
【20190413大陆】Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.,我来为大家讲解一下关于雅思建议信原题?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



【20190413大陆】Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

这篇文章我采取“正-反-正”的结构,在阐述完正反双方的观点后,我会反驳(削弱)反方的观点,所以我的观点实际还是站在正方。(双边 自己观点的题型,可以选择加强某一方或削弱某一方,具体看哪种写法可以写出更多的思路和表达来)

People have different views about whether celebrities’ influence can benefit charitable causes. Superficial or unstable it may be, I believe their advocacy is effective in raise the mass public’s awareness of the charity.

Some people argue that celebrities can act as diplomats, fund-raisers, and humanitarians in philanthropy, as their words often have more reach and global identity. For the public, a familiar voice is more trustworthy and compelling, making them more willing to follow good examples. Their fans, though originally with little interest in the welfare of disadvantaged groups and areas, will volunteer to help in response to their idols’ appeal.

However, opponents doubt the effectiveness of their actions, deriding them for promoting superficial and sometimes misguided interventions. As most megastars are no experts of international aid, they often generate a lot of hype which is insignificant, sometimes even blurring the line between doing charity and exuding their personal charm. There also lies a risk that as most of the followers do charity merely out of the adoration of their idols, once the idols’ reputations are tarnished, the good cause may be forgotten at once.

I personally do not agree with this argument because people will naturally find joy once they start a charitable cause. They will feel a sense of fulfilment when they see the underprivileged people’s needs are satisfied due to their kindness. Therefore, even though a famous person ceases to be influential, they can continue the cause motivated by positive feedbacks.

In conclusion, it is a good thing that more people notice the need for international aid thanks to celebrities’ advocacy. And such kindness, once started, will be hard to stop.

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