
Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis

—Learning Western Culture Bit by Bit





Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) was initially a doctor specializing in mental disease ( psychiatry ) in Austria and the founder of psychoanalysis. He first studied under J. M. Charcot in Paris between1885- 1886, and then in collaboration with Josef Breuer in Vienna,where he used hypnosis in the treatment of hysteria. He abandoned this methodology for a method of free association and dream analysis,which he called psychoanalysis. At first, he put much emphasis on the role of the unconscious in personality development and discovered the importance of infantile sexuality and the Oedipus complex. He also outlined some other important principles and concepts, like pleasure-pain complex, repression-compulsion complex, libido, ego, id, etc,until he finally established his theory and widened his influences as the founder of the school.

西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(1856-1939)最初是奥地利一位专门研究精神疾病(精神病学)的医生,也是精神分析学的创始人。1885年至1886年间,他首先在巴黎的J.M.Charcot手下学习,然后在维也纳与Josef Breuer合作,在那里他使用催眠术治疗歇斯底里症。放弃这种治疗方法后,他转而采用自由联想和梦的分析方法,也就是他所谓的精神分析法。首先,他非常重视潜意识在人格发展中的作用,并发现了婴儿性行为和俄狄浦斯情结的重要性。他还概述了其他一些重要的原则和概念,如快感-疼痛情结、压抑-强迫情结、力比多、自我、本我等,直到他最终确立了自己的理论,并扩大了作为该学派创始人的影响。

1) Components of psychoanalysis

i. Treatment

In developing methods of treatment for the mental disease and his related theories,many of Freud's concepts came from his own medical practice as a psychiatrist. For instance, he held that mentally healthy people and the mentally unhealthy only differ in degree. Healthy people also suffer from some unhealthy elements while the unhealthy enjoy some healthy elements in their make-up.

1) 精神分析的组成部分

i、 治疗


ii. Psychology

Traditional psychology was, for Freud, limited in its range and objectives for the study of conscious psychological processes. Freud assumed that psychology , was made up of many elements, both conscious and unconscious. The unconscious mind was more extensive and more primitive area of the human psyche. Freud's exposure of the nature of the unconscious and its status and meaning in the man's psychological process constitutes the core content of the psychoanalysis as medical procedure. His concepts of the unconscious and the libido were developed as a core part of Freud's theory.



iii. Philosophy

When Freud's theory was further developed beyond just a study of mentally affected people to the mentally normal, its philosophical implications manifested themselves. When the range of Freud's study was no longer confined to psychology, but extended to all of human behaviour, including worship of religion, scientific research, artistic and literary creation,and other cultural behaviours, he applied psychoanalysis to the study of universal laws for all human activities,the philosophical potential of psychoanalytical theory was revealed.



2) Theory of the unconscious

The unconscious was the core of Freud's theory, which he called deep-level psychology. According to him, the human unconscious was like the submerged part of an iceberg, hiding many instinctive impulses and repressed desires, which could not be tolerated due to social customs, moral taboos and the legal system. He introduced later the three concepts; the id, the ego and the superego, to explain the conflicts occurring within the realm of the unconscious. The id referred to basic instincts, like the libido, the desire to live, the fear of death and the urge to pursue happiness etc. Superego referred to the capacity of the mind to exercise constraints derived from moral and legal principles. The ego meant that part of the id in the unconscious which, under the stimulation and influences of the outside environment, produced a kind of special protective structure and showed a function of relaxation and mediation by accepting or rejecting the induction from the outside. The function of this kind was called ego. Principally ego was controlled by reason but sometimes could be influenced by instinct.

2) 无意识理论


3) Development of Freud's theory and its disparities Freud's theory was basically established by him alone. He fought hard in its defence and gradually won increasing understanding and acceptance for it. In addition, in 1910, an international conference was convened in Nuremberg to proclaim formally the founding of the school of psychoanalysis and its acceptance by the Western world.

3) 弗洛伊德理论的发展及分化


However, following that conference, disparities and disputes occurred between Freud's followers and himself, and the school split into several minor factions. For example, Jung and Adler made their revisions to his theory. Jung held that the libido was not limited to individual impulses, but extended to a general and natural life force or drive, including sexual, nutritional, and growth drives and all other primitive motivations. Also he thought the unconscious was not just confined to an individual. It could also involve a collective human unconscious and that collective unconscious was ,even more fundamental and primitive. Thus, Jung established his analytical psychology in conjunction with Adler, who held that human instinct was not determined by biological instinctive powers, but by social forces. The primitive factor motivating human behaviour was not the sexual alone, but others such as the sense of self-disgust caused by physical disabilities, frustration over spiritual or social hindrances, the desire to seek power or a sense of superiority. These were the real driving forces behind human performances. This was probably the basis of Adler's psychology of the individual.


The second stage of the development of Freud's theory was the work of Horney, Sullivan and Fromm,who expanded Freud's theory from the realm of biology and psychology to that of sociology. They affirmed some basic tenets of Freud's theory, but at the same time claimed that there were great influences on human behaviours derived from social and cultural factors.




