倍数的表达法40条 表示倍数的比较级典型错误译法分析

倍数的表达法40条 表示倍数的比较级典型错误译法分析(1)

七夕份小心心!赵丽颖柳腰纤细变“纸片人” 优雅撩发喝香槟女神范


1.“A 倍数 形容词或副词的比较级 than B”,社会流行说法:表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”.如:

This rope is twice longer than that one.这根绳子比那根绳子长两倍(是那根绳子三倍长).(错误译法)

This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大五倍(是我们教室的六倍大).(错误译法)

The car runs twice faster than that truck.这辆小车的速度比那辆卡车快两倍(是那辆卡车的三倍快).(错误译法)

I will take the money. Give me three times more than Antonio borrowed from me.(<高中英语教科书>第三册 人教社)




The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.


China is 22 times larger than Britain . So, multiply the total for Britain by 22(x22).This will show you how much rubbish China would throw away each year.




Sound travels four times faster in water than in air.



I think it has become three times as difficult as it used to be.



The needle is seven times smaller than the width of a human hair.



She earns five times as much as I do. /She earns five times more than I do.


This piece of work is ten times better than the last piece you did.



Young people were several times more likely to be out of work than older members of the workforce. 劳动人口中,年轻人失业的可能性是年长者的好几倍。


Her salary is five times greater than mine.

=She earns five times as much money as I do. 她的薪水是我的五倍。

注意,现在小编归纳总结的说法是:“A 倍数 形容词或副词的比较级 than B”表示A是B多少的倍数;如:

This rope is twice longer than that one.这根绳子是那根绳子2倍长。(你没看错,就是2倍长)

This rope is three times longer than that one. 这根绳子是那根绳子3倍长。(没错,不多不少就是3倍长)

This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.这个大厅是我们的教室五倍那么大。(你还是没看错,原句要说的就是我们教室是这个大厅的5倍大。)

The car runs twice faster than that truck.这辆小车的速度是那辆卡车速度的两倍。(还是没错,不多不少正好是那辆车速度的2倍。)

今天的重点来了:A is n times more(longer、larger…) than B结构就是表示A=nB,即A是B的n倍;

与下面马上讲的结构:A is n times as many/much(long、large…) as B含义完全一样,即表示A=nB,即A是B的n倍;

2.“A 倍数 as 形容词或副词的原级 as B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”.如:

This rope is twice as long as that one.这根绳子是那根绳子2倍长。(你没看错,就是2倍长)

This rope is three times as long as that one. 这根绳子是那根绳子3倍长。(没错,不多不少就是3倍长)

This hall is five times as big as our classroom.这个大厅是我们的教室五倍那么大。(你还是没看错,原句要说的就是我们教室是这个大厅的5倍大。)

Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍.

This big stone is three times as heavy as that one.这块大石头的重量是那块的三倍.

The plane flew ten times as high as the kite.那架飞机的飞行高度是那只风筝的十倍.

重点有来了,既然两种结构都表示一个意思,它们有没有区别呢?硬要说区别,有那么一点点,就是当n等于2(此时用twice)或3时,A is n times as

many/much(long、large…) as B结构更常用一些。

倍数的表达法40条 表示倍数的比较级典型错误译法分析(2)


