGot the chance to meet him a few years back and he really is a pretty nice guy. Just has a low tolerance for bullshit几年前见过他一次,他真的是一个很好的人。对谣言的容忍度很低AllthatJazz_89Met Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime and Eeyore) at Botcon in 2012. They had a raffle system set up for autographs/meet and greets. He saw a bunch of us standing off to the side, including a man next to me who was sobbing because Peter meant so much to him. Peter full on RAN from the line he was supposed to be autographing and bear hugged this guy for at least a solid minute, patting his back and saying “It’s all right. Everything is okay. I’m here now,” while the guy sobbed on him. Then Peter autographed all our memorabilia and was whisked away by some very angry con staff.2012年在 Botcon展会上见了彼得 · 卡伦(擎天柱和屹耳的配音)。主办商设立了抽奖制度,以便签名[见面和问候] 他看到我们一群人站在旁边,包括一个在我旁边抽泣的男人,因为彼得对他来说太重要了。 彼得从签名的地方跑过来,抱住这个家伙至少一分钟,拍拍他的背说: “没关系。 一切都很好。 我现在就在这里,”那家伙一直在啜泣。然后彼得在我们所有的纪念品上签名,然后被一些非常愤怒的员工带走。Wonderful, wonderful man. Class act and genuinely kind.非常好,非常好的男人。举止优雅和真诚善良。mdf34Oh my god this is just great, that guy really needed it天啊,这太棒了,那家伙真的很需要Peter的安慰gotthelowdown Met Peter Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime and Eeyore) at Botcon in 2012.2012年在 Botcon 会见了彼得 · 卡伦(擎天柱和屹耳的配音)。A video that fans of him might enjoy :)一个他的粉丝可能会喜欢的视频:)Peter Cullen explains how he created the voice for Optimus Prime彼得 · 卡伦解释了他是如何为擎天柱配音的drslapnuts I met Buzz Aldrin and have a good story. I met him in 2009 and 2013. At the 2013 meeting, I said "I met you before in 2009" and he said "what took you so long to come back?"我之前遇到过巴兹·奥尔德林(宇航员),有一个很好的故事。 我在2009年和2013年见过他。在2013年的会议上,我说“我在2009年见过你” ,他说“你怎么这么久才回来? ”willis1988 Nice couple of people to have met, particularly Buzz Aldrin. Always going to be a special person in history so you''re a lucky person!见过几个不错的人,尤其是巴兹·奥尔德林。他是一个历史铭记的人,所以你很幸运!Gundamsafetywent with my parents to a function for some charity group and we shared a table with Ice-T. Super nice guy, down to earth and not high on himself. He has a mouth on him but when he found out my Dad is a retired preacher never heard a bad word again the rest of the night. I ended up talking music and how he goes from Rap to Metal. Man is cool and knows his sh*t about the metal and Punk scene.我和父母去参加一个慈善团体的活动,我们和 Ice-T 共用一张桌子(歌手)。他是一个超级好的家伙,脚踏实地,自我感觉不错。他经常飙脏话,但当他发现我爸爸是一个退休的牧师后,整个晚上他再也没有说过一句脏话。我们最后谈到了音乐,以及他歌曲风格是如何从饶舌转到金属的。 他很酷,对金属和朋克有自己的看法。


That was one of best experiences of my life and best experiences working on a film set. I learned a lot from her about professionalisim on a film set. I also saw how hard she worked. She was there twelve hours a day and on point every minute. I watched how she interacted with the director other actors and crew. She was even encouraging to other actors and performers in the film even the extras.这是我一生中最好的经历之一,也是在电影拍摄现场工作的最好经历。我从她那里学到了很多关于电影布景的专业知识。我也看到了她是如何努力工作的。她每天在那里工作十二个小时,每次都很准时。我观察她如何与导演、其他演员和剧组人员互动。 她甚至鼓励电影中的其他演员和表演者,甚至是临时演员。It was heartbreaking when she passed. I still have the dress that I wore in that film she admired and complimented me about the dress. An actor/ musician I know was booked to perform at the event Whitney Houston was to be at the day she passed he was also staying at the same hotel. He called me and told me she was gone then he started to cry.