
1 .We should always bear in mindthat if we are ignorant ofour health for promotion, disease will gradually approachus with the help of tiredness.


2. I looked forthe historybook because I wanted to find out when America was founded, and at last I foundthe dusty book in a dim room.


3. There are so many reference books on this romantic poet for me to choose fromthatI can’t make up my mind which to choose.


4. It seemed that the handsome actor was not a bitworried, but in fact, he was not a little concerned about the resultof the investigation, which may destroy his bright future.


5. Unluckily,the delegate felt so sleepythat he soon fell asleepwithout realizingthat he hadlefthis passport and the draft of his speech in the taxi.


6. It is reported that by the end of 2014, Shanghai Disney Theme Park will have been opentothe tourists from all over the world formally.


7. The engineerpointed out, “to some extent, the more functions a calculator has, the morelikely it is to be out of order.”









101. When the art master delivered the speech, he mentioned that you have to fight againstthe following factors such as self-doubt, failure, loneliness, misunderstanding and even threat on condition thatyou want to have access to achievement.


102. When interviewed by the journalists, the minister assured the public thatall the products on displaywould belaunched tothe market and would satisfy the giant companies’ need.


103. No one opposedthe proposal that the star benamed afterthe distinguished scientistin memory of the great contributionhe made to space research.

104. The rumour spread that the ticket sales in that suburban theatre was in decline for lack of marvelous performances; therefore, many performing companies withdrewtheiroffers.


105. In my opinion, it makes no sense to regret spending time persuading him; what you should do right now is to prove that his previous opinions were just ridiculous.

106. A lot of peoplein poverty were infected with the deadly disease, so the experienced doctor of honour volunteered to serve the poor, and operated on them free of charge.


107. Although many travellers supposedthat they could take the same route without the guide, only 30 percent were estimated toarrive at the destination.


108. These days, all the family members, who have separated fromeach other for long, re-unite to emerge in nothing but the 50thanniversary of their grandparents’ marriage.


109. Her parents’ aim is to preventher fromany bad impact so that she can form a good habitand have graceful manners.她父母的目的是使她不受任何坏影响的干扰以便她能养成良好的习惯和礼貌。

110. A strange phenomenon emerged that the youth struggled fora better life by earning money desperately, but they didn’t find the suitable solution to release the pressure.

111. I was lost in thought the moment my leader introduced a new project in detail; nevertheless, I still guaranteed that I could be qualified forit.


112.—My friend’s computer is very light and fashionable. I like itvery much. So I decide to buy a similar one.

—Which one?

The onein pink is very charming.

—I don’t think so. I think the one in pink is not so/as good as thatin black.


113.Late in the 20thcentury, the world has witness that the modest and humble Chinese people made the best use oftheir diligence and intelligenceto reform economic structure, develop their domestic industry, improve people’s living standard, provide more access to education, defense the territory and cooperate withany peace-loving country in the world.


114. Besides carrying the original diploma, all the candidates must fill in the blank form and write down their names, addresses, educational background and the selfintroductionincluding their certificates, ambition and hobbies; however, emptyboastisforbidden.


115. To raise the service standard, the furniture shop confirmsthat the regular customers will gain 15 percent discount and have the chance to appreciatethe classical European-style furniture.


116. Obama administration showed its sympathy forthe innocent people who survivedthe natural tragedy, comforted them and encouragedthem to rebuild their homeland with American spirit, promising that the government would continue to offer the rescue and financial support.


117. According to the recent survey, there is a growing tendency for senior staff to put aside their salary, run into deep debt for a long time or even cancel most social activities merely to realizethe dream of improving their housing condition.


118. Many overseas guests are jealous ofthe host’s traditional Chinese decorations whichareassessed atone million yuan but they are prohibited fromtouching anything for the sake of safety.


119. The economic committee gave a brief but accurate deionof the stable and constant increase of GDP so the public is convinced thatthe government is conveying the signal that the weak economy has recovered.


120. The senior official leaked that as a close partner, they committed themselves totaking concrete measures such as absorbing more labour force and eliminating some out-of-date products for the purpose ofproceeding to exploit the potential market.高级官员透露:作为亲密合伙人,他们承诺将采取具体措施例如吸收劳动力,淘汰一些过时的产品,为的是进一步挖掘潜在市场。

121. The embarrassed computer talent felt guilty ofsending a threatening mail to the security department simply for fun as the police were appointed to search every vacant seat in the airport and plenty of flights were canceled.


122. In principle, the installed software is assumed to make the accounting system more efficient but the reality is that all of us are discouraged from learning by heartso much complicated operating procedure.


123. Nowadays, now thatthe private cars are the symbol of success, ideal life and social position, many businessmen with the driving license hold the belief that owning a luxurious car is closely linked with pursuing a high-quality life.


124. Before the lecture, the man of great wisdom put forward such an abstract concept that every one kept silentdigesting the meaning but it might take a long time for them to truly master it.

