
这一讲,我们学习第17课:使役动词 MAKE,请点此击链接观看视频,以获得第一语感。


K: Lucija, we're filming. You should be paying attention.

L: Wait a second. This is a really interesting part! I'm learning so much.

K: But Lucija, we're actually doing something that's really important!

L: Wait a second. I'm almost finished!

K: OK, you know what? Now you're just making me crazy!

L: Yes, I am! And you know what you just did? You used the causative make.

A causative sentence starts with a SUBJECT, followed by a causative verb, then an object, and then the simple form of the verb.A common causative in English is "MAKE." And you used it when you said, "You're making me crazy."


K: OK, so you did all of that just to introduce this topic?

L:Sure! Because causatives are super important. Causatives express how one actor causes another actor to do something.

K:I know what they are. But now you've just made me upset!

L:That's understandable. Because the causative "make" has a strong meaning.One person makes or maybe even forces another person to do something. Kaveh, come back!

K:OK, I'm not angry anymore. I'll just make you buy me some coffee later.

L:OK, you've got a deal.

K:Now you've made me pretty happy.


最后就是背诵默写,没必要做到一词不差,但你得积累用英语表达“使役动词 make”这个话题,也就是这段话的要点,归纳如下:

1.A causative sentence starts with a SUBJECT, followed by a causative verb, then an object, and then the simple form of the verb (or some other words).

2.A common causative in English is "MAKE." And you used it when you said, "You're making me crazy."

3.Causatives are super important. Causatives express how one actor causes another actor to do something.

4.the causative "make" has a strong meaning.One person makes or maybe even forces another person to do something.



