
发音:pronunciation 音素:phoneme 音素 语调:intonation/tone 音标:phonetic 拼读规则:spelling rule 发音方式 manners of articulation 发音部位place of articulation 音节syllable 单音节monosyllable 多音节polysyllable 开音节open syllable 闭音节closed syllable 重读闭音节stressed closed syllable (主)重音primary stress次重音secondary Stress 重音stress shift重读音节stressed syllable 非重读音节non-stressed syllable,我来为大家讲解一下关于专业英语术语在哪里查?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



发音:pronunciation 音素:phoneme 音素 语调:intonation/tone 音标:phonetic 拼读规则:spelling rule 发音方式 manners of articulation 发音部位place of articulation 音节syllable 单音节monosyllable 多音节polysyllable 开音节open syllable 闭音节closed syllable 重读闭音节stressed closed syllable (主)重音primary stress次重音secondary Stress 重音stress shift重读音节stressed syllable 非重读音节non-stressed syllable

强音形式strong form 弱读weak form 元音vowel 半元音semivowel

长/短元音long/short vowel 单元音monophthong 双元音diphthong

辅音consonant爆破音plosive 摩擦音fricative 破擦音affricate

鼻音nasal舌边音liquid 成音节syllabic consonant 辅音连缀consonant cluster 连读liaison 省音elision 同化assimilation

连音juncture 不完全爆破incomplete plosive 弱浊化devoiced 清音voiceless 升调Rising tone 降调falling tone 韵律rhyme

重音:stress 停顿:stop 意群:sense of group


在连贯地说话或朗读时,在同一个意群(即短语或从句)中相邻两个词连起来读。When you are speaking or reading a sentence constantly, if there are two words are connected, and the first word end with a consonant, the following word start with a vowel, then the consonant and the vowel will constitute a new syllable, this is how liaison happened

I’m ~an ~English boy. Let me have~ a look~ at ~it Not~at~all.

1.前一个词以辅音结尾,后一个词以元音开头。例:pick up;check it out

2.前一个词以r结尾,后一个词以元音开头 例:for example;remember it

3.前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头 例:please copy it;who else;go away

二、失去爆破(loss of plosive)


The unreleased stop refer to that when /b/,/p/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/show up in a word together ,or when one of these Letters shows up in the prior word as last letter, while one of these letters shows up in the following word as the first letter, the prior letter isn’t pronounced

/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/


例:doctor;blackboard Big boy sharp pencil suitcase goodbye

2.不完全爆破incomplete plosive:六个爆破音后出现摩擦音或塞擦音,前“引而不发”,后爆破。/f/ /v/ /s//z/ /θ/ /ð/ /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /h/

例:a big chance; good friend

3. 爆破音/t/ /d/ 后面是/m/ /n/时,要改为鼻腔爆破。例:written; good morning

4. 爆破音/t/ /d/后面是/l/时,舌边爆破。例:little; handle


指读音节时发声程度(Stress refer to the degree of force used in producing a syllable.)

1.单词重音(word stress):有重音单词一般至少有两个以上音节。(Stress only applies to words with at least two syllables)

2.句子重音(sentence stress)

(1)语法重音(grammatical stress ):约定俗成的语法成分功能决定的重音,如重读实词,轻读虚词等。(The prescribed grammatical Function would contribute to the stress of a sentence)

实词重读,虚词弱读。例:The streets are wide and clean.

(2)强调重音(contrastive stress) :指纯粹出于交际需要对句中的任意部分进行强调,句中的任意音节都可能成为重读音节。(We can stress any part of a sentence for the purpose of communication)重读想要强调的部分。例:Mary kissed Jim in the teachers’ office!

(3)结构重音(structural stress):句与句之间的对比产生的某一个单词重音的变化或某一个一般不重读的单词的重读,(The comparison between sentences result in the structural stress).如 ThirtTEEN girls and thirty boys 中的 TEEN 重读。

四、升降调Intonation说话的腔调。(The intonation is the way that your voice rises and falls as you speak.)

英语基本语调:升调(rising intonation/rising tone)、降调(falling intonation/falling tone).

