

No Chignlish Allowed

话题~:How about your idea?

“How about your idea??” , is it translated to Chinese like "你觉得怎么样??"

Nope! Reading the following infos you may find out.


"How about" in English is often used to introduce suggestions such as:

A:How about we talk in the afternoon?


(It means I'm not free at this moment,can we talk in the afternoon?)


B:How about I give you 100 $, and you give me 1000¥back?


(It means I have a good idea which is 。。。)



看到这里,感觉也没太大毛病??? 接着往下看。

When the speaker says "How about your idea?". It sounds like the speaker is saying "Do you have another ideas?" or "Do you have a better idea that the one I just mentioned?". The truth is that the speaker just want to seek an opionion about his/her ideas or be given feedback.

If the speaks ask "What do we do?" or " What are we gonna do?", then you can use this phrase "How about".

那么,最简单的翻译是:What do you think?

tips: Get rid of Chinglish, learning more authetic Enligsh, just right here. You can do it !!!


