





Jerry Hall(现年65岁)


The union represented a fourth marriage for Mr Murdoch, who is worth an estimated £14billion. It was technically a first marriage for Miss Hall, following a 22-year relationship – and four children – with Mick Jagger. She tied the knot with the Rolling Stones frontman on a beach in Bali in 1990, but this was annulled following their split in 1999.

这段婚姻是默多克先生的第四次婚姻,他的身价约为140亿英镑(约合人民币1150亿元)。严格来说,这是 Jerry Hall的第一次婚姻,此前她与滚石乐队主唱Mick Jagger有22年的关系,并有四个孩子。1990年,他们在巴厘岛的海滩上结了婚,但在1999年他们分手后,这段婚姻被宣布无效。


It is not known whether Mr Murdoch and Miss Hall had signed a pre-nuptial agreement. However, Mr Murdoch did have one with his third wife, Wendi Deng.

目前还不知道默多克和Jerry Hall是否签署了婚前协议。不过,默多克确实与他的第三任妻子邓文迪签订了婚前协议。

Mr Murdoch's businesses include Sky TV and the Sun and Times newspapers. He also owns US television network Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, along with several ventures in his native Australia.



Jerry Hall和媒体商人默多克在英国科茨沃尔德买的豪宅

Mr Murdoch met Miss Hall after his split from Miss Deng, 53, whom he divorced in 2014 after 14 years of marriage.

默多克先生是在与53岁的邓文迪分手后认识Jerry Hall的,他与邓文迪的婚姻维持了14年,两人于2014年离婚。


When the couple split, there was speculation – denied by Miss Deng – that she had grown close to Tony Blair, the godfather of her and Mr Murdoch's daughter Grace.


Mr Murdoch met Miss Hall in Australia in 2015. After weeks of speculation, the couple went public at the rugby world cup final at Twickenham in London that October. Mr Murdoch was photographed kissing Miss Hall on the cheek while she smiled broadly.

默多克先生于2015年在澳大利亚认识了Jerry Hall。经过数周的猜测,这对夫妇于当年10月在伦敦特威克纳姆举行的橄榄球世界杯决赛上公开了。默多克先生被拍到亲吻霍尔小姐的脸颊,而她笑得很开心。


They made their first red carpet appearance together at the Golden Globes in 2016. Friends said at the time: 'Rupert couldn't be happier'.


Miss Hall moved out of the £13million home in Richmond, south-west London, where she had lived since her split with Sir Mick after discovering he had fathered a child with Brazilian model Luciana Gimenez. Announcing his engagement on Twitter, Mr Murdoch called himself 'the luckiest and happiest man in the world'. He presented Miss Hall with a 20-carat ring believed to be worth over £2.4million.

Jerry Hall搬出了位于伦敦西南部里士满的1300万英镑的房子,在发现米克爵士与巴西模特卢西亚娜-吉梅内斯(Luciana Gimenez)育有一子后,她一直住在这里。默多克在Twitter上宣布订婚,称自己是 "世界上最幸运和最幸福的人"。他向Jerry Hall赠送了一枚20克拉的戒指,据信价值超过240万英镑。


The couple's wedding was attended by all ten of their children, including Murdoch's two sons, Lachlan (left) and James (right).



Murdoch's youngest two daughters Chloe and Grace (left) and Hall's two daughters Georgia May and Elizabeth (right) served as bridesmaids during the ceremony.

默多克的两个小女儿克洛伊和格蕾丝(左,即默多克和邓文迪通过高科技生下的女儿)以及Jerry Hall的两个女儿乔治亚-梅和伊丽莎白(右)在仪式上担任伴娘。

Mr Murdoch's first wife was Patricia Booker, an Australian model. They divorced in 1965.

默多克第一任妻子是澳大利亚模特Patricia Booker。他们于1965年离婚。

He was married to his second, Anna, a former newspaper reporter, for more than three decades until they split in 1999. Their divorce remains the second most expensive in history at a reported cost to Mr Murdoch of £1.5billion. Before dating Sir Mick, Miss Hall was in a relationship with singer Bryan Ferry and was the cover star of his 1975 album Siren.

他与他的第二任妻子安娜(前报纸记者)结婚三十多年,直到1999年分手。他们的离婚是史上第二昂贵的离婚,据说默多克为此付出了15亿英镑的代价。在与米克爵士约会之前,Jerry Hall曾与歌手Bryan Ferry有过一段关系,并且是他1975年专辑《Siren》的封面明星。


Between them, Mr Murdoch and Miss Hall have ten children. Mr Murdoch's are: Prudence, 63, from his first marriage; Elisabeth, 53, Lachlan, 50, and James, 49, from his second; and Grace, 21, and Chloe, 19, from his third. Miss Hall has four children, all with Sir Mick: Elizabeth, 38, James, 36, Georgia May, 30, and Gabriel, 24.


