
The thermometer, almost every family will have a thermometer, although there are many kinds of currently on the market, but because the mercury temperature accuracy is high, so is the choice of many people, but because of a broken thermometer will spread poisoned, so many people feel care-laden, so in the end will break the thermometer toxic, then we will all answer the doubts, take a look at.



严格说来,打破了温度计,可能引起中毒,但只要及时妥善处理,不那么容易被毒死的,因为在温度计破碎后汞不瞬间蒸发所有的房间,但我们不能在一个完全密封的密封状态,所以只要及时处理干净,通风,一般不会汞中毒。But we still need careful treatment, then look at how to handle Suidiao thermometer.


The themometer is the best way to deal with the spill some sulfur powder in mercury, such as Mercury will lump black mercuric sulfide. 这可以大大减少其危害,硫一般药店可以买到。如果没有硫,我们将用滴管吸收汞,然后把水银和滴管进入土壤,使汞不能挥发。不要倒在下水道或垃圾桶里,我们需要在家里打开窗户和通风。


Today we introduce to you is the content of the thermometer broke toxic doubts about this will, believe that everyone has been answered, broke the thermometer, you can not say that some will be poisoned, there is no guarantee that all right, the key is to look at how to deal with the problem, our approach also share the, but there is a point to remember that it is time in the treatment of broken temperature, be sure to wear gloves and masks.