Rising tone:

1.一般疑问句(general question):Is that your pen?↗

Falling tone:

1.降调用于陈述句declarative sentence:I am a student.↘

2.祈使句imperative sentence:Please open the door. ↘

3.特殊疑问句special question:Where are you from? ↘

4.感叹exclamatory sentence:What a nice day! ↘

Ring tone and falling tone

1. 选择疑问句和并列句读升降调;(∧)

例:Is that a bus (↗) or a car ( )? She bought an apple (↗) , two bananas (↗) and ten eggs(↙).

2. 反义疑问句读降升调tag question。(∨):You’re Tom (↙), aren’t you (↗) ?






六、意群: (sense group)



1. 两个意群:We study hard / for our country .

2. 三个意群:He said / that he would do better / in his English study.

3. 四个意群:I love waking up/ in the morning/ and not knowing/

what’s going to happen/ or who I’m going to meet.



The assimilation refer to when one word is next to another word, the two words might have change in their pronounce because they influence each other.

例如:have to 的发音会变成/ hæftu/ His pen /hiz pen/变成了/his pen/ (浊辅音变为清辅音)

八、附加疑问句Tag question

With question tags, intonation rises when the person asking the question is not sure of the answer, for example when asking a question with a yes / no answer. When they know (or are reasonably sure of) the answer to the question, their intonation usually falls.

In this class, you will

1. identify meaning, form and function of tag questions;

2. form correct structure of tag questions;

3. use tag questions in active role-play in context of sports event.

(1) It’s not a real sport, is it?

(2) That sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

(3) It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?

(4) Our school soccer team won at last, didn’t they?

Function of tag questions:The tag questions above are used for confirmation.

Form of tag questions—positive or negative

(1) It’s not a real sport, is it? 前否后肯

(2) It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? 前肯后否

Form of tag questions—selection of verbs

(1) It’s not a real sport, is it?

(2) Then we can play football, can’t we?

(3) You’ve done them before, haven’t you?

(4) That sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

(5) Our school soccer team won at last, didn’t they?

be动词 / 情态动词 / 助动词

Form of tag questions—selection of pronouns

(1) It’s not a real sport, is it?

(2) Then we can play football, can’t we?

(3) You’ve done them before, haven’t you?

(4) That sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

(5) Our school soccer team won at last, didn’t they?

九、Assimilation (同化现象):

Letters such as “d”, “n”, “t”, and “s” often take on a different pronunciation from when they are used as initial sounds than when they are used in the middle of a word or to link words in a sentence.

duty, education, news, newspaper, last year those shirts

前后连个音彼此影响,两音变成一新音,也叫融合同化。前音 新音后音。


/s/ /j/->/ʃ/ He joined the chess club this year./ˌðis ˈjir/->/ˌðiˈʃir/

/ts/ /j/->/tʃ/ She lets your sister use the car./lets jɔːr/->/letʃɔːr/

/z/ /j/->/ʒ/ You’re your brother work here?/dʌz jɔːr/->/dʌʒɔːr/

/dz/ /j/->/dʒ/She needs your help./ˈniːdz jɔːr/->/ˈniːdʒɔːr/

/t/ /j/->/tʃ/I’m glad to meet you./ ˈmiːt ju/->/ˈmiːtʃu/

/d/ /j/->/dʒ/Would you mind helping me?/wʊd ju/->/wʊdʒu/

十、consonant cluster

It is a group of consonants(辅音) with no vowels (元音) between them. Groups are of two, three, or four consonants at the start, within, or at the end of a word.

EXAMPLE: Start: pr-, gr-, sm-, sl-, sp-, str-, sw-, scr-, etc. End: -lk, -nt, -nd, -nk, -sk, -st, -xt, etc.

listen to the three syllable words and write them in the correct columns.




Animal chocolate holiday

Alarming computer potato

Afternoon. Understand volunteer

Read the words aloud and put them into the correct groups. ○ and ○ stand for stressed syllables. ○stands for primary stress,○ for secondary stress, and ○ for unstressed syllable.

Stress:Most sentences have two basic types of words: content words and function words. Content words are usually stressed.

1.Look at this sentence and find out the content words.

2.Now listen and mark the words that are stressed.


