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When you take cookies out of the oven they are so soft that if you move them too quickly they'll fall apart.【译】当你把饼干刚从烤箱里拿出来时,它们会很软,以至于如果你动作太猛,它们甚至会散开。【单词】cookies 原型:cookie ['koo k-ee]['kʊki] n. 饼干
【单词】oven ['uhv-uh n]['ʌvn] n. 烤箱;烤炉【单词】soft [sawft, soft][sɒft] adj. 柔软的;柔和的;温和的【单词】apart [uh-'pahrt][ə'pɑːt] adv. 相距;分开地;分别地
If you wait a couple minutes, they're much more stable.【译】但如果你等几分钟,它们会很快变硬。【单词】wait [weyt][weɪt] v. 等;等待 n. 等待;等候【单词】stable ['stey-buhl]['steɪbl] adj. 稳定的;安定的;可靠的
What's happening in that two minutes?【译】那在这两分钟内发生了(导致饼干变硬)?【单词】happening 原型:happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇
Butter/fat cools and hardens.【译】黄油/油脂会变凉,并且变硬。【单词】cools 原型:cool [kool][kuːl] vt. (使)变凉;(使)冷却;(使)冷静 vi. 变凉【单词】harden ['hahr-dn]['hɑːdn] v. (使)变硬;(使)坚强
Bonds between starches and proteins (from the flour and egg) are more mobile with more heat.【译】淀粉和蛋白质(存在于面粉和鸡蛋中的)的混合物随着受热会更软更加容易流动。【单词】Bonds 原型:bond [bond][bɒnd] n. 结合;协定;联系;情谊;黏合剂【单词】starches 原型:starch [stahrch][stɑːtʃ] n. 淀粉【单词】proteins 原型:protein ['proh-teen, -tee-in]['prəʊtiːn] n. 蛋白质【单词】flour [flouuh r, 'flou-er]['flaʊə] n. 面粉;粉末【单词】egg [eg][eɡ] n. 蛋;蛋形物【单词】mobile ['moh-buh l, -bahyl]['məʊbaɪl] adj. 移动的;易变的;活动的【单词】heat [heet][hiːt] n. 热度;热
Steam is released as the cookie cools so there is less moisture content.【译】当饼干冷却时,蒸汽会释放出来,这样水分含量就少了。【单词】Steam 原型:steam [steem][stiːm] n. 蒸汽;水汽【单词】released 原型:release [ri-'lees][rɪ'liːs] vt. 释放【单词】moisture ['mois-cher]['mɔɪstʃə] n. 水分;潮气;湿度【单词】content ['kon-tent][kən'tent] n. 内容,目录;满足;容量
chocolate chunks also resolidify.【译】巧克力块也会化了后重新凝结。【单词】Chocolate 原型:chocolate ['chaw-kuh-lit]['tʃɒklət] n. 巧克力【单词】chunks 原型:chunk [chuhngk][tʃʌŋk] n. 厚块(片);相当大的量
Basically, the cookie becomes more viscous/solid in the way that everything else becomes more viscous/solid as it cools.【译】一般来说,饼干像其他大多数东西一样,在冷却时变得更粘稠/更瓷实。【单词】Basically 原型:basically 副词 ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地
Since this has been a point of confusion for like half the people I know, including myself, I feel honor-bound to point out that viscosity is resistance to flow.【译】因为这对我认识的一半人来说都是一个困惑,包括我自己,我觉得有必要指出粘稠性就是对流动的阻力。【单词】confusion [kuhn-'fyoo-zhuhn][kən'fjuːʒən] n. 惶惑;混淆;混乱;不确定状态【单词】honor-bound ['on-er-'bound]['ɒnərb'aʊnd] adj. 为了荣誉而不得不这样做的,义不容辞,在道义上必须【单词】viscosity [vi-'skos-i-tee][vɪ'skɒsəti] n. 粘度;粘性【单词】resistance [ri-'zis-tuhns][rɪ'zɪstəns] n. 抵抗;抵触;反对;阻力【单词】flow [floh][fləʊ] vi. 流动;涌出
