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You Deserve a "Brighter" future

——高中进阶 (2018-2019学年第7期) 1版




The drone (无人机) zoomed over our heads. Students screamed with delight and dashed around the courtyard, all heads turned skyward. Misty mountains and lush (茂盛的) green forest surrounded us, with fields carved into the wilderness. I was in the Yunnan countryside, there with an NGO (非政府组织) to distribute free glasses to nearsighted children.

While the children seemed quite pleased to witness a drone lift off for the first time, the sad reality was that perhaps only half could see the drone at all.

How is that possible? According to the Stanford University Rural Education Action Program, there are more than 30 million students in China who need glasses. But only one in seven has them. Glasses are old technology. Benjamin Franklin (本杰明·富兰克林) was wearing bifocal lenses (双目眼镜) more than 200 years ago!


Many layers of hurdles (障碍) complicate this problem, the first being access. The eye doctors are concentrated in cities. There is no incentive (奖励) for them to travel to the countryside when so many urban students need eye examinations.

In addition to access, information is a barrier. If a rural student is nearsighted, there is almost no way for them to know unless their teacher notices and acts. Even if students discover they need glasses and can access an eye doctor, they face the financial challenge of paying for glasses. Many parents in rural areas, who have never worn glasses themselves, don't understand the benefits and see no reason to spend the extra money. In fact, I heard from teachers in Yunnan that some parents forbid their children to wear glasses, for fear that glasses will further harm their eyesight. How ridiculous!


When you walk the streets of cities in China today, you will find that the trend is even more alarming. Monumental homework loads, increasing screen time on smartphones, and less sunlight from outdoor activities all contribute to worsening nearsightedness among urban students. If this problem persists, the consequences are more serious than you can imagine. Some college majors and occupations require good eyesight, one notable example being air force pilots. If China ran out of pilots, it would be bad news not only for the military, but also for the future of China and its people.

To give students a "brighter" future, the government introduced a grand plan to control the country's rising number of nearsighted children and teenagers. Before it takes effect, why not put down your smartphone and get back to nature?




1. Work in a group of four to six and do a survey. Complete the table and see what conclusions you can arrive at from the survey.


2. Does nearsightedness bring any trouble to you or your friends? Share the story with your classmates.



1. ① Many layers of hurdles complicate this problem, the first being access.

② Some college majors and occupations require good eyesight, one notable example being air force pilots.


e.g. The class being over, the students rushed out of the classroom.

2. If China ran out of pilots, it would be bad news not only for the military, but also for the future of China and its people.

① if引导与将来事实相反的非真实条件句,其中主句为:主语 would do; 从句为:if 过去式 / were to do / should do

② run out (of): to use all of sth. and not have any more left 用完,耗尽(某物)


Complete each sentence using one word from the box in its correct form. Note that there is one word more than you need and you can use each word only once.

delight distribute witness access forbid persist

1. The island is only __________ by boat.

2. The boy is really __________ with his new toy car.

3. If the pain __________, you must see a doctor.

4. Rita is in charge of the __________ of prizes.

5. __________ to the accident say they heard a loud noise before the disaster.


1. accessible 2. delighted 3. persists

4. distribution 5. Witnesses


1. 几乎所有的金属都是良好的导体 (conductor),银是其中导电最好的。(独立主格)

2. 如果将来我成为一名科学家,我会竭尽全力帮助人类在太空建立一个新的家园。(if)

3. 在花光了所有积蓄后,他不得不向父母借钱度日。(run out)

4. 这项研究表明,吸烟在很大程度上会导致肺癌。(contribute)

Possible answers:

1. Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best of all.

2. If I became / were to become / should become a scientist in the future, I would try my best to help humans build a new home in space.

3. After running out of his savings, he had to live on the money borrowed from his parents.

4. The study reveals that cigarette smoking contributes to lung cancer to a large degree.


Choose the best answer.

1. Benjamin Franklin was mentioned in the article to show that ______.

A. he was a great scientist

B. the invention of glasses is great

C. glasses have a long history

D. glasses are common in today’s life

2. According to the author, most rural children do not wear glasses because ______.

① they don't have access to doctors who can assess their eye health

② their parents cannot afford to buy glasses

③ their teachers don't give them useful advice

④ their parents are ignorant about the benefits of wearing glasses

A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④

3. The last but one paragraph mainly talks about ______.

A. the tendency that children suffer from nearsightedness at a younger age

B. the reasons why more urban students wear glasses than rural students

C. the consequences of having more and more nearsighted children in China

D. the necessary qualifications for being an air force pilot


1-3 CBC


The new guideline jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission aims to keep the nearsightedness rate in high school students below 70 percent until 2030. Write a letter to these departments. Offer them some practical advice on how to control the number of nearsighted students, and give your reasons.


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