first 训练法(ScalersTalk外刊研究小组第20周训练日志)

first 训练法(ScalersTalk外刊研究小组第20周训练日志)(1)




  • 每周精读外刊的选材主题为同一主题的知识专题或近期热点。

  • 训练进度为周一到周六每周2篇外刊文章精读、深挖、深度分析,第七天主持人进行复盘总结。

  • 对每篇文章,成员需要完成以下几个层级的笔记梳理:(1)整理生僻词汇表达、重点句式、背景知识等等。同原精读笔记要求。(2)深度梳理。内容包括但不限于:逻辑梳理、语言表达亮点、作者态度、修辞手法、写作风格、内涵(梗)挖掘等等。(3)文章重点段落进行背诵或复述。

  • 周末复盘内容:(1)现场背诵或复述本周练习段落。(2)总结、归纳、梳理2篇文章中的难点。


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本小组成立的目的,是以Economist,FT,Washington Post,New York Times,Newsweek,Time等英语外刊为重点,在完成基础词汇句式分析的基础上,对外刊的写作、逻辑、文风以及领域深入剖析,以期横跨中英文化,获取更广阔视野,从而对个人成长提升,发挥关键作用。







  • [cascade](formal) a large number of things falling or coming quickly at the same time 倾泻(或涌出)的东西(这里是暗喻的用法,相当于be overwhelmed with)

    Eg. [in a cascade of negativity]铺天盖地的负面言论

  • [point fingers]to accuse sb of doing sth 指责

    Eg. To be sure, the administration inherited this structural mess from the other guys. But they can't point fingers forever. 当然,新政府是从其他人那里继承了这种结构性混乱。但他们不能永远推卸责任,指责对方。

  • [brick-and-mortar] brick-and-mortar

    (有)实体的;砖瓦加水泥(常用来比喻传统企业)= physical stores

    Eg. Mr.Gerber warns that anyone starting a brick-and-mortar business still faces thesame cost barriers they always have — including high rent.


  • [the governement shutdown]美国政府关门危机

    Government shutdown指的是在国会无法通过足够的预算案的情况下,美国政府关闭一些政府机构,暂时停止提供“非必要服务”,相关的政府雇员停发工资以减少开支。通常在政府停摆后仍然维持运转的联邦机构与服务包括:气象、医疗、邮政、军事,航空管制以及刑罚系统等。

  • [inexorable logic]formal (=logic in which one thing leads to another in a way that cannot be avoided) 必然的逻辑

    Eg. By the inexorable logic of war, the bombings provoked an even stronger response.

  • [informational asymmetries]信息不对称

    [原文]The power of these platforms derives from overcominginformational asymmetries, by dramatically increasing the signal density of the market.

  • [hitherto]迄今;到目前为止 You use hitherto to indicate that something was true up until the time you are talking about, although it may no longer be the case.

    Eg. But, overall, the emerging world will be less of a buoy to global growth than it has been hitherto.但是,总的看来,与迄今的作用相比,新兴市场将很少是全球增长的标杆。

  • [crowdfunding]众筹

    [原文]An intriguing question is how far the financial sector will embrace the sharing economy. Peer-to-peer lending andcrowdfundingalready represent new ways of matching borrowers with investors.

  • VR(Virtual Reality)虚拟现实,简称VR

  • AR (argmented reality)增强现实技术,简称 AR

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)人工智能,简称AI

  • [chatterbot,chat robot,chatterbot]聊天机器人:是一个用来模拟人类对话或聊天的程序。“Eliza”和 “Parry”是早期非常著名的聊天机器人。 Chat bot是非正式用法。

  • [stumbling block]A hindrance or obstacle 绊脚石; 障碍物

    Eg.It's a good plan, but the opposition of the local people may be a stumbling block.


  • [词汇联想]stepping stone垫脚石; touchstone试金石

  • [capitalize on]充分利用;从……中获得更多好处

    [原文]Rockefeller's Standard Oilcapitalized onthe rise of petroleum and theinternal-combustion engine, a combination that powered a century of American greatness.

  • [scrape in/into sth]勉强获得(工作、职位、入学资格等)

    Eg. How did a poor boy who barely scraped intoa teacher's college manage this?

    Eg. He scraped in with 180 votes.

    补充:get into a scrape: 陷于困境;惹出麻烦事

  • [retain a grip on]维持控制权,牢牢抓住

    [原文]Western technology founders like Google's Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg structured share offerings so that theyretained a tight grip ontheir creations.

  • [have it sitting] 摇身一变

    [原文]He claimed he could extract ore in Minnesota from his own mines, ship it to his River Rouge facility in Detroit andhave it sittingas a Model T in a Chicagodriveway—in no more than 84 hours.

  • [vertical integration]垂直整合

    垂直整合(Vertical Integration): 一个产品从原料到成品,最后到消费者手中经过许多阶段。如果一个公司原本负责某一阶段,当公司开始生产过去由其供货商供应的原料,或当公司开始生产过去由其所生产原料制成的产品时,谓垂直整合。

  • [autistic]adj. characterized by or suffering from autism (developmental disturbance characterized by lack of interaction with the environment)

    n. (专注自我而与现实隔绝的)孤独症患者(常指儿童)

    [词汇联想]Obsessive-compulsive behaviour: 强迫症

  • [contingent]视情况而定的

    Eg. These instruments are called contingentconvertiblebonds, or “cocos”, also known as additional Tier-1securities.

  • [cushion of capital]资本缓冲 =capital buffer

    Eg. The irony is that even those shunning Deutsche's cocos accept that its cushion of capitalis relatively thick, at 11%.

  • [braggadocio]=boasting 吹牛大王

    [原文]Beyond thebraggadocio.

  • [clamour]v. 喧嚷;用吵吵嚷嚷的方法迫使;吵吵闹闹地发出[表示] n.吵闹;(舆论的)鼎沸

    [原文]Marvels like these are why Bob Iger, the head of Disney, has promised this will be the company's “most technologically innovative park”.

  • [plough money into sth.]投入……钱进……

  • [Marvels]奇观 a wonderful and surprising person or thing令人惊异的人或物;奇迹

    [原文]Marvelslike these are why Bob Iger, the head of Disney, has promised this will be the company's “most technologically innovative park”.

  • [lustre]:shininess,the visual property of something that shines with reflected light,光泽;荣誉

    [原文]A martial romance addslustreto South Korea's conscript army

  • [struck a chord]:strike a chord - create an emotional response; 引起共鸣、振人心弦

    Eg. “The music struck a chord with the listeners”.

  • [hail]: to signal to a taxi or a bus, in order to get the driver to stop

    [原文]IT IS a familiar ritual for many: after a late night out you reach for your smartphone tohailan Uber home, only to find—disaster—that the fare will be three times the normal rate.

  • [kick in]开始生效(或见效)

    [原文]In March 2015 itkicked inafter asold-outconcert by Ariana Grande, a singer, in an arena in the middle of Manhattan. As the show came to an end, the number of people in the area opening the Uber appquadrupledin just a few minutes.

  • [fathom out]理解

    Eg. I will never really fathom the female psyche. 我永远无法真正猜透女性的心理。

  • [dust off][俚语]抛弃,丢弃

    [原文]It might be time todust off that idea. 现在也许是时候放弃这种想法了。

  • [ramification]

    [E] The ramifications of a decision, plan, or event are all its consequences and effects, especially ones that are not obvious at first. (尤指最初并不明显的) 后果

    [原文]Though the FBI probe is not expected to lead to criminal charges, James Comey, the FBI director, recently said he felt “pressure” to finish the investigation given its political.


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