当她去世的时候,我心碎了。我还保留着我在那部电影里穿的那件衣服,她赞美我的那件衣服。 我认识的一个演员和音乐家预定参加惠特尼·休斯顿去世当天的活动,他也住在同一家酒店。 他打电话给我,告诉我她已经走了,然后他开始哭了起来。RidgetopDarlin I worked on a project with Michael Franti, who is the kindest, most patient, most humble and most friendly celebrity ever. He truly treats the janitor job folks with as much respect and attention as the execs.我和迈克尔·弗兰蒂(歌手)一起参与了一个项目,他是有史以来最善良、最有耐心、最谦虚和最友好的名人。他对待门童和对待管理层一样尊重和关注。Lovely human being.可爱的人类。seemore__glass After college, I was living the intern life in New York, so I had to hunt around for a job that would be fine with me working just evenings. The first call I got was Kmart, so for about a month, I worked at Kmart Penn Station.大学毕业后,我在纽约过着实习生的生活,所以我不得不四处寻找一份适合我只上晚班的工作。我接到的第一个电话是凯马特打来的,所以我在凯马特宾州车站工作了大约一个月。One night, this guy with his hat pulled down low and this really cheerful girl came into the electronics department where I worked. It was a wild, wild store with tons of sketchy characters, so right away I was wary of him. Anyhow, they looked at the game sextion for a minute, then the girl asked me if they could get Madden 2013. I obliged, took it from the case and began cashing them out. It was over the $50 minimum where I had to ask for ID with a credit card purchase, so I asked the sketchy fella for his ID. He told me, in this hushed little voice that he didn’t have it with him.一天晚上,一个帽子拉得很低的男人和一个非常高兴的女孩来到我工作的电子部门。 这是一家充满野性的商店,里面有成千上万的素描人物,所以我立刻对他有所警惕。 无论如何,他们看了一分钟,然后女孩问我是否可以买2013年的疯狂橄榄球比赛。 我照办了,把它从箱子里拿出来,开始兑换现金。 这已经超过了50美元的最低消费标准,只能用信用卡支付,我不得不要求她出示身份证,所以我向那个家伙要了他的身份证。 他小声地告诉我,他没带在身上。Mhm. So I called up security to get the okay to finish up the transaction. As I’m talking to them, he tilts the credit card towards me. My first thought is, “huh. I didn’t know JP Morgan made a credit card?!” And then I looked at the name.嗯。我最后打电话给保安,让他们同意完成交易。当我和他们说话的时候,他把信用卡朝我倾斜过来。我的第一反应是。我不知道摩根大通还有信用卡? ! ” 然后我看了看他的名字。Daniel Radcliffe. His girlfriend was beaming at me as the expected recognition washed over my dumb, tired face. He was super super gracious, and my height, which I loved even more (we’re both a firm 5’ 5”).丹尼尔·雷德克里夫(演员)。他的女朋友笑容满面地看着我。他超级亲切,我和他身高差不多一样高,所以我更喜欢他了(我们都是5英尺5英寸)。And, I was pleased to be so calm and collected about the whole thing that they both got out of there without anyone else knowing who he was.而且,我很高兴自己对整件事情如此冷静和镇定,以至于他们俩都在没有其他人知道他是谁的情况下就离开了那里。RedBeardBigHeart Sylvester McCoy came through my line at Target once. I recognized his voice and just kept telling myself it wasn’t him. I couldn’t shake the feeling so I asked西尔维斯特 · 麦考伊有一次经过我在塔吉特百货工作的店里。我认出了他的声音,不停地告诉自己那不是他。我无法摆脱这种感觉,所以我问道“I know this sounds stupid but you sound like The Seventh Doctor.”“我知道这听起来很傻,但你听起来像《第七任博士》。”He answered coyly “The truth is ( he puffs up his chest) I am him.”他羞怯地回答: “事实是(他鼓起胸膛),我就是他。”I totally geeked out and Davros (Terry Malloy) was with him. I never got a photo but hot damn we’re they just amazing people.我完全疯了,戴沃斯(特里 · 马洛伊)当时也和他在一起。我没得到他们的签名照,但是他们真的很友好。Cnutty_04My Grandma sat next to Rob Van Winkle (Vanilla Ice) on a plane before he was famous for ice ice baby. She knew who he was but didnt want him to know. They had a lovely 4 hour conversation and she said he was really intelligent and nice.我奶奶坐飞机的时候,旁边坐的是罗伯 · 范 · 温克尔,那时候他还未因冰雪宝贝一角出名。我奶奶知道他是谁,但不想让他知道。他们进行了一次愉快的4小时谈话,她说他真的很聪明,人也很好。


