








1.1 不定式做主语

It will take us 1 hour to go to school,不定式后接谓语动词,避免头重脚轻,用it做形式主语

It excited me to see him, 不定式后接使动词,避免头重脚轻,用it做形式主语

It is our duty to help who need help,后接名词,避免头重脚轻,用it做形式主语

It is easy for me by ten o’clock to finish the homework,后接形容词,避免头重脚轻,用it做形式主语


it is 形容词 for sb to do sth, 对某人怎样,比如, it is good for you

It is 形容词 of sb to do sth, 该形容词指的是人的特质,比如, it is kind of you

1.2 动名词做主语动词直接变动名词,Studying can change your life动名词前加形容词性物主代词, (his) working for all night caused him a cold

1.3 No use, no good, no fun(没意思), a shame(真可惜), a waste of time/money, useless, dangerous, 比如,it is no use complaining, 这些词需要用doing



2.1 不定式做宾语,通俗来讲,动词 to do

比如want, need, decide, plan, hope/wish, expect, afford(承受),agree, attempt(企图),fail, offer, refuse, tend(倾向),prepare, demand, pretend(假装), promise


  • I think it better to study early,it做形式宾语,体现信雅达
  • Do you think it better not to go, 不定式否定在前面加not
  • They don’t know what to do, 其中what to do 作宾语动名词做宾语,通俗来讲,就是哪些词可以加doing,比如avoid, finish, consider, practice, miss, mind, suggest/advise/propose, appreciate, imagine(想象),admit,

2.2 动名词做宾语,通俗来讲,动词 doing

比如avoid, finish, consider, practice, miss, mind,suggest/advise/propose, appreciate, imagine(想象),admit,


  • Do you mind me opening the window:其中me为宾格
  • Do you mind my opening the window:其中my为物主代词,与动名词做主语部分可以对照来看

需要注意区分一下to后面加do的,构成不定式to do, 不代表to后面一定的加do, 有时可以加上doing,因为这里的to是介词,介词(to) 名词(doing)的形式注意区分。


be used to doing(习惯于),

look forward to doing(期待),

object to doing(反对),

devote oneself to doing(奉献),

can’t help to doing(不禁),

pay attention to doing(注意),

stick to doing(努力)

2.3 一个词有时候可以加to do又可以加doing,那具体有啥区别呢?

2.3.1 不定式与动名词没有区别

Start和begin, 这两个词后面加to do/doing,无区别,但如下情况只能用to do

  • 物做主语, it started to rain
  • 用于进行时的时候, it is beginning to rain
  • 后接标识心理活动或状态的动词,understand, realize, know,He started to realize he was wrong

2.3.2 不定式与动名词细微区别,

Love, hate, like, prefer

这些词后加doing,表示习惯、抽象的, I like playing basketball, 我喜欢打篮球,从小学就开始打了

这些词加to do,标识具体某一次,I like to play basketball, 有台球,足球,篮球,我这一次就喜欢篮球

2.3.2 不定式与动名词差别很大

  • Remember/forget, 后接doing,表示记得/忘记做过某事, 后接to do,表示记得/忘记要做某事
  • Regret,后接doing,表示后悔做某事,后接to do,表示抱歉做某事,I regret to inform you
  • Try, 后接doing, 表示尝试做某事, 后接to do表示努力做某事
  • Mean,后接doing,表示意味着,后接to do表示打算
  • Stop/go on, 后接doing,表示停止/继续做某一件事,后接to do表示继续做另外一件事
  • Can’t help,后接doing,表示不禁做某事,后接to do表示不能帮助



3.1 分词(doing/done)做表语

使动词,satisfy(使……满意)、interest(使……感兴趣)、embarrass(使……尴尬)、frighten(使……害怕)等等,翻译成“使……怎么样” “让········……怎么样”,以move举例,move译为“使……感动”,

  • the movie is moving,(doing做表语)
  • I am moved(done做表语)

3.2 不定式做表语

主语常见的为aim, job/duty, wish, dream,比如, my aim is to help others

主语从句的不定式, what he want the most is to travel abroad

3.3 动名词做表语

My job is teaching English, 我的工作就是教英语的,我是英语老师

My job is to teach English, 我这节课的工作是教英语,但其实我是教语文的,注意区别



4.1 动名词做补语的情况极少,we call this activity campling不定式做补语, 其实就是:

动词 sb to do

Tell sb to do,

ask sb to do,

want/wish sb to do,

expect sb to do,

order sb to do,

warn sb to do,

remind sb to do,

4.2 分词做补语,see, watch, look at, notice, observe, catch, hear, listen to, feel等后面可以加do/doing/done

See sb do sth:也是不定式,只不过省略了to,变成被动语态时,省略的to需要还原

See sb doing sth, 看到他正在打电话, see him calling

See sth done, 看到电脑被修, see the computer repaired



5.1 不定式作定语,

I have something to tell you(表示主动), the things to be done are all listed on the list(表示被动), he is looking for a house to live in,不要忘记介词in

5.2 动名词做定语,极其少见,a washing machine, a reading room

5.3 分词做定语

5.3.1 分词做前置定语,

doing, boiling water, developing country,

done, boiled water, developed country

5.3.2 分词做后置定语, do you know the person talking to your father



6.1 不定式表示目的、原因、结果

6.1.1 目的状语 in order to, so as to

In order to see you, I came here

6.1.2 原因状语,一般为主系表结构

I am glad to see you, I am honored to be invited

6.1.3 结果状语, so……as to

Could you please so kind as to give me some money

6.2 分词做状语表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、方式、伴随

6.2.1 时间状语,

(when) seeing from the tallest building, we can see people, 主动

(when) invited to make a speech, the boy was happy,被动

(when) Finishing eating, the boy rushed out of the room,主动,没有强调完成

(when) Having finished eating, the boy rushed out o the room, 强调完成,有时间先后

(when) Having been told so many times, he still made the same mistake, 被动,强调完成

6.2.2 原因状语,

Having no place to go, the man wander around the street, 主动

Having lived with the girl for 5 years, we know her well, 主动,有时间先后

Praised by boss, he works hard, 被动

Having been warned, he never did it again, 被动,有时间先后

6.2.3 条件状语

(if) Given more time, he can do it better

(if) Working hard, you can success

6.2.4 让步状语

(through) working so hard, he failed

(through) built 30 years ago, the house looks beautiful

6.2.5 结果状语,一般都是主动

He got home late making his father angry

They were stuck in traffic jam, causing the delay

6.2.6 方式状语

He is looking through the window as (if) thinking

He ate grabbing, 他用手吃饭

6.2.7 伴随状语

He came in followed by his sister, 他进来了,她妹妹跟着他进来了

The teacher came in following the student, 老师跟着学生进来了



