





Deadly Heat Dome Was a 1-in-10,000-Year Event


The extreme heat that obliterated temperature records in the Pacific northwest in 2021 will likely occur just once every 10,000 years. Researchers from UCLA used multiple climate models to determine that the extraordinary heat disaster last year was a highly improbable event, even in the age of climate change. Previous studies suggested that the deadly heat wave, which killed about 800 people, had a probability of near zero.


“Accounting for the fact that things have gotten warmer, and even given the amount of warming we’ve seen in the region due to climate change, this event still came up as a highly, highly unusual event,” said Karen McKinnon, assistant professor of statistics and the environment at UCLA. She couldn’t name any other 10,000-year events. The heat dome sat over the Pacific Northwest for several days in June 2021, smothering the region with temperatures that sometimes soared 30 degrees above normal.


It eclipsed previous highs by hitting 116 degrees Fahrenheit in Portland, Ore.; 107 F in Seattle; and 121 F in Lytton, British Columbia. All three readings set all-time records (Climatewire, June 29, 2021). Hundreds of people died in the oppressive heat, which can shut down human organs and exacerbate underlying conditions. A wildfire destroyed Lytton shortly after the heat wave. But only a few degrees of those blistering temperatures can be blamed on climate change, McKinnon said, noting that large swings in temperature are not unheard of in the Pacific Northwest. Summertime daily maximum temperatures in the region have increased by almost a half-degree Fahrenheit per decade since 1960, the UCLA study said.



  • dome /doʊm/ n. 穹顶,圆屋顶;半球形物,圆顶状物;
  • obliterate/əˈblɪtəreɪt/ vt. 消灭,摧毁;涂抹,遮蔽;(从头脑中) 抹掉(想法、感情或记忆);忘掉;
  • northwest /ˌnɔːrθˈwest/ n. 西北,西北方向,西北部;
  • climate model 气候模式;气候模型;
  • improbable /ɪmˈprɑːbəbl/ adj. 不大可能的,未必确实的;不可信的;未必会发生的;
  • in the age of 在……的时代;
  • probability /ˌprɑːbəˈbɪləti/ n. 可能性,可能发生的事;〈数〉概率;
  • account for (数量或比例上)占; 导致,解释(某种事实或情况);解释,说明(某事);(某人)对(行动、政策等)负有责任;
  • given /ˈɡɪv(ə)n/ prep. (表示原因)考虑到;(表示假设)倘若;假定;如果;
  • come up 即将发生,即将到来;走近,走到跟前;被提及,被讨论;结果是;突然发生;(困难或问题)出现;
  • assistant /əˈsɪstənt/ n. 助手,副手,助理;助教;
  • smother /ˈsmʌðər/ vt. 使窒息;抑制;(用灰等)闷熄;忍住;用……完全覆盖;感到压抑;
  • soar /sɔːr/ vt.(数量、价值、水平、规模等)急升,猛涨;高飞,翱翔;升空,升腾;
  • eclipse /ɪˈklɪps/ vt. 遮住……的光,使黯然失色;
  • hit /hɪt/ vt. 达到(一个特定的水平,阶段,数字);
  • all-time/ˈɔːl taɪm/ adj. 空前的;全部时间的;历来的;
  • oppressive /əˈpresɪv/ adj.(天气、空气等)闷热的,难以忍受的;
  • exacerbate /ɪɡˈzæsərbeɪt/ vt. 使恶化,使加剧;
  • underlying/ˌʌndərˈlaɪɪŋ/ adj. 根本的,潜在的;表面下的,下层的;优先的;(数量或水平)实际的;
  • blistering /ˈblɪstərɪŋ/ adj. 猛烈的;极热的,极快的;
  • swing /swɪŋ/ n. 摇摆,摆动;(为打某人而)挥舞,挥拳;挥杆动作;改变,变化;


文本选自:Scientific American(科学美国人)

作者:Anne C. Mulkern

原文发布时间:4 Oct. 2022


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