
Angkor culture in Southeast Asia

文 《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 雷露




Cambodia lies to the south of China in the Indochina Peninsula. It was an important part of the ancient Silk Road and a pivot point of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Angkor civilization bred by this land still dazzles despite all the hardships it experienced in the past thousands of years.


In November 2020, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China released the list of “Belt and Road” key international cooperation projects in the cultural and tourism industries of 2020. The list comprises 45 projects that have gone through local-level recommendation, compliance review, and expert review. The Angkor Dynasty, with a total investment of over 200 million yuan, is on the list.




The mysterious ancient city of Angkor


In 1861, a French naturalist named Henri Mouhot set foot in Siem Reap Primeval Forest about 300 kilometers from Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, in search of specimens of rare plants. As he inched his way through the trees, a deserted ancient city came into view.


The city enjoyed exquisite stone reliefs, figures of the Buddha in widely different shapes, pagodas and temples with distinctive styles, a huge irrigation system, and a wide, straight avenue … From afar, the architectural complex lied proportionately in an atmosphere of solemnity and reverence. Both the architecture and sculpture were extremely artistic.


Henri Mouhot gazed in awe at the buildings and praised, “The grandeur of the temples here far exceeds everything that ancient Greece and Rome left behind. Leaving the temples of Angkor is like stepping away from a splendid civilization into a primitive world.” This is the ancient city of Angkor, which once disappeared in written history.


The construction of Angkor Thom got underway in 802 and ended 4 centuries later in 1201. More than 600 sites, including Great Angkor, Angkor Wat, and Banteay Srei, have been found. Great Angkor is the ruins of the once prosperous Angkor Thom. It covers an area of nearly 9 square kilometers and comprises multiple sites. Angkor Thom, the capital built by Jayavarman VII, saw the end of the glorious Angkor civilization. Angkor Wat is the world’s largest grotto temple and the pearl of the ruins of Angkor. With a length of 1.5km and a width of 1.3km, it is smaller than Angkor Thom.


As a representative building complex of Angkor in its heyday, Angkor Wat is vast in scale. Its groundwork, winding corridors, stone paths, and pagodas are all made of sand and gravel. There is no mortar or other adhesive between the stones, which, with regular surfaces and under the action of their weight, interlock firmly. The detailed decorations are magnificent and exquisite. Angkor Wat has become a beautiful business card of Cambodia. It is a part of the country’s national flag, not only symbolizing national dignity and pride, but also showcasing the splendor of Angkor culture.


Most of the buildings in Angkor now lie in ruins due to the havoc wreaked by wars and long-time wind erosion. However, the magnificence of ancient Angkor and its architecture still inspire shock and awe in visitors. Some archaeologists refer to the ancient city of Angkor in Cambodia, the Great Wall in China, the pyramids in Egypt, and the Borobudur in Indonesia as “the Four Wonders of the East”.


The stately and holy ancient city of Angkor has come through the vicissitudes of history. In 1992, Angkor Wat was officially inscribed as.




Epic melodrama The Angkor Dynasty


As the mystery surrounding Angkor ruins is cleared up, tourists flock from all over the world to see her elegance. Zhou Xiaoheng, a Chinese acrobat, is one of them. He lives in Deyang, Sichuan, which is 2,000km from Cambodia and home to an equally famous historical site — Sanxingdui site in Guanghan. “The excavation of this 3,000-year-old site shocked the world.”


Zhou grew up in the glory of the ancient kingdom of Shu. He started learning acrobatics at the age of 7. With over 20 years of experience, Zhou is now the head of Deyang Acrobatics Troupe. Over the past years, he traveled the length and breadth of the world in an attempt to build a Cirque du Soleil in China.


In 2015, Zhou visited Siem Reap in Cambodia for the first time as a member of a cultural delegation. He strolled along ancient roads and winding corridors, impressed by the grandness of the Angkor Wat. This trip sowed a seed in Zhou: he would integrate the beauty of Angkor Wat into his own artistic creation.


