
Youtube超火视频:叫一声爸爸 温馨感人向,我来为大家讲解一下关于父亲节一段感动上亿人的催泪?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Youtube超火视频:叫一声爸爸 温馨感人向

If you, like me, have a great dad or really any kind of responsible, older male figure in your life who you look up to— give them a hug and let them know how much you appreciate them. Right now. Or, if you don't live near them, at the very least give them a call and send a card.如果你和我一样,生命中有一个了不起的爸爸、或者是其他任何有责任感的男性长辈,我们是如此敬仰他们,那么就给他们一个拥抱吧!让他们知道,我们是多么崇拜他们。就现在。或者你如果你住的离他们很远,那至少打个电话给他们,或者是寄个卡片。

Dads— which from here on out will be my catch-all term to describe any men who gives you sage wisdom— do a lot for us. They make us laugh, teach us about the world, take care of us, talk us through how to fix broken household appliances when we're confused and living on our own for the first time, size up our dates to make sure they're good enough for us, and, most important of all, they love us unconditionally. The least we can do is give them one day out of the year where we go out of our way to tell them how much they mean to us.父亲——这里我指的是所有给予你贤明智慧、以及为你付出一切的长辈统称。他们让我们欢笑,教我们认识世界,给予我们关爱,当我们独立生活感到迷茫的时候,告诉我们如何去修理坏了的家用电气,认真评估我们的约会对象,以确保他们能配得上我们,且最重要的是,他们无条件的爱我们。我们至少能做的是:在每年花一天时间,抽出身来告诉他们:在我们的生命中,他们是如此重要。

Here are 8 heartbreaking movie moments that will make you want to call your dad.下面有8部让人心碎的电影片段,看完之后会让你马上想打电话给爸比。

Marlin thinks Nemo is dead, Finding Nemo《海底总动员》片段:马林以为儿子死了

Tim gets one last moment with his dad, About Time《时空恋旅人》片段:提姆和爸爸的最后时光

"I was trying to get you to love me", Life as a House《爱在屋檐下》片段:“我想让你爱我”

Homer tells his dad who his hero is, October Sky《十月的天空》片段:霍默告诉他爸爸他的英雄是谁

"Grandpa Won't Wake Up", Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》片段:“爷爷不会醒来了”

"I wouldn't want any daddy but you", I Am Sam《我是山姆》片段:“我只要你做我爸爸”

"Champ, Wake Up!", The Champ《天涯赤子心》片段:“冠军,醒醒!”

Simba finds Mufasa after the stampede, The Lion King《狮子王》片段:逃窜过后,辛巴找到了木法沙