Mansions and £228MILLION ranch豪宅和2.28亿英镑的牧场

Speculation was rife over how the vast wealth of Rupert Murdoch would be affected by a divorce.


It is unclear how much of the media mogul’s £14billion fortune may go to Jerry Hall. Lawyer Mark Stephens, of the Howard Kennedy firm, said Mr Murdoch may have signed a ‘fairly generous’ pre-nuptial agreement.

目前还不清楚这位媒体大亨140亿英镑的财富有多少可能归于Jerry Hall。霍华德-肯尼迪事务所的律师马克-斯蒂芬斯说,默多克先生可能已经签署了一份 "相当慷慨的 "婚前协议。

This would have been drafted with the ‘anticipation of not interfering with the line of succession’, for the tycoon’s business empire. The Daily Mail understands any divorce is unlikely to affect the ownership of his companies.

起草这份协议的目的是为了 "不干扰大亨的商业帝国的继承路线"。据《每日邮报》了解,任何离婚都不太可能影响他的公司的所有权。

However, properties the couple have acquired since marrying may be at stake. In 2019, they bought an £11.25 million Georgian property near Henley-on-Thames in Oxfordshire. A year later, it emerged they had snapped up Great Tew Manor – a ‘doer-upper’ in the Cotswolds which was earmarked for a £30 million restoration project.

然而,这对夫妇在结婚后购置的房产可能会受到影响。2019年,他们在牛津郡泰晤士河畔亨利(Henley-on-Thames)附近购买了一套价值1125万英镑的乔治亚风格房产。一年后,他们买下了Great Tew庄园--位于科茨沃尔德的一座 "待修房",该庄园被指定为一个3000万英镑的修复项目。

Last December the couple spent £228 million on a 340,000-acre cattle ranch near Yellowstone Park in the US.



The family’s other properties include a ranch in California, a winery in Los Angeles, and a sheep and cattle farm in Mr Murdoch’s native Australia.



Miss Hall made a fortune from her career as a model, becoming the face of brands such as Revlon cosmetics.

Jerry Hall从她的模特生涯中发了财,成为Revlon化妆品等品牌的代言人。

She also had small roles in films including Batman. Her split from Mick Jagger left her with an estimated settlement of up to £18 million.

她还在电影中扮演了一些小角色,包括《蝙蝠侠》等。她与 Mick Jagger的分手给她留下了估计高达1800万英镑的赔偿金。



  1. Mackenize Bezos ($36 BILLION)



The ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was rewarded for her decades of loyalty with a settlement that gave her 25 per cent of the couple's Amazon stock. Far less then the 50 per cent she is legally entitled too, but far more than any other spouse has received in a divorce. As a result, she became the 22nd richest person in the world. The novelist was married to Bezos for 26 years, and by his side when he launched Amazon from their garage.


2. Melinda Gates (share of $130 BILLION)



Microsoft founder Bill Gates finalized his divorce from Melinda in August 2021, just three months after they announced they were splitting. The ex-couple, who were married for 27 years, did not have a prenup and instead divided their assets based on a separation contract with undisclosed terms. The settlement between Gates, whose net worth was then estimated at more than $130billion, and his ex Melinda could well have left her with over $65billion.


3. Nicole Shanahan (share of $93 BILLION)



News of Murdoch and Hall's reported divorce comes just days after it was revealed that billionaire Google founder Sergey Brin was divorcing Shanahan, his wife of four years. Although the pair is fighting to keep details of their split under wraps, Brin is the seventh richest man in the world, with a net worth of $93 billion, suggesting that the couple's divorce will be among the most expensive in modern history.


4. Jocelyn Wildenstein ($2.5 BILLION)



The Swiss-born socialite was the cat that got the milk in the years after her art dealer husband Alec paid out their record settlement. She then managed to squander that money thanks in large part to her love for cosmetic procedures and her affinity for domesticating rare animals. In May 2018, Wildenstein filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection .


5. Anna Murdoch ($1.7 BILLION)



The woman who was by Murdoch's side as he rose to the top of the media world received a small portion of his fortune after their 1999 divorce.



tie the knot:结合; 结婚










