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Who Let the Dogs Out?

——高中进阶 (2018-2019学年第16期) 1版



"WHO'S A GOOD BOY?! Yes, you are!"

At a dog park in the United States, you could easily hear this exclamation from adoring (爱慕的) visitors as they rub bellies, scratch behind ears, and even receive very wet kisses.

I am allergic to dogs, so I could never have a pet dog. My allergies, however, never stopped me from petting (抚摸) or playing with my friends' dogs when I was growing up. In the United States, dogs are known as "man's best friends," who can fetch your newspaper, accompany you on a run, or even alert you to an intruder in your home. Moreover, classic films and TV shows like Old Yeller and Clifford the Big Red Dog cement (加强) a positive view of dogs from childhood.


With the improvement of living standards, China's pet industry has boomed in recent years. Most Chinese people are increasingly also known as dog lovers, but a series of dog-related incidents has taken me by surprise these days. A mother in Hangzhou was beaten by a dog owner for scaring away his unleashed (未被绳牵住的) pet from her two kids. Earlier this year, a 13-year-old boy even ended up in a hospital after being attacked by a German shepherd (牧羊犬) which was left off a leash.

As a result, some cities in China have enforced strict policies regarding pet management. For example, in Hangzhou, pet owners are restricted from walking dogs in public places between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rules are even stricter in Ji'nan — negligent (疏忽的) owners might find their pet sent to the pound (收留所). Only after completing a training course can they see their dog again.


To be honest, I avoid dogs in China, not because I am allergic. I avoid them mainly because I'm afraid their owners do not keep an eye on them when taking them for a walk. Many new owners buy pets because they want a cute companion. However, they often underestimate the heavy responsibility that comes with raising a pet — preparing food and cleaning up poop (粪便) every day, not to mention providing training and seeking regular medical attention.

While these policies are clearly well-intentioned (出于好意的), whether or not they will help solve the problem of dog behavior is unclear. What is the most important for owners is that they should pay close attention to their dogs whether they are at home or going outside and be more considerate. Meanwhile, we, as passers-by, should try putting ourselves in the shoes of those who truly love their dogs.




Question 1

Have you ever kept a dog as pet? If so, did anything special happen to you? If not, what do you think of dogs?

Question 2

What would you do if you ran into a dog owner who didn't have his pet on a leash on the street?



1. Most Chinese people are increasingly also known as dog lovers, but a series of dog-related incidents has taken me by surprise these days.

a series of: several events or actions of a similar type that happen one after another 一连串,一系列(与复数名词连用,作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数)

e.g. A series of lectures has been given by Professor Zhang in the past two months.

take sb. by surprise: to happen unexpectedly 出乎某人意料

2. However, they often underestimate … — preparing food and cleaning up poop every day, not to mention providing training and seeking regular medical attention.

not to mention: used to introduce an additional point which makes a situation even more difficult, surprising, interesting, etc. 除了……之外,更不必说(需注意的是not to mention后补充的往往是容易被大家忽视的信息)

e.g. I don't want to go to the restaurant as it is too far, not to mention that I don't like Spanish food.


Complete each sentence using one word from the box in its correct form. Note that there is one word more than you need and you can use each word only once.

allergic accompany alert boom enforce restrict

1. Helen asked me to __________ her to the department store.

2. The toddler has a(n) __________ to certain dairy products.

3. The university __________ the police after a number of thefts were reported.

4. There has been a sudden __________ in the housing market since last month.

5. It is a(n) __________ area and whoever enters should have identification.


1. accompany 2. allergy 3. alerted

4. boom 5. restricted


1. 只要我们现在采取有效的措施,就有可能阻止更糟的情况发生。(stop)

2. 在他的这本新书里,呈现了一系列解决这个问题的可能的方法。(series)

3. 在我买火车票的时候,你能帮我照管一会儿手提箱吗?(eye)

4. 如果你处在我的境地,你可能就会明白我为什么会做这个决定了。(shoe)

Possible answers:

1. As long as we take effective measures now, we will be able to stop worse things from happening.

2. A series of possible solutions to this problem is presented in his new book.

或His new book presents a series of possible solutions to this problem.

3. Could you please keep an eye on my suitcase for a while when I buy the train ticket?

4. You might understand why I made this decision if you put yourself in my shoes.


Choose the best answer.

1. What can we learn from the article?

A. Dogs must be kept on a leash in parks in the U.S.

B. The author is allergic to dogs and avoids dogs wherever he goes.

C. Dogs can help Americans in various aspects in their daily lives.

D. Dog-themed films and TV shows are no longer popular in the U.S.

2. Paragraphs 3 and 4 mainly talk about ______.

A. how China's pet industry has developed in recent years

B. the recent incidents that have led to stricter dog-raising policies

C. why people call for strict policies about pet management in China

D. dog owners should take on responsibility for training their dogs

3. According to the article, the author would most likely agree that ______.

A. the cost of raising a pet is much more than expected

B. it is unnecessary for dog owners to train their dogs

C. dogs will not disturb other people if their owners become more considerate

D. passers-by should not blame pet owners for their dogs' misbehavior


1-3 CBA


Work in groups of four to six to do research and have a discussion. Is the problem of unleashed dogs unique to China? What do other countries do to deal with the problem? What do you think we can learn from their guidelines?


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