



The wife of a rich man fell sick, and as she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said,

“Dear child, be good, and then God will always protect you,

and I will look down on you from heaven(天堂) and be near you.”

Then she closed her eyes and died.

Every day the girl went out to her mother’s grave(坟墓), and wept(哭泣), and she did her best to be good.

When winter came the snow spread a white sheet(被子) over the mother’s grave, and when the spring sun had melted(使融化) it again, the man had taken another wife.

The woman had brought two daughters into the house with her, who were beautiful and fair(白皙的) of face, but evil(恶毒的) and black of heart.

Now began a bad time for the poor step-child.

“Is the stupid girl to sit in the living room with us?” said they.