125. The deaf twins looked alikeand yet unlikethe elder brother who had a good command of repairing the vehicles, the younger brother likedpainting the pictures, which looked likephotos.


126. In some children who go blind, certain parts of the brain that normally control visionappearto switch jobs and focus instead on sound, a new study has found.

127. At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable fora job, while thelack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attendinga well-respected school.


128. This defense of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations weretaken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete foremployment with the child from the favored school.


129. To be frank, even though the central government collapsed, these civilians wouldpreservein fighting to the end because they couldn’t endurebeing oppressed and motherland’s being conquered.


130. A confusing circumstance called “shifting of responsibility” is definedasthe fact that the more people there are, the less likely help is to be given because each individual excuses himself by thinking someone elsewill help.

131. Poisonous liquid can cause the symptom such as flu and muscle ache so it is essential to put unique identificationlabel on them according to the directions.


132. The earnest customs officer took it for grantedthat he possessed the right to have aroutine check of everyone’s luggage but he had no idea he had offended the leader.


133. Some manufacturers, thirsty formore illegal profits, offer the fake goods, which in turnwill spoil their most precious wealth——the trust for the brand and leave themselves stranded in trouble.

134. Once the consequence of the negotiation conducted by the diplomats is disappointing,on most occasions, it seems inevitable for the governments to adopt the most extreme and frightening measure——war at all costs.


135. Although some parts of the surface were illegible, the elaborate masterpiece in the exhibition absolutely illustrateda magnificent vivid scene in which our ancestors went hunting and resisted the wild beast.


136. During the Spring Festival, he designed a flexible schedule where he combinedthe study withentertainment so that he could accomplish the academic task as well as enjoy a series of annual concerts.


137. To celebrate the 60thanniversary of motherland, enthusiastic people gathered at the square, applauding and cheering, and sent sincere wish to motherland that China would reach a new level in every aspect after they appreciatedthe magnificent military parade.


138. Under the influence ofthe science fiction, the hardworking technician wasstimulatedto acquire more knowledgeto invent a portable air conditioner containing electrical fans, which weighed only 2.5 kilograms.


139. Anyone with the common sense will react angrily to the fact that the aggressive one who once hijacked 2 hostages was assigned to aidin a charity fair as an assistant.


140. To accusethe government ofoverlooking their criticism, the natives, marching along the street, held a campaign to protest againstthrowing away the toxic waste on the island at the sacrifice of the natural environment.


141. If you are arriving at an international airport and are not transferringanother flight, you must pass through Passport Control and Customs immediately after leaving your plane.

142. The man elected favourite teacher treats teaching as his lifelong career: although he is strict withstudents, he answers students’ questions patiently, expands students’ horizon, seldom scolds students, and never pretends toknow what he doesn’t know.


143. To prove they themselves were not timid, the participants daredto sail across the Pacific, even though they had predicted they had to strive againstdifferent troubles,excludingstorms and injury.


144. Due to people’s anxiety about hunger issues and shrinking farmland, more fund and technology tend to be invested in the awkward problems associated withstarvation and nutrition.


145. His departure apparently meant that he refused to undertake the career his parents hadpaved the way for, because he planned to create a special law agency featuringserving justice for the people in need to realize his personal value.


146. All of us should be grateful to what nature offers us, obey the natural laws, maintain the balance of nature and banburning any harmful l substance and giving off carbon dioxide through the chimneys.


147. As a mature professional manager, he will accomplishan urgent task in time, even though he is required to solve it in the period of his vacation, which means squeezing his leisure time and pausing his holiday.


148. The upset mother can’t stand receiving so many nasty bills that belong to her son because she has been disturbedby them since the son altered his address without sending a notice to the bank.


149. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupiesa higher social position and commandsgreater respect in the community than the common labourer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or labourer of some sort.


150. While parents, particularly mothers, have always been attached totheir infants, social conditions frequently made this attachmentdifficult to maintain.


151. In the professor’s view, it is totally nonsense that a man having a clear conscience dares to walk acrossthe cemetery in view of a simple reason: having a clear conscience is irrelevant to having the courage to cross the cemetery.


152. All the paper that you write with is made fromtrees which are cut down after spending years growing, so if the value of your writing doesn’t overtakethat of the trees, then you’d better stop writing.


153. The careless dumb patient just glanced at the bottle, mistookthe button in it forthe pill and swallowed it with the boiled water, which is fortunately not fatal.

154. The pregnant cashier’s absence from the checkout in the chain store aroused the manager’s concern, and he substitutedoneforher in case the messy situation became worse.

151. In the professor’s view, it is totally nonsense that a man having a clear conscience dares to walk across the cemetery in view of a simple reason: having a clear conscience is irrelevant to having the courage to cross the cemetery.


152. All the paper that you write with is made from trees which are cut down after spending years growing, so if the value of your writing doesn’t overtake that of the trees, then you’d better stop writing.