“What we want to do in Cambodia is not to perform, but to take root.” According to him, Deyang Acrobatics Troupe and Deyang Zhenxing State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Co., Ltd. jointly funded the Deyang Meiyi Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. and cooperated with Canadia Integrated Enterprise Group, a large Cambodian enterprise, to launch the large-scale cultural tourism complex, The Angkor Dynasty Project. Centered on the epic melodrama The Angkor Dynasty, it brings together a variety of types of business such as theatrical performance, commerce, entertainment, and catering and comprises the modern Grand Theater, Water Park, Food Court, and Street of Cambodian Folk Customs.




“Preliminary planning for the project started at the end of 2015. In June 2016, the project officially got underway, and scriptwriting and actor recruitment for The Angkor Dynasty began simultaneously. The whole project took more than two years to complete.” With rich performance experience, Zhou became the chief planner for the melodrama. His life then closely linked with Angkor Wat.


After a rigorous and standardized selection of actors, meticulous story creation, and ingenious stage art design, The Angkor Dynastymade its debut in October 2017, and in December 2018, the upgraded version of the melodrama was reintroduced to the audience. The Angkor Dynasty has been performed hundreds of times within just a few years and appraised very well.


Zhou still remembers how well received the upgraded version was among the audience. The Angkor Dynasty Grand Theater in Siem Reap, Cambodia, was packed to the rafters on the afternoon of December 6, 2018. More than 100 actors and staff members eagerly awaited the nightfall.




The boisterous theater quieted down as the spotlight fell on the stage. Actors in exquisite makeup and traditional Cambodian costumes appeared on the stage one after another. The mysterious tropical rain forest, the ancient Tonle Sap Lake, the Angkor people fighting bravely against foreign enemies, and the king appealing to his subordinates for assistance in building a Buddha city ... Stories unfolded in a sumptuous audio-visual feast to unravel the mystery surrounding the little-known Angkor Dynasty.


The brilliant sun alternated with downpours on the stage. The audience’s emotions changed as the story developed. Zhou, closely watching the performance beside the stage, was the most nervous person. He did not dare to relax a bit because some actors got injured in previous performances. It was not until the curtain came down that he breathed a sigh of relief.


This well-prepared performance attracted many people. All seats were occupied in the 6000 square meters of Angkor Grand Theater with an accommodation capacity of more than 1,200, and the performance became a hot topic among media outlets.


Nowadays, many tourists go into Angkor Grand Theater to watch the melodrama The Angkor Dynasty during the night after visiting Angkor Wat during the day to conclude their trip to Angkor.


China-Cambodia art cooperation and exchange


The Angkor Dynasty Project is the first permanent project implemented by Sichuan in Cambodia to promote international cooperation along the Belt and Road. It is also an important platform for Sichuan province to promote cultural exchanges in Cambodia and Southeast Asia. Angkor Grand Theater is one of the most advanced multi-functional theaters in Southeast Asia.


The great success of this project is attributable to both the support from relevant government departments in China and Cambodia and the joint efforts of the actors on the stage and the team behind the theater curtain. According to Zhou, the sumptuous audio-visual feast was the result of the three-year-long cooperation between Chinese and Cambodian artists. It is not only a stage performance, but also a masterpiece that brings together the creative inspirations of a slew of Chinese and Cambodian artists, acrobats, dancers, musicians, stage art designers, costume makers, and stage designers.


Back in May 2016, The Angkor Dynasty crew officially reviewed the first batch of trainees to shortlist the best candidates. This group of trainees came from all walks of life in Siem Reap, including restaurant waiters, housewives, and tuk-tuk drivers. Their abilities as performers varied widely, but their shared love for art brought them together.


29-year-old trainee Sun Sai Tie Nong felt a little bit embarrassed sitting on the floor in the rehearsal room. He looked especially noticeable in the crowd because of his tall figure and dark skin. When a staff member called his name, Sun Sai Tie Nong quickly got up. He picked up his dagger and shield and performed before the judges in a show of the imposing manner and elegant appearance of a Khmer warrior. His precise control of strength and impressive facial expression amazed the judges under the stage.