A more viscous liquid flows slower than a less viscous one.【译】更粘稠的液体比粘稠度小的液体流动起来更慢。【单词】viscous ['vis-kuhs]['vɪskəs] adj. 粘的;粘性的【单词】liquid ['lik-wid]['lɪkwɪd] n. 液体【单词】slower 原型:slow 形容词比较级 [sloh][sləʊ] adj. 慢的 adv. 慢慢地 v. 放慢;减速
Almost everything becomes more viscous as it cools.【译】几乎所有的东西都会随着冷却变得更粘稠。
Honey is more viscous than water.【译】蜂蜜就比水粘稠。【单词】Honey 原型:honey ['huhn-ee]['hʌni] n. 蜂蜜
The heat is making the water go to steam which is what makes the cookie spread.【译】加热使水变成蒸汽,这就是饼干散开的原因。【单词】steam [steem][stiːm] n. 蒸汽;水汽;蒸汽动力;轮船 v. 蒸;冒热气;行驶;<口>发怒【单词】spread [spred][spred] v. 传播;展开;散布;铺开;伸展;涂撒
This also has a hand in the structure of the cookie.【译】这也与饼干的结构有关。
When it cools the water evaporates, some of it anyway, and shifts away from is gaseous form and let's the cookie set up.【译】当它冷却的时候,至少一部分水分会蒸发,它会从气态转化,从而让饼干成型。【单词】evaporates 原型:evaporate [ih-'vap-uh-reyt][ɪ'væpəreɪt] v. 蒸发;失去水分;消失【单词】anyway ['en-ee-wey]['eniweɪ] adv. 不管怎样;无论如何【单词】shifts 原型:shift [shift][ʃɪft] v. 移动;改变;转换【单词】gaseous ['gas-ee-uhs, 'gash-uhs]['ɡæsiəs] adj. 气体的;气态的;似气体的;无实质的
It's the same with breads or cakes.【译】面包或蛋糕也是一样。【单词】cakes 原型:cake [keyk][keɪk] n. 蛋糕;块状物
I have a mechanical engineering degree, so um...【译】我有一个机械工程的学位,所以。。。【单词】mechanical [muh-'kan-i-kuhl][mə'kænɪkl] adj. 机械的;力学的
【单词】engineering 原型:engineer [en-juh-'neer][ˌendʒɪ'nɪə] n. 工程师;机(械)师 vt. 设计;建造【单词】um 语气词 int. 嗯
I understand steel pretty well, and I think heating/cooling steel is similar to cookies.【译】我对钢铁很了解,我认为加热/冷却钢铁和饼干很相似。【语法】be similar to ... 表示“和……相似”,例句:His problem is similar to yours. 他的问题和你的相似。【单词】steel [steel][stiːl] n. 钢铁;钢制品【单词】pretty ['prit-ee]['prɪti] adv. 相当地
Sometimes we "heat treat" steel.【译】有时我们“热处理”钢。【单词】treat [treet][triːt] v. 对待;视为;处理
This applies thermal energy to the substance and causes a phase shift in the phase diagram of steel, based on temperature and carbon amount.【译】这将热能应用到物质中,并根据温度和碳量在钢的相图中引起相移。【单词】applies 原型:apply [uh-'plahy][ə'plaɪ] vt. 应用;涂;使专心从事 vi. 申请;有关联【单词】thermal ['thur-muhl]['θɜːml] adj. 热的;热量的;保热的【单词】substance ['suhb-stuhns]['sʌbstəns] n. 实质;物质;内容【单词】phase [feyz][feɪz] n. 相位;方面;局面;阶段;时期【单词】diagram ['dahy-uh-gram]['daɪəɡræm] n. 图解;图表【单词】based on 基于【单词】temperature ['tem-per-uh-cher]['temprətʃə] n. 气温;体温;温度【单词】carbon ['kahr-buhn]['kɑːbən] n. 碳
In the end, the steel can become stronger, more flexible, more machinable, the steel basically improves in every characteristic just by being heated and cooled back to normal.【译】最终,钢可以变得更坚固、更灵活、更易加工,钢的每一个特性基本上都得到了改善,只要加热然后冷却到正常状态。【单词】flexible ['flek-suh-buhl]['fleksəbl] adj. 柔韧的;灵活的;易弯曲的;可变通的【单词】machinable [muh-'shee-nuh-buhl][mə'ʃiːnəbl] adj. 可切削的【单词】basically ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地【单词】improves 原型:improve [im-'proov][ɪm'pruːv] vt. 改善;改进;提高 vi. 变得更好;改进【单词】characteristic [kar-ik-tuh-'ris-tik][ˌkærəktə'rɪstɪk] n. 特点;特性;特色
