


1.【Melon-eating masses】在 BBC《The words that ruled the Chinese internet in 2016》(2016横扫中国互联网的热词)一文中,吃瓜群众一词光荣入选,并被直译成 Melon-eating masses。BBC 对于 吃瓜群众 一词的理解是这样的:A term whose closest equivalent is possibly "popcorn gallery", its fullest expression is "the melon-eating masses who don't know what's really going on".和吃瓜群众最接近的解释或许莫过于 popcorn gallery 了,这个词的完整表达是 不明真相的吃瓜群众。Its origin is unclear, but netizens often use this - sometimes derogatorily - to describe a passive group of bystanders at a major incident or event.虽然不清楚这个词的来源,但网民常常用这个词——有时含有贬义——来描述对于重大事件的一群消极旁观者。* bystander: a person who is standing near and watching something that is happening but not taking part in it.* 释义:只看热闹、不插手的旁观者(可指吃瓜群众)* 相近表达:spectator,onlooker* onlooker: someone who watches something that is happening in a public place but is not involved in it.* 释义:在公共场合围观但不参与其中的人(可指吃瓜群众)


2.【Watermelon-eating spectators】在外媒 Quartz《The memes that took over China’s internet in 2016 speak to the country’s power and fragility》(中国2016年度表情包)中, 吃瓜群众表情包也成功跻身其中。When asked what happened at a traffic accident scene, a senior citizen told a Chinese reporter, “I know nothing, I was eating a watermelon.” This is said to be the origin of the meme “watermelon-eating spectators,” which refers to bystanders who know nothing about what is going on.在某个交通事故现场,一位接受采访的老伯告诉记者:“我什么都不知道,我当时在吃西瓜。”这个据说就是“吃瓜群众”一词的来源,用来指代那些不明真相的围观人员。Chinese internet users often call themselves “watermelon-eating spectators” when they comment under news posts, suggesting that they just want to follow the news but hold no opinions. The phrase is sometimes associated with gloating or indifference.中国网民评论新闻报道时常常自称"吃瓜群众",以表明他们只追热点、不站队的心态。这个词有时也和幸灾乐祸、漠不关心联系在一起。* spectator: a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part.* 释义:一个观看活动(尤其是体育赛事)但不参与的人。(可指吃瓜群众)* gloat: to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or good luck, or someone else's failure or bad luck.* 释义:因自己的成功、走运,或别人的失败、倒霉而感到巨大的快乐或满足,幸灾乐祸,暗自窃喜。


3.【ordinary social media fans】普通的社交媒体粉丝Los Angeles Times 在王宝强离婚案一文《A Hollywood-style celebrity scandal is dominating the Internet in China》中,就提到了 ordinary social media fans,以指代国内的吃瓜群众。China is in the midst of one of its biggest celebrity scandals in recent memory, a messy divorce which, over the last week, has dominated the country’s Internet and turned ordinary social media fans into avid sleuths.中国正处于近期最大的名人丑闻之中。这场让人风中凌乱的离婚,在过去一周已经霸占网络头条,并成功让吃瓜群众们变身成为狂热的侦探。因为吃瓜群众多聚集在社交媒体上,所以用 ordinary social media fans 来表达吃瓜群众也是一种译法。


当然,根据吃瓜群众在不同语境中强调的不同意思,备选的译法还有:4. 【the people who are kept in the dark / unaware of the truth】 - 不明真相的群众强调被蒙在鼓里,搞不清楚状况。* to be kept in the dark: to deliberately not be informed about something.* 释义:被刻意隐瞒某些事情5. 【netizens / Internet users】 - 网民强调吃瓜群众的网民身份,是一种泛称。6. 【audiences】 - 观众,看戏的强调一群人聚在一起围观(人在做,吃瓜群众在看)。7. 【rubberneckers / gawkers】 看客强调吃瓜群众的看客心态,常含贬义。* rubbernecker: a driver who drivers more slowly to look at an accident, or a person who looks at something in a stupid way* 释义:<美俚> 故意放慢车速围观交通事故的司机,或以愚蠢的方式看待事情的人。常指那些好奇的伸长脖子围观的人。* gawker: a spectator who stares stupidly without intelligent awareness.* 释义:一个呆看而不自知的旁观者



