

Toddler TV Time May Not Cause Attention Problems

Many parents worry as they see their children spending more time looking at screens during the coronavirus pandemic. But a new study published in Psychological Science suggests that they may not need to be as concerned as they think.

In 2004, a study from the University of Washington found that watching more television at the ages of 1 and 3 was associated with attention problems at age 7. As a result, the researchers suggested that it might be a good idea to limit TV time for babies and toddlers.

The World Health Organization now says that children under 2 years old should not spend any time sitting still and watching a screen, and that children 4 or younger should not do so for more than 1 hour a day.

But researchers from East Tennessee State University and Villanova University have now taken another look at the data used in the University of Washington study, and they came to a different conclusion.

Using 848 different mathematical models to examine the data, the researchers found that fewer than one in five of the models showed a significant relationship between TV time and attention problems — far fewer than would be expected if the 2004 study's conclusions were correct.


"We found that there is still no evidence that TV, by itself, causes ADHD or any kind of attention problems in young children," said study co-author Wallace E. Dixon, Jr.

"What excites us about the research is that we can ease up on blaming parents or making them feel guilty for letting their children watch television when they are very young," Dixon said.

However, attention problems are not the only concern with screen time. Studies have also found that young children who watch more TV are more likely to have language development delays — although such problems can be mitigated by watching educational programs and having parents watch along with their children.


1.What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?

2.In your opinion, how much screen time is too much for young kids? Why do you think so?

3.Were your parents strict with screen time when you were a child?

4.What were your favorite TV shows growing up?

5.Do you know anyone with young kids? If so, are they strict with them?