Sun Sai Tie Nong was originally a tuk-tuk driver in Siem Reap who made a living by transporting goods and passengers in the streets. He became fond of Cambodian boxing when he was still a child, so he signed up for the selection of actors for the melodrama The Angkor Dynasty. He won the approval of the judges and got the opportunity to play the role to his liking.


Soon, Sun Sai Tie Nong began rehearsing with other actors. His cleverness and diligence won him a place in the list of actors for the premiere. The creators and actors of The Angkor Dynasty promoted the exchanges between Chinese and Cambodian cultures during artistic creations. Their efforts enhanced the artistic appeal of the melodrama.


Princess Norodom Buppha Devi said in a media interview that The Angkor Dynasty Project is the fruit of the cultural exchanges between Sichuan and Cambodia, a symbol of the China-Cambodia friendship, and an event that will greatly stimulate the development of local tourism.


柬埔寨吴哥王朝 (网络图片)


Hibernation and growth against all odds


2020 looked bleak due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, which posed huge challenges for international cultural exchanges. The Angkor Dynasty, a cultural exchange model project launched by Sichuan, was no exception.


The Angkor Dynasty Project shouldered its social responsibilities in a time of crisis and panic. In cooperation with the West China Performing Arts Group and Sichuan Province Performance & Entertainment Industry Association, the organizers held three charity performances at the Angkor Dynasty Grand Theater on February 22, 24, and 26, 2020, respectively, and raised charity funds at the performance site, where Chinese and overseas Chinese in Cambodia and chambers of commerce were called on to donate to Hubei province. On February 27, 2020, the box office income generated by the charity performances and about 300,000 yuan raised at the performance site were transferred to the Siem Reap Consular Office of the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia to support epidemic prevention and control in Hubei.


The stage play The Angkor Dynasty has received full credit since it debuted. In 2019 alone, nearly 200,000 audiences watched it, bringing in over USD 2.6 million in revenue. In January 2020, it generated USD 260,000. However, as COVID-19 continued to take its toll, the performance was brought to a halt at the end of February 2020. It is still unclear when performance can resume. The suspension of the project put the troupe under great pressure, and Zhou had to borrow 7 million yuan to cover the expenses. He estimates that even if tourism recovers in Cambodia, huge investments will have to be made to kick off The Angkor DynastyProject again.


Smart people look for opportunities in the midst of a crisis. The performance was interrupted, but the creation team of the acrobatics troupe did not stop their work. They created new plays in their leisure time, and plan to launch the Sanxingdui-based live-action acrobatic performance Flying during the 2021 Universiade.


Starting from August 2020, the implementation of an increasing number of projects in China has helped the troupe make ends meet and reduced the pressure on Zhou, who has been worried about capital chain rupture. Zhou and his team believe international cultural exchanges will not be interrupted by the ongoing impact of COVID-19. They look forward to the return of The Angkor Dynastyon the stage.


Background information


The successful implementation of The Angkor Dynasty Project is the epitome of China-Cambodia cooperation. As the Belt and Road Initiative proceeded further in recent years, China and Cambodia have carried out close cooperation in cultural tourism, commerce and trade, and infrastructure construction, and achieved remarkable results.


More than 160 enterprises, most of which are Chinese, have entered the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone developed by China and Cambodia, creating over 10,000 jobs for local people. In October 2016, Chinese enterprises and the Cambodian government signed the BOT Agreement on the Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport Project, Cambodia to jointly build the Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport. In March 2019, the construction of the Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway, the first expressway in Cambodia, got underway.


Cambodia was the first country to respond to the Belt and Road Initiative. It provides countless convincing cases and has written a beautiful chapter on China-Cambodia cooperation. In October 2020, the Chinese and Cambodian governments formally signed the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Royal Government of Cambodia, starting a new phase in the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides, the joint construction of the China-Cambodia community with a shared future, and the cooperation along the Belt and Road.









国内统一连续出版物号:CN 51-1788/F

国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2096-2886








