白居易英文个人介绍 长恨歌白居易英译

长恨歌 白居易

A Song of Regret for Eternal Love

Bai Juyi

Tr. Feng Hong

白居易英文个人介绍 长恨歌白居易英译(1)




Emperor Xuanzong was indulged in the beauty,

But for years the palace completed no duty.

In the Yang family there was a fairy maid,

Never stepping out and unseen to the world.



It I was not easy to be veiled as an inborn beauty,

And fortunately to serve Emperor she was given priority.

Prettily glancing back with a smile produced much charms,

Which shaded all beautiful ladies in the imperial palaces.



For the spring chill she was granted in the Huaqing Hot Spring,

And the thermal water warmed her smooth and white skin. The tender soul was assisted by the maidservant,

From the very moment of having been Emperor’s attendant.



The face was as fair as a flower, walking in a tender pace with the bun,

And behind the lotus-patterned bed curtain the spring nights leisurely have come.

It was pity that the spring nights were so short and when awake the sun rose up,

Emperor was unconscious of not going to the morning court over the top.



Constantly there were merry banquets for the beauty’s joy accompanied by fame,

Spring outings were in all spring and spring nights were escorted by him.

In the imperial palaces the fairy beauties were there about three thousand,

But only she was the most favorite who the lord was preoccupied.


She was powered in the grand room all right,

Invited to the feast in Yulou Tower and then squiffy to serve at night,



All her siblings were rewarded and risen in the official world,

Which presented her family as a glorious one endowed.

All parents of the state changed their minds to have a joy,

Untraditionally to be honored to give birth to a girl instead of a boy.



Lishan Palace was upright to the blue sky there,

And holy tones were heard with the wind everywhere.

In soft songs and slow dance with the strings and flutes,

All days Emperor contented himself with the banquets.



For the battle drums from Yuyang began to beat away,

The melodies of Rainbow and White Feathers Garment broken on the way.

All the gate towers were dusted several layers for raids,

Thousands of carriages and horsemen retreated southwestwards.



The emperor’s Kingfisher-feathered carriage marched off and on,

And when a hundred li was away from the imperial Western Gate,

There have no alternative to urge the garrison troops halted to march on,

Before the army again geared up but only the death of the beauty.



No one picked up the engraved hair ornaments,

Such as the curled jade clasps and the golden-bird hairpins.

Emperor only covered his face to weep but could not help,

And his tears and her blood were mixed up.



The yellow dust blowing with the chilly wind,

The troops climbed along Jiange Plank Path winding up to the cloud.

Reaching at the foot of E’mei Mountains with few man in sight,

Flags fluttered not like in the past and were dotted with the dim sunlight.



Even there were clear river waters and the green mountains,

But days after nights Emperor could not forget the passions.

In the imperial palace the moonlight recalled the grief,

And in the rainy nights the bells echoed the broken-hearted life.



The turmoil ended and the imperial carriage rolled back,

But he lingered to leave in the very place which played trick,

It’s the foot of Mawei Slope where the earth found

No any fragment the beauty had ever traced.



Emperor and the ministers looked each other and the tears stained their robes,

And to reach the imperial gate but no haste they expected eastwards,

All the pools and the enclosure, as it were, stood,

Stories as the same as Taiye Pool, Lotus Pond and Willow in Weiyang Palace told,



The lotus root is white like her countenance and the willow leaves her pretty eyebrows.

Emperor had deep affection at sight of those to shed tears for sorrows,

The moment spring breeze grew the peach and plum blossoming,

And the autumn rain hastened parasol leaves falling.



There were weed-choked lots in western as in southern court,

And steps were thick with the fallen leaves turning red but not swept,

The hair of operatic players in the Pear Garden were getting to grey,

And in chambers coated by Chinese prickly ash all maids were in their ageing way.



At nights fireflies were mute in palace,

While the wick burned up but the lonely owner was sleepless.

The night watcher sounded later which presented the autumn nights longer,

And as bright as daybreak the Milky Way yielded the glimmer.



Coupled tiles were chilly with the thick frost,

And the kingfisher-feathered quilt was cold for no mate shared it.

When they were parted for a year,

She didn’t appear in his dreams there.



A Taoist from Linqiong offered himself to Chang’an,

And said to summon her soul he was the very man.

To save Emperor’s sleeplessness in bed,

The Taoist was ordered to search for her ahead.



Mounting the clouds and riding the mist he’s swift as lightning,

In corners of Heaven and the nether world for searching.

Exhausted everywhere in the sky and below the earth,

In the two worlds he found no soul that was worth.



Occasionally the fairy mountain on the sea was heard,

Which was located on the middle of the illusory land.

On the colorful clouds were floating the ornate pavilions,

Where dwelt the graceful fairy maidens.



Among them there was a maid named Taizhen,

Snow-white skin and flowery appearance seemed to be then.

Knocking at the jade door of the western gate of the golden palace

He bade Xiaoyu to inform Shuangcheng for service.


When she was convinced there was an earthly envoy,

Behind the splendid bed curtain she was startled from her dreams all.



She pushed aside the pillow and got dressed up hesitantly,

To make the pearl curtain and the silver screen open tortuously.

Just awake with the hairstyle a little in disorder,

She entered the hall with her hair not neatly arranged in order.


Her fairy sleeves were blown up in the wind, light and soft,

As if performing the former dance “Rainbow and White-Feathered Garment”.


Tear stains were crisscrossed on the pretty but lonely face,

Like pear flowers in spring rain got fallen in that trace.


With the tender affections she thanked her lord,

As they had no exchanges when they parted.


Anyway affections in Zhaoyang Palace would be ceased,

While in Penglai Isle there could not be perished.


Turning her head and looking down at the earth,

She only caught the vision of fog but no Chang’an hearth.


It’s no other than the mementos to present her passion,

To let him take the treasure-patterned case and the gold hairpin.


For him with one branch of hairpin and half of the case separate,

So the hairpin was divided and the case was split.


If the two hearts were as firm as the gold pin,

In heaven or on earth we would meet again.


When leaving he was urged again with the message,

To send words to the lord with the pledge.


On the seventh day of the seventh moon in Longevity Palace,

At midnight none but they whispered to each other’s ears.


In Heaven we would be birds flying side to side,

On earth we were mingled with the same root for good.


Enduring as long as the sky and earth is fanciful,

But such heartache would ever be forceful!

白居易英文个人介绍 长恨歌白居易英译(2)



