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答案在The Economist September 10th 2022 United states “Abortion and the midterms --- Roeing forward” 这篇文章倒数第二段可以找到。

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The Economist September 10th 2022 United States


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New software companies are going to find it hard staking out a position in an already crowded market.


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Only months ago, Republicans were expected to secure a thumping victory in the midterms. They seem to have squandered much of that advantage. Most statistical forecasts, including The Economist’s, do not favour them to retake control of the Senate, as of early September. Even Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, has griped about the “candidate quality” of the party’s nominees, most of whom were handpicked by Mr Trump. They have staked out unusually extreme positions on two issues: abortion, and Mr Trump’s Big Lie that the presidential election in 2020 was stolen. In Michigan the Republican nominees for governor, attorney-general and secretary of state all hold this view. So do the party’s nominees in Arizona and Wisconsin, both swing states.

就在几个月前,共和党人有望在中期选举中取得巨大的胜利。他们似乎已经浪费了大部分优势。截至9月初,包括《经济学人》在内的大多数统计预测都不看好他们重新控制参议院。就连共和党参议院领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)也对该党提名人的“候选人素质”感到不满,这些人大多是由特朗普钦点。他们在两个问题上表明了异常极端的立场:堕胎以及特朗普的弥天大谎,即2020年总统选举被盗。在密歇根州,共和党提名的州长、司法部长和国务卿都持这种观点。共和党在亚利桑那州和威斯康星州的提名人也是如此,这两个州都是摇摆州。



