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刘佑局作品信札 刘佑局作品欣赏(1)

刘佑局 1955 年出生于中国广东揭西。 现为意大利艺术研究院名誉院士,幻象主义绘画创始人,国际艺术沙 龙创始人,北京师范大学,中国国家开放大学、北京民族学院、华南 师范大学广东中华文华学院客座教授。曾在英国大英博物馆、意大利 艺术研究院、法国蓬皮杜艺术中心等国际艺术殿堂举办个人画展。

2014 年 11 月,刘佑局画展在美国尼克松博物馆举行,其作品《圣 诞印象》被美国尼克松博物馆收藏,并获颁了收藏证书。美国国 会向刘佑局颁发了“中美文化交流杰出贡献奖”证书。

2015 年 3 月,刘佑局个人画展在北京今日美术馆举行。

2015 年 8 月,《幻象主义理性回归-刘佑局画展》在卢浮宫西翼


2015 年 10 月,受英国国会邀请并由英国国会和大英博物馆委员

会主办《古典与当代融合-刘佑局画展》在大英博物馆隆重举行, 其作品《穿越千年》和《乾坤育化》分别被英国国会和大英博物 馆永久收藏。

2016 年 6 月,受意大利艺术研究院邀请《乱码与重建-刘佑局画 展》在意大利艺术研究院举行,并在该校作了《区域主义批判》 的学术演讲。

2016 年 6 月,在意大利艺术研究院大师俱乐部举行个人作品研讨 会。

 2016 年 7 月,刘佑局画展在佛罗伦萨美第奇宫举行,其《秋色》 等作品分别被意大利艺术研究院、米兰布雷拉美术学院、美第奇 宫等重要学术机构永久收藏。

2017 年 10 月,《幻象时空邂逅蓬皮杜-刘佑局画展暨学术研讨 会》在法国蓬皮杜国家艺术中心举行。

2018 年 5 月,成为法国色彩协会(Centre français de la couleur) 会员。

 2018 年 10 月,创办“当代国际艺术沙龙”,并在广州白云国际 会议中心举行了“首届中法论坛”。

2019 年 7 月,被意大利艺术研究院授予“名誉院士”荣誉称号。

2021 年 9 月 7 日,受意大利艺术研究院邀请《抽象之后-刘佑局


2021 年 9 月 8 日,刘佑局名誉院士就职典礼暨刘佑局米开朗基罗


The Glorious History of Liu Youju's Illusionist Arts

Liu Youju was born in 1955 in Jiexi, Guangdong, P.R.China.

He is now the honorary academician of the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, Italy, founder of illusionist painting, founder of International Art Salon, visiting professor of Beijing Normal University, Open University of China, Beijing University for Nationalities, South China Normal University and Guangdong Chinese Culture College. He has held solo exhibitions in the British Museum, the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy, and the Pompidou Center in France.

In November 2014, Liu Youju's painting exhibition was held at the Nixon Museum in the United States. His work "Christmas Impressions" was collected by the Nixon Museum in the United States and was awarded a collection certificate. The U.S. Congress issued the "Sino-U.S. Cultural Exchange Outstanding Contribution Award" certificate to Mr. Liu Youju.

In March 2015, Mr. Liu's solo exhibition was held at Today Art Museum in Beijing.

In August 2015, "Illusionism Rational Return-Liu Youju Painting Exhibition" was held in the Marshal Hall of the West Wing of the Louvre Museum of Decorative Arts.

In October 2015, invited by the British Parliament and sponsored by the British Parliament and the British Museum Committee, the "Classical and Contemporary Fusion——Liu Youju Painting Exhibition" was grandly held at the British Museum. His works "Crossing the Millennium" and "Universe Cultivation" were collected permanently by the British Parliament and the British Museum.

In June 2016, invited by Academy of the Arts of Drawing, "Demolition VS Construction——Liu Youju Painting Exhibition" was held at Academy of the Arts of Drawing, where he gave an academic lecture on "Critique of Regionalism".

In June 2016, a personal work seminar was held at the Master Club of Academy of the Arts of Drawing in Florence (headquarters of the school board).

In July 2016, Liu Youju's painting exhibition was held in Palais Médicis-Riccardi, Florence.And his works such as "Autumn Scenery" were respectively collected by important academic institutions such as Academy of the Arts of Drawing, Milan Brera Academy of Fine Arts, and Palais Medici.

In October 2017, "Phantom Time and Space Encounters Pompidou-Liu Youju Painting Exhibition and Academic Seminar" was held at the Pompidou National Art Center in France.

In May 2018,Become a member of the Centre français de la couleur .

In October 2018, he founded the "Contemporary International Art Salon" and held the "First Sino-French Forum" at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center.

In July 2019, he was awarded the honorary title of "Honorary Academician" by Academy of the Arts of Drawing.

On September 7, 2021, invited by Academy of the Arts of Drawing, "After Abstraction - Liu Youju Painting Exhibition" was held at Academy of the Arts of Drawing.

On September 8, 2021, the inauguration ceremony of the Honorary Academician of Liu You Bureau and the award ceremony of the Michelangelo Award of Liu You Bureau were held at Academy of the Arts of Drawing in

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