
A video of a group of fathers line dancing while wearing their babies strapped to their chests has become an online hit - melting the hearts of millions.网上一段奶爸与婴儿共舞的视频已经爆红,奶爸们排成两列,胸前用背带托着自己的宝贝,百万大众的心都被他们融化了,我来为大家讲解一下关于盘点萌娃星二代的综艺节目?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



A video of a group of fathers line dancing while wearing their babies strapped to their chests has become an online hit - melting the hearts of millions.网上一段奶爸与婴儿共舞的视频已经爆红,奶爸们排成两列,胸前用背带托着自己的宝贝,百万大众的心都被他们融化了!

The dads, who perform a routine to Wild Cherry's Play That Funky Music, perform the moves largely in sync carrying their children in baby carriers and appear to be deep in concentration.这些爸爸们跟着歌手野樱桃(Wild Cherry)的名曲《Play That Funky Music》纵情舞动,他们背着托儿带,动作基本上相互一致,而且跳得非常专注。

The video, which has been watched more than 2.7 million times which was said to be was part of a class called Mommy Mingle, Daddy Dance in California.这段视频的浏览量已经超过了270万次,据说是一个名为“妈妈聚会,爸爸跳舞”的课程的一部分,这个课程面授地址位于加利佛尼亚。

The studio, which specializes in 'funky baby-wearing line dancing classes', is run by Meeshi and Amber Anjali.开办这个课程的工作室的特色课程是“时髦亲子列队舞”,主办人为Meeshi和Amber Anjali.

They praised the parents, saying: 'They were "dancin' and singin' and movin' to groove" just to show these mamas how much they appreciate them. And that's the greatest love of all!'主办人对这些爸爸的表现夸赞有加:“他们又唱又跳,载歌载舞,非常开心,他们在用行动向妈妈证明自己对她们的爱。这是爱情最好的表达方式!”

The clip, which is nearly four minutes long, has attracted thousands of admiring comments from viewers.这段视频有将近4分钟长,无数网友的目光被它吸引,好评如潮。

One woman wrote: 'Love it! Playing the babies like guitars was my favorite! Awesome job dads! '一位女士在评论中写道:“太喜欢了!他们像弹吉他一样托着婴儿,这是我最喜欢的部分!粑粑们干得好!”

Another said: 'Thank you for this video.I Love it.The dads are amazing and they know how to dance with their babies and soul mates.'另一个网友说,“谢谢粑粑们为我们提供了这段精彩的视频。我喜欢它!这些爸爸真帅,他们懂得怎么和自己的宝贝、伴侣相拥起舞。”



