教育学心理学必背选择题 A-level心理学知识点笔记整理

Introduction 简介

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Stress is a type of alarm reaction, involving heightened mental and bodily states - it is both a psychological and a physiological response to the environment. Your brain produces a stress reaction when you are in a situation that is physically or mentally demanding.


Stress is normal. Some stress is good for you - it keeps you alert and protects you in times of danger or when you need to act or think quickly. Physical training to keep fit places stress on your body, but that stress has a beneficial effect (provided you don't overdo it!).


Feeling a bit stressed about exams is normal - it may help you to focus your energy into revising well. Prolonged and unwanted stress, however, may lead to mental and physical health problems.


When psychologists talk about 'stress' they may refer to the causes of stress reactions ('stressors') or to the effects of stress reactions on our physical and mental functioning.

当心理学家谈到 "压力 "时,他们可能指的是压力反应的原因("压力源")或压力反应对我们身体和精神功能的影响。

Psychologists are interested in causes of stress, ways in which stress affects us and stress management.


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Your body's reaction to stress 你的身体对压力的反应

Your brain is on the look out for anything that threatens to upset its equilibrium - if there are serious 'stressors' around, it triggers off an 'alarm reaction'.

你的大脑在寻找任何有可能破坏其平衡的东西--如果周围有严重的 "压力源",它会触发 "警报反应"。

The alarm reaction prepares your body for action - sometimes known simply as the 'fight or flight reaction'. Stress hormones and the action of the sympathetic nervous system prepare your body for vigorous muscular activity as follows 警报反应使你的身体做好行动准备--有时被简单地称为 "战斗或逃跑反应"。压力荷尔蒙和交感神经系统的作用使你的身体为剧烈的肌肉活动做好准备,具体如下:

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So, what if you are not in a situation in which it's OK to suddenly get up and run a four-minute mile round the block?


Well, that's when various unpleasant effects may set in, such as throbbing headaches, irritability, tense neck and shoulders, dried up mouth and butterflies in the stomach. Sound familiar? Most people experience this sort of stress sometimes.


The flow diagram below shows what goes on in the body when the brain detects a potentially harmful 'stressor'

下面的流程图显示了当大脑检测到潜在的有害 "压力源 "时,身体里会发生什么变化

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All the stress hormones circulating in the bloodstream and the neural effects of the sympathetic nervous system combine to create the 'fight-or-flight' response.

所有在血液中循环的压力荷尔蒙和交感神经系统的神经效应结合在一起,形成了 "非战即逃 "的反应。

The hypothalamus plays a key role in the control of the endocrine system. There is a complex feedback system between the hypothalamus, sympathetic nervous system, the pituitary gland and the secretions of the adrenal glands.


The adrenal glands are found on top of your kidneys - they secrete epinephrine (otherwise known as adrenaline) and other 'stress hormones'. The activity of your adrenal glands is crucial to your mood, energy levels and ability to cope with stress.

肾上腺位于你的肾脏顶部 - 它们分泌肾上腺素(又称肾上腺素)和其他 "压力激素"。肾上腺的活动对你的情绪、能量水平和应对压力的能力至关重要。

In extreme cases of stress your adrenal glands may become enlarged, the spleen and thymus glands may shrink and deep bleeding stomach ulcers may occur. (Not very nice!)


Selye pioneered stress research in the 1950s - he came up with the idea of the general adaptation syndrome. This is a collection of symptoms shown by the body in response to any stress - physical illness such as infection or injury, or stress due to psychological factors. The key thing is that it is 'general' - a non-specific response to any illness.

塞尔耶在20世纪50年代开创了压力研究的先河--他提出了一般适应综合症的概念。这是身体对任何压力--身体疾病如感染或受伤,或心理因素造成的压力--所表现出的一系列症状。关键是它是 "一般 "的--对任何疾病的非特异性反应。

The three main phases of the 'general adaptation syndrome' are 一般适应综合征 "的三个主要阶段是:

1) Alarm Reaction 报警反应

2) Resistance Stage 抵抗阶段

3) Exhaustion 衰竭期

The idea of the 'general adaptation syndrome' was drawn from very early research on stress.

一般适应综合征 "的想法来自于早期对压力的研究。

It has been criticised because it was based on work with animals and tells us nothing about psychological or emotional factors.


Physiologists have also argued that there may well be different physiological responses to different stressors and not just one 'general' syndrome.

生理学家也认为,对不同的压力源很可能有不同的生理反应,而不是只有一个 "一般 "综合征。

In other words, Selye's model to explain stress is too simple - in reality, the process is more complex.


Stress and illness 压力和疾病

Research has shown strong links between prolonged stress and many disorders, mentally and physically. The immune system is easily affected by stress.


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You should be aware that stress might lead to behaviour, such as smoking or overeating, which increases the risk of serious illness - so the link with the original source of stress is indirect.


The incidence of cancer has been correlated with high stress levels.


Jacobs and Charles (1980) found that cancer patients - for example, child cancer patients, often suffered high levels of stress before the diagnosis of their illness.


Tache et al (1979) found the incidence of cancer to be higher in those with a poor 'social support network' such as the widowed, divorced or separated.

Tache等人(1979年)发现那些 "社会支持网络 "差的人,如寡妇、离婚或分居的人,癌症的发病率更高。

It is difficult to rule out that undetected, developing cancer might cause stress, rather than stress due to external factors leading to cancer.


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Stress and heart disease 压力和心脏疾病

The 'risk factors' linked with cardiovascular disease include diet, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise (or over-exercise) and stress. Indeed, stress may well be a cause of other behavioural factors.

与心血管疾病有关的 "危险因素 "包括饮食、吸烟、肥胖、缺乏运动(或过度运动)和压力。事实上,压力很可能是其他行为因素的一个原因。

Men are more susceptible to heart disease than women, even when diets are matched. Could it be that men have more stressful lives than women such as more job-related stress?


For example, it was found that among 40 male tax accountants, blood cholesterol and clotting speeds were at dangerous levels in April (The end of the financial year)!


Perhaps women in this type of work would also show similar signs of stress. There have not been many studies into women's stress levels, but it is worth noting that the incidence of stress-related behaviour such as smoking is increasingly amongst women.


Here's how stress might lead to heart disease: Stress-related behaviour such as smoking or eating lots of fatty foods will speed up the hardening of the blood vessels stage…



