
1. 常用的表示 “道歉” 的说法有:say sorry(说对不起);be sorry(感到抱歉);apologise(道歉)我们可以用介词 “to” 说明 “向” 某人道歉;用 “for” 引出 “为” 某事或某原因而道歉,“for” 后面可加名词或 “-ing” 动名词,我来为大家讲解一下关于怎么用英语回答道歉?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



1. 常用的表示 “道歉” 的说法有:say sorry(说对不起);be sorry(感到抱歉);apologise(道歉)。我们可以用介词 “to” 说明 “向” 某人道歉;用 “for” 引出 “为” 某事或某原因而道歉,“for” 后面可加名词或 “-ing” 动名词。

I said sorry to my friend for forgetting her birthday.

I'm sorry for the incovenience.

She apologised to her brother for breaking his toy by accident.

I aplogise for my inapropriate joke earlier.

2. 口语中常见的简单道歉句式如下。注意使用句子的场合,以下句子按比较轻松、不正式至比较严肃、正式的顺序排列。

My bad.

My mistake.

My apologies.

It's all my fault.

Please forgive me.

I take full responsibility.

It won’t happen again.

3. 工作场所时需要道歉,比如开会时需要打断他人,可以用到下列句式:

Sorry …

Excuse me …

Pardon me…


I sincerely apologise for...

注意,介词 “for” 后面可以加 “-ing” 动名词或名词,比如 “interrupting” 或 “the interruption”。

Sorry for interrupting you earlier.

Pardon me, but may I add one thing to this agenda?

I sincerely apologise for the confusion caused by the miscalculation.

4. 我们还可以用 “I'm afraid...” 的句式来为某情况或某事道歉,这里的 “afraid” 不是 “害怕” 的意思,而是相当于更正式一点的 “sorry”。“I'm afraid” 后接完整从句或一个句子。

I'm afraid I didn't finish the presentation.

I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the meeting on time.

I'm afraid the new product is underperforming.