However, with baking, or toasting bread, we add in new factors like moisture and oxygen quantity.【译】然而,在烘烤或烘烤面包时,我们会添加一些新的要素,比如水分和氧气量。【单词】baking 原型:bake [beyk][beɪk] v. 烤;烘焙;烘干【单词】toasting 原型:toast [tohst][təʊst] v. 烤;烘【单词】factors 原型:factor ['fak-ter]['fæktə] n. 因素;因数;因子 vt. 把 ... 因素包括进去 vi. 作为因素【单词】oxygen ['ok-si-juhn]['ɒksɪdʒən] n. 氧;氧气【单词】quantity ['kwon-ti-tee]['kwɒntəti] n. 量;数量;大量
Since moisture likes to reside in baked goods, we may dry the subject.【译】由于烘烤食品中含有水分,所以我们可能会设法弄干它。【单词】reside [ri-'zahyd][rɪ'zaɪd] vi. 居住;属于;存在【单词】dry [drahy][draɪ] v. (使)变干
Furthermore, the oxygen may form a reaction with the surface of the subject.【译】此外,氧气可能与物体表面形成反应。【单词】Furthermore 原型:furthermore 副词 ['fur-ther-mawr, -mohr][ˌfɜːðə'mɔː] adv. 而且;此外【单词】reaction [ree-'ak-shuh n][ri'ækʃn] n. 反应;生理反应;反应能力;化学反应【单词】surface ['sur-fis]['sɜːfɪs] n. 表面;外表;平面
Finally, the temperature will execute a phase transformation, depending on quantity of materials present in the reaction as well as temperature and exposure time.【译】最后,温度将执行相变,这取决于反应中存在的材料数量以及温度和暴露时间。【单词】execute ['ek-si-kyoot]['eksɪkjuːt] vt. 执行;实行;完成【单词】transformation [trans-fer-'mey-shuhn][ˌtrænsfə'meɪʃn] n. 转型;转化;改造【单词】depending 原型:depend [dih-'pend][dɪ'pend] vi. 依赖;依靠;取决于【单词】exposure [ik-'spoh-zher][ɪk'spəʊʒə] n. 暴露;揭露;胶片;曝光时间
Sugar harden.【译】糖会变硬。【单词】Sugar 原型:sugar ['shoo g-er]['ʃʊɡə] n. 糖,食糖【单词】harden ['hahr-dn]['hɑːdn] v. (使)变硬;(使)坚强
Other factor (fat, chocolate, steam) can also play a role, but in my experience "standard" American cookies harden fast due to the high sugar content of the recipe.【译】其他要素(油脂、巧克力、蒸汽)也能起作用,但以我的经验来看是因为“标准”的美式曲奇饼干中的糖分含量很高,所以很快就变硬了。【单词】role [rohl][rəʊl] n. 作用;任务;角色
【短语】due to 多数表示“由于;因为”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同时,due 与to 单配,还可以表示“付给某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.【单词】recipe ['res-uh-pee]['resəpi] n. 秘诀;食谱;药方
This is the correct answer.【译】这是正确的答案。【单词】correct [kuh-'rekt][kə'rekt] adj. 正确的;得体的
The fats are still too hot to solidify like others are saying.【译】(拿出烤箱几分钟的时间)对油脂来说仍然太热,不能像别人说的那样就凝固了。【固定用法】too...to...结构的基本形式为“too+adj./adv. to do”,其意为“太……以至于不能……”。有时不定式前可以带有一个由介词for引导的逻辑主语,如:This question is too difficult for Tom to answer.【单词】solidify [suh-'lid-uh-fahy][sə'lɪdɪfaɪ] v. 变固体;凝固;变坚硬