













在出土的中国古代铜镜中,有一种表面漆黑发亮、具有光滑晶莹的玉质感,这种铜镜被称为“黑漆古”铜镜。这种铜镜因具有极佳的耐腐蚀性能,而备受学界关注。  历年来学者对“黑漆古”成因的研究,集中有两种观点:一为人工处理说;一为自然腐蚀说。现今学者们的争论焦点在于“黑漆古”铜镜表面的高锡耐蚀层是人工镀锡而成,还是在自然条件下由腐殖酸作用产生的。本文是在查阅了许多相关研究资料的基础上,提出新的看法,认为是铜镜经过刻意的特殊抛磨处理后,在漫长的地下埋藏中缓慢形成的,此镜表现开门,品相完美,纹饰清晰,极具收藏价值。

英文翻译:Bronze ware is the crown of ancient Chinese art, and bronze mirror is the brightest pearl in this crown. Bronze mirrors have been in use for nearly 4000 years since their appearance. A general survey of the development history of bronze mirrors in ancient China shows that since the appearance of bronze mirrors in China 4000 years ago, the bronze mirrors in various historical periods have fluctuated. Bronze mirrors in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period became popular. Bronze mirrors in the Han Dynasty reached their peak. Bronze mirrors in The Three Kingdoms, Jin, Wei and Northern and Southern Dynasties declined, and bronze mirrors in the Sui and Tang dynasties flourished again.

Appreciation of the bronze mirror with beast pattern of the Western Han Dynasty

Bronze mirror is a whole bunch of clothes, decorated appearance of the ancient People's Daily utensils, began in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, popular in the Han Dynasty, tang and Song, decline in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It has a history of three thousand years. Bronze mirrors pay particular attention to decorative display, so it is also a very important ancient indoor display. Especially in the Han Dynasty, the bronze mirror decoration content is very rich, the most important decoration includes four gods, animals, five spirits, geometry, flowers, auspicious words, etc., and the most mysterious connotation is the milk nail bronze mirror. Because there are nail patterns on the bronze mirror, it is called nail patterns mirror. This bronze mirror with four breasts is a typical western Han Dynasty bronze mirror with milk nails. This kind of bronze mirror has a round knob. Outside the knob base is a round lattice, which is arranged with four milk nails.

The milk nail grain is rich in connotation, symbolizing the universe schema: the mirror knob represents the center of the vast universe, the round lattice outside the knob represents the earth; The round nipple nail represents the pillar supporting the sky cover; The round mirror represents the sky. The whole composition, take the meaning of round heaven and place. Heaven and earth auspicious, thus exorcism surrender function. The western Han nail-shaped bronze mirror symbolizes good luck and avoids harm. He was very large and handsome. For the big rich big expensive, elegant and luxurious things. More than ordinary people can have. Possession of it brings good luck, health and happiness to the whole family.

The front is very comfortable at a glance. The black lacquer of the door is as smooth as skin, which makes people want to feel its smoothness. And it's because of the coating that the bronze mirrors go through a very small oxidation process, almost no oxidation, and that allows for the preservation of bronze mirrors that are thousands of years old, and bronze mirrors like this are great collectors because they almost never oxidize.

Plum blossom meaning, lofty and clean and lonely: plum blossom against the cold wind alone open, and flowering without green foil, bloom alone, show unique beauty, so get this meaning. Perseverance: plum blossom can grow normally even in the harsh environment, representing the spirit of perseverance. Long friendship: plum blossom also represents friendship, suitable for friends. Auspicious happiness: The petals of the plum blossom are all five petals, symbolizing the five blessings, all of which also symbolize auspicious happiness." This mirror rating box, can rest assured collection.

Black lacquer

Bronze long-term in atmospheric corrosion mechanism analysis of copper, bronze, brass in the atmosphere is very stable, generally less than 0.00015 mm/year, in the copper surface generates a very stable layer of protective film, mainly alkaline type copper sulfate in olive green, also can produce copper oxide (CuO) in black, cuprous sulphur black, and stannous oxide (SnO), dark brown. As time goes by, the rust layer thickens and the color becomes darker, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient". If it is played in the hand for a long time, it will make the surface bright as a mirror, commonly known as "handed down ancient". But in this kind of copper also produce electrochemical corrosion, so it is "dumb sound". If copper in a dry environment for a long time (in the atmosphere or in the soil) will also produce copper oxide and Venus oxide is dark black, commonly known as "black lacquer ancient"

Among the unearthed ancient Chinese bronze mirrors, there is a dark and shiny surface with a smooth and crystal jade quality. This kind of bronze mirror is called "black lacquer ancient" bronze mirror. Because of its excellent corrosion resistance, this kind of bronze mirror has attracted academic attention. Over the years, scholars have studied the cause of "black lacquer ancient", focusing on two viewpoints: one is the theory of artificial treatment; One is the theory of natural corrosion. The focus of debate among scholars is whether the high tin corrosion resistant layer on the surface of "Black Lacquer Ancient" bronze mirror is artificially tinned or produced by the action of humic acid under natural conditions. On the basis of consulting a lot of relevant research data, this paper puts forward a new view that the bronze mirror was formed slowly in the long underground burial after deliberately special polishing treatment. This mirror shows open door, perfect appearance, clear decoration, and is of great collection value.


