

由于脊神经最高达第一颈椎丶头部下方的高度,因此脑神经负责填补了头部的控制作用。每条脑神经都是左右对称的。在人类有十二对脑神经,根据它们从嘴侧到尾侧的顺序被赋予罗马数字标号。在鲨鱼首次被发现有另一对颅神经,称为第零对脑神经(CN 0); 它在人类是否存在仍然是个争议。第一和第二对脑神经是从大脑发出,剩下的十对则从脑干发出。

脑神经是周边神经系统(PNS)的组成部分,但第二对脑神经 (CNIl,视神经)除外,其不是真正的周边神经,而是通向视网膜的间脑束,因此,视神经和视网膜都是属于中枢神经系统(CNS)的一部分。其余十一对脑神经的轴突会延伸到大脑之外,因此被认为是PNS的一部分。脑神经或脑神经核的中枢是起源于CNS,主要来自脑干。

A good picture of the brain of the brain ~

The brain brain (also known as the cranial) is the nerve that comes directly from the brain, mainly from the forebrain and the brain stem, unlike the ridge that appear from the various parts of the spinal cord. Receive information from the brain through the brain to control the functions of various structures (mainly head and neck).As the spinal nerve reaches the height of the first cervical and lower head, the brain is responsible for filling the control of the head. Every brain brain is symmetrical and left right. In Humans, there are twelve pairs of brains, given the order from the mouth to the end of their mouth to the end of the mouth. For the first time, the shark was first found to have another pair of cranial, known as the zero-to-brain brain (CN 0); it remains a controversy in humans. The first and second pair of brain brains are from the brain, while the remaining pairs are from the brain stem.

The brain is part of the surrounding nervous system (PNS), with the exception of the second pair of the brain (Cnil, the nerves), which are not the true surrounding nerves, but the between that leads to the retina, therefore, the nerves and the retina belong to the central nervous system ( A part of the CNS). The remaining eleven pairs of brain brain will extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the pns. The Central of the brain or brain core is from the CNS, mainly from the brain stem.






