

Kate Middleton's Exact Diet And Exercise Routine.How the Duchess of Cambridge stays in impeccable shape

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge—better known as Kate Middleton—has maintained an enviable figure over the years, all thanks to a rigorous diet and exercise routine.剑桥公爵夫人凯瑟琳——更广为人知的名字是凯特·米德尔顿——多年来一直保持着令人羡慕的身材,这一切都归功于严格的饮食和锻炼习惯。

Like her sister-in-law Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (AKA Meghan Markle), the Duchess of Cambridge has stayed fit and healthy throughout her reign—including through three pregnancies in 2013 with Prince George, 2015 with Princess Charlotte and 2018 with Prince Louis.就像她的弟妹梅根,苏塞克斯公爵夫人(又名梅根·马克尔)一样,剑桥公爵夫人一直保持健康,包括 2013 年乔治王子、2015 年与夏洛特公主和 2018 年与路易斯王子的三次怀孕 。

In line with royal tradition, Duchess Kate rarely gives interviews or insights into her royal life, let alone her exact diet and exercise routines.按照皇室传统,凯特王妃很少接受采访或深入了解她的皇室生活,更不用说她确切的饮食和锻炼习惯了。

However, plenty of sources have shared exactly how the Duchess of Cambridge stays as healthy as possible, which reportedly comes down to a specialised exercise routine and unexpected diet.然而,许多消息来源确切地分享了剑桥公爵夫人如何尽可能保持健康,据报道,这归结为专门的日常锻炼和意想不到的饮食。

Scroll down for everything you need to know about Kate Middleton's fitness, diet and exercise routine.向下滚动查看您需要了解的有关凯特·米德尔顿 (Kate Middleton) 的健身、饮食和锻炼计划的所有信息。



Even through three pregnancies, the Duchess of Cambridge has always made fitness a priority.即使经历了三次怀孕,剑桥公爵夫人也始终将健身放在首位。

Kate has been known to incorporate a generous amount of cardio and weights into her fitness routine, and is said to work out daily—all without a personal trainer, according to Daily Mail.据《每日邮报》报道,众所周知,凯特在她的健身计划中加入了大量的有氧运动和举重,据说她每天都在锻炼——所有这些都没有私人教练。

While being a mother of three young children keeps her busy, a royal insider told Daily Mail that the Duchess doesn't let parenting duties get in the way of a workout, saying "Kate finds the time to run as often as possible when in Norfolk, 'sometimes with Charlotte in her buggy and their dog Lupo at her side'."虽然身为三个年幼孩子的母亲让她很忙,但一位皇室内部人士告诉《每日邮报》,公爵夫人不会让养育责任妨碍锻炼,她说:“凯特在诺福克时尽可能多地抽出时间跑步。“有时夏洛特坐在她的马车里,他们的狗卢波在她身边”。


Though her workouts alternate all the time, her favourite technique is reportedly planking—with the Duchess employing different planks into almost all of her hour-long workouts.尽管她的锻炼一直交替进行,但据报道,她最喜欢的技术是平板支撑——公爵夫人几乎在她长达一小时的所有锻炼中都采用了不同的平板支撑。

The three different types of planks that Kate employs are the normal front plank, as well as the side plank (held with your body one one side) and the prone sky dive plank (involving "lying on your tummy and gently raising your chest off the floor"), according to Daily Mail.凯特采用的三种不同类型的平板支撑是正常的前平板支撑,以及侧平板支撑(用身体一侧支撑)和俯卧跳伞平板支撑(包括“趴在肚子上,轻轻地将胸部抬离地面 地板”),据《每日邮报》报道。

It's also been reported that Kate employs rowing and cycling exercises into her workouts, and focuses on her abs with the help of a Swiss gym ball.据报道,凯特在锻炼中加入了划船和自行车运动,并在瑞士健身球的帮助下专注于她的腹肌。

While Kate's workout routine is obviously rigorous, the Duchess of Cambridge is also said to enjoy yoga—which helps her calm down and de-stress, as well as building up strength and core muscles.虽然凯特的锻炼计划显然很严格,但据说剑桥公爵夫人也喜欢瑜伽——这有助于她平静下来和减压,以及增强力量和核心肌肉。

The benefits of daily yoga practice needs, so it's unsurprising that Kate employs it to stay trim.日常瑜伽练习的好处需要,所以凯特用它来保持苗条也就不足为奇了。



In accordance with her fitness routine, the Duchess rarely strays from her clean, protein-rich diet.根据她的健身习惯,公爵夫人很少偏离她干净、富含蛋白质的饮食。

In fact, Kate has a widely-reported affinity for the 'Dukan Diet', which she's said to have employed to speedily shed baby weight after her three pregnancies. The Dukan Diet involves an almost exclusive omission of carbohydrates in favour of lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats and oils.事实上,凯特对“杜坎饮食”有着广泛报道的亲和力,据说她在三次怀孕后使用这种饮食来迅速减轻孕期体重。 杜坎饮食几乎完全省略了碳水化合物,而使用精益蛋白质、蔬菜和健康的脂肪和油。

While the Dukan Diet is an effective weight-loss method, it's worth noting that carbohydrates are the backbone of any balanced diet—so make sure to research prior, or seek the help of a health professional, before attempting the diet.虽然杜坎饮食是一种有效的减肥方法,但值得注意的是,碳水化合物是任何均衡饮食的支柱——因此,在尝试饮食之前,请务必事先进行研究,或寻求健康专家的帮助。


When Kate isn't on the Dukan Diet, it's been reported that her intake involves a wholesome blend of fruits and vegetables with high levels of antioxidants.当凯特不用杜坎饮食时,据报道,她的摄入量包括富含抗氧化剂的健康水果和蔬菜混合物。

Kate reportedly avoids dairy and "drinks smoothies morning and afternoon, containing spirulina, kale, matcha (a finely ground green tea powder), spinach, lettuce, cilantro and blueberries". She's also said to enjoy berries blended with almond milk as an afternoon snack, according to Daily Mail.据报道,凯特避免喝奶制品,“早上和下午都喝冰沙,含有螺旋藻、羽衣甘蓝、抹茶(一种精细研磨的绿茶粉)、菠菜、生菜、香菜和蓝莓”。 据《每日邮报》报道,据说她还喜欢将浆果和杏仁奶混合作为下午点心。


According to the Daily Mail, Kate also favours raw dishes like watermelon salads, gazpacho, goji berries, tabbouleh and ceviche for their skincare-benefits. "Kate already has the perfect figure but her motivation is to achieve radiant skin," a source told the publication.据《每日邮报》报道,凯特还偏爱西瓜沙拉、西班牙凉菜汤、枸杞、塔布勒和酸橘汁腌鱼等生食,因为它们具有护肤功效。 “凯特已经拥有完美的身材,但她的动机是让皮肤容光焕发,”一位消息人士告诉该出版物。


On top of her healthy breakfasts and dinners, reports say Kate turns to hearty meals for dinner that she can share with her family. Her go-to recipes include roast chicken, curry and soups.据报道,除了健康的早餐和晚餐外,凯特还会在晚餐时选择丰盛的晚餐,她可以与家人分享。 她的首选食谱包括烤鸡、咖喱和汤。

"In the evenings she indulges her hobby of cooking William's favourite supper, roast chicken," Vanity Fair wrote in 2012.“在晚上,她沉迷于烹饪威廉最喜欢的晚餐——烤鸡,”名利场在 2012 年写道。


