



CGTN 独家对话超级网红主播李佳琦


Li Jiaqi knows how to command a crowd – and he does it with ease and grace. Sitting in front of a camera, he makes a living from selling beauty products during live streams, convincing tens of millions of potential customers to snatch anything from lipsticks to liquid foundation. He's the face of a new crop of salespeople who leverage the power of social media in tech-obsessed China.

According to Alibaba data, Li's online broadcasts raked in over 1 billion yuan (142 million U.S. dollars) in sales on the shopping platforms of the Chinese tech titan in the month ahead of Singles' Day, China's annual shopping extravaganza.


Li's road to success got off to a rocky start. The 28-year-old didn't make major sales in the first three years on the job, and faced cyberbullying because of the industry he's chosen to be in.

"There were people questioning why a guy was testing out makeup products, yet it was those hateful comments that made me stronger," Li told CGTN.

However, in 2018, things began to turn around as sales boomed.





The "Lipstick King" knows his clientele. By studying their feedback, he has mastered his unique way of promoting different products.

"Let's take lipsticks for example. I would examine every lipstick color and recommend accordingly to people of different age groups, professions and even personalities," Li said. "For example, I'd say this shade is for sharp business elites, and that color is for cute little girls."






Li is cashing in on his sales prowess, extending far beyond the realm of cosmetics.

"My popularity allows me now to reach out to different brands of various genres for more discounts or free gifts for my customers," he said, elaborating on the complicated selection process his team goes through.

"I have to make sure my fans get the best products and the best price."





The job requires Li to invert regular working and sleeping hours. He doesn't start his job until the sun had set and often wakes up in the afternoon. He's online at around 8 p.m. and doesn't go to bed before 6 a.m.

"People working in every job give up something in exchange for something else. This is just my job and I love it," he said.


在做直播的过程中,李佳琦也遭到了恶意的评论。许多人质疑“为什么一个男生要直播?还是做美妆类型的直播?” 李佳琦说“这是我的工作。我只是把口红涂在了嘴上,告诉大家一个男生涂了都好看,女生涂了会更好看。



During his online sales events, it's not unusual for Li to cake his face with powder and paint his lips in red. But the male beauty influencer says this is just for show.

"Trying out makeup is my job. I'm an ordinary guy. I don't wear makeup when I'm off work."





The Hunan native is giving himself some downtime during the upcoming Spring Festival by spending a few days with his family.

"I love huddling together with my family. We don't have central heating in the south, so people gather around the fire and share old memories with family while snacking and eating fruit," he said.

"And I love it. It's the simplest way to reconnect with your family."