153. The careless dumb patient just glanced at the bottle, mistook the button in it for the pill and swallowed it with the boiled water, which is fortunately not fatal.


154. The pregnant cashier’s absence from the checkout in the chain store aroused the manager’s concern, and he substituted one for her in case the messy situation became worse.


155. In despair, the violent robbers dressed in prison uniforms with powerful weapons steered a jeep along the rough valley road when the police were tracing them, wanting to oblige them to give in before they fled to urban district in panic.


156. The outstanding athlete stated with an accent that he had to receive several mental therapies to ensure that he didn’t feel nervous or depressed in the shadow of losing the championship and could refresh himself.


157. Without any alarm, the airbus suddenly crashed into the lake when it flew over a forest, some of whose passengers’ bodies still hung on the trees around the bank, for which their relatives burst into tears and couldn’t undergo such a blow.


158. After captured in the airport, the silly official was still reluctant to confess that he deceived the leader, took the bribe and transferred the tax to his own account, but he was vague about who tempted him to do so.

在机场被捕之后,这名愚蠢的 官员仍不情愿承认他欺骗了领导,接受了 贿赂并把税收转移至自己的银行账号,但是对于谁唆使他,他含糊其辞。

159. Before the traveler ended his memorable journey, he wandered the paths of the capital mixed with classical elements at ease, appreciating the landscape and talking with the polite and friendly inhabitants.

在这名旅行者结束他 值得纪念的旅行之前,他在这座融合着古典元素的 首都城市的小道上惬意地闲逛,欣赏着风景和礼貌友好的居民聊天。

160. What amazed the generous gentleman was that on such a chilly evening, the trembling teenager with just a loose sweater shook his head, whispering that he was very hungry but he didn’t want to kneel and beg for the bread without dignity.


161. During the visit, the magnificence of the polished mansions inspired each volunteer to be ready for the EXPO, which will reveal the comprehensive national strength of contemporary China, and some of them even recalled the glorious moment when the Beijing Olympics began.


162. The fierce flood by which nature take revenge on mankind caused so great distress to those civilians settling in the basin that people began seeking a harmonious way of getting along with nature to avoid the disaster like this.

这场汹涌的 洪水是大自然对人类的报复。它对那些定居在盆地的平民造成了巨大的痛苦,于是人们开始寻求一种与大自然和睦相处的方式来避免类似灾难再次发生。

163. Although the owner swore that his tame dog locked tightly around the tree would not scratch or even bite anyone, I was still alert and a little scared every time I cycled past it, especially when it was barking.


164. Every time the film star surfed the Internet, he would omit the articles full of praises for him and the ones filled with insult to him and just browse the content which judged him.


165. As soon as the clock struck twelve, the cruel intruders invaded the border of the country, and conquered the city, killing thousands of innocent civilians and the whole war zone was in flame.


166. Although it braked, the reversing truck still bumped a woman nearby who was bending and sweeping the street, and crushed the woman’s arm, which was impossible to preserve.


167. A gifted debater should always be full of passion and vigour and never interrupts or even quarrels with his opponent, but responds rapidly with remarkable logical argument.


168. Because the ice continues to dissolve, the delicate layer of ice covering the shallow lake implies that it is impossible to hold an amusing skating race.


169. A clever reader treats reading as making a dialogue with writers, inquires about their writing intention and cultivates a habit of drawing the lines under the key points and taking some notes in the margin.


170. After a lunch interval, the slim secretary leant against the wall screaming for she was shocked to find someone had deleted her significant data regarding the sample of the insecticide, which meant she could hardly meet the deadline of handing in the report unless miracles happened.


171. As the fire pump at the corner of the narrow corridor cracked, some staff mopped the floor, and others removed the vital property such as the elegant art treasures that were not proof against water and the director of the art museum dialled 911 for help and postponed the opening time.


172. It disconcerted these adventurists who felt faint that they had been lost in the desert, so they had to hide in the shade of hill, connecting to the outside world with the satellite phone before they were drained of their energy.


173. After hearing about the miserable fact that the respectable professor slipped on a slope of the bank, dropped into the lake and drowned when he jogged around the bank, his loyal supporters wept full of grief at his funeral.


174. The homesick poet at a remote village needed several injections for he was defeated by the cold, continued coughing and sneezing and eventually had a high fever.


175. As far as the scholar is concerned, a far-sighted government should erect a democratic system where citizens’ religion can be respected; everyone should possess the human right to vote and enjoy the social welfare; no body or organization is superior to law and hollow reform policies are on the decrease.

176. Since he inherited the fortune from his uncle, the childish gambler has kept betting instead of making a deposit and paying off his loan.


177. By means of the cable car, the nuclear family stood on the dominant peak of the mountain, gazing at the splendid view and the daughter exclaimed, leaping and making a victory gesture.








200. The article with the headline“Beijing Opera in Washington——the initial step towards enhancing cultural exchange” says the performance won a lot of claps and compliment and the organizer seized the chance to spread Chinese culture.



