



1.reserve n.自然保护区,(动植物)保护区;储备(量),储藏(量)


reserve sth. for sb.为某人预定某物 reserve one's opinion/judgement保留某人的意见

2.hunt vt. 打猎,猎杀 hunt animals 猎杀动物

vi.&n.搜寻,搜索 go hunting去打猎 hunt for=look for寻找

be on the hunt for正在寻找 hunt sb. down缉捕某人;追捕

3.respond v.作出反应;回答,回应 respond to...答复......,对......作出反应

respond to sb./sth. with sth. 以......对......作出反应

4.distant adj. 遥远的,久远的,远处的 be distant from离......远

eg. The time we spend together is now a distant memory

adj. 不友好的;冷淡的,疏远的 His attitude to us is distant.

adj. 远房的,远亲的 a distant relative.

5.relief n.(不快过后的)宽慰,解脱,轻松

in relief放松,如释负重

to one's relief令某人安心的是


relief of/from... ......的减轻/消除

6.mercy n. 仁慈,宽恕

without mercy 残忍地,毫不留情地

at the mercy of任......处置,任由......摆布

beg/plead/ask for mercy乞求/祈求/请求宽恕

show (no) mercy to sb.

= have (no) mercy on sb. 怜悯(不)某人

eg. I'm not going to put myself at the mercy of others.

n.幸运;恩惠 It is a mercy (that)... ...... 真是幸运

7.certain adj. 某位;某种 常用作前置定语 eg. For certain reasons, I shall not be able to attend the meeting.

a certain = some 某一

adj. 确定;肯定;确信 for certain确定无疑 be certain to do sth肯定会做某事

be certain of/about sth. 确信某事;对某事有把握

make certain of (doing) sth. 确保(做)某事

make certain that... 弄清楚/弄明白......

8.contain vt. 包含;含有: 容纳 eg. This book contains all the information you need.

vt. 控制;抑制 eg. I could not contain my excitement.

9.affect vt. 影响 相当于 have an effect /influence/impact on

eg. The rise in prices will affect all classes of people.

vt.(感情上)深深打动=move affect sb. to tears 把某人感动得流泪

be greatly/deeply affected by 被......深深打动 vt.(指疾病)侵袭,使感染

affect vt. 指产生的影响之大足以引起反应,着重"影响"的动作,有时有"对......产生不利影响"之意

eg. The drought seriously affected the harvest.

effect n&v 作名词时指"效果,影响",作动词时指"使发生,引起"

eg. This book effected a change in my opinion.

10.appreciate v. 欣赏,感激,领会 可用deeply, highly, greatly, much等词修饰

appreciate (sb./sb.'s) doing 感激(某人)做......

appreciate it if ... (it作形式宾语)如果......,......将不胜感激

appreciate不用于进行时,它表示"感谢"时,只能接事而不能接人作宾语eg.I greatly appreciate your help.

11.succeed vi.成功 succeed in (doing) sth. 成功地做某事

vt.接替;继任;随后出现 vi.继承 succeed to sth.

①succeed 表示成功时为vi.,因此不能用于被动语态,也不能接to do sth.

②succeed 表示"接替(某人)时"为及物动词,其后不用介词after,但它若表示"继承职位、头衔、财产等"时为不及物动词,此时它常与介词to连用

successfully adv. successful adj success n.

12.employ vt.雇用;使用;使忙碌

employ sb. as... 雇用某人为...

employ sb./sth. to do sth.雇用...做某事

be employ sb in doing sth 、employ oneself in doing sth.从事......忙于......

雇用 take on ,hire 解雇,开除 fire/dismiss/send away/lay off

13.inspect vi. 检阅;审视;检查;视察

eg. The mayor will inspect our school tomorrow.

辨析比较inspect examine check

inspect 侧重于为了发现问题而进行的仔细且挑剔的检查,也可指视察,检阅。

examine 侧重于通过观察、检验或测试来确定某人或某物的资格和性能。

check 指检验或核对是否正确或是否符合规格等。

相关词语 inspection n.检查;查看;视察 inspector n.检查员;视察员

14.in peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地

eg.He lives in peace and content.

"in 某些抽象名词" 常在句中作状语起副词的作用,这些名词往往表示主语的状态。

in silence沉默地 in excitement兴奋地 in anger生气地 in astonishment吃惊地

in surprise惊讶地 in embarrassment尴尬地

15.turn around 转身;翻转

eg.He turn around and found that he was being watched by an elephant.

turn down拒绝 turn in 上缴;交还 turn to 求助于 turn...away不准...进入

turn over翻转;认真思考 in turn依次;轮流

16.protect...from 保护...不受...(危害)

eg. He raised his arms to protect his child form hurt.

prevent/stop/keep...from doing sth. 禁止...做某事 (其中,keep...from中,from不能省略)

ban...from doing sth. 禁止...做某事

preserve...from... 保护...免收...危害

17.pay attention to注意;留意


②to是介词,后可接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语 eg.Please pay more attention to your behavior!

call one's attention to 使某人注意... fix one's attention on 集中注意力于...

attract/draw/catch/come to one's attention引起某人的注意

18.come into being 形成;产生;存在 该词组不用于进行时和被动语态

eg.We don't know when this word come into being

come into fashion开始风行 come into power开始执政、当权 come into force/effect/operation生效

19.according to 根据...所说,按照 eg.Everything went according to our plan. accordance n.依旧;照旧


What an experience! 这是一次多么奇妙的经历啊!

本句是由what引出的感叹句 补充完整是What an experience it was!


What a/an( 形容词) 可数名词单数( 主语 谓语)!

What an interesting story it is!

What 形容词 不可数名词/可数名词复数( 主语 谓语)! What interesting a story it is! What good news it is!


How 形容词 a/an 可数名词单数( 主语 谓语)!

How tall a tree it is!

How 形容词/副词( 主语 谓语)!

How pretty the girl is! How hard she study!

How 主语 谓语! How I miss you! H time flies!

1. What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed! 本句是含有if引导的条件状语从句的复合句,从句中的动词不定式作表语表示预期的结果



eg. This experience was to change his life.


eg. No one is to know不应让任何人知道

Now 20 percent of the wildlife park is used this way.

"百分数或分数 of 名词/代词"结构作主语

本句的主语属于"百分数或分数 of 名词/代词"结构,该结构做主语时谓语动词的数取决于of后面的名词/代词,如果名词/代词表示复数概念,谓语动词用复数形式,否则用单数。

eg. Eighty percent of these books have been sold.

2. After a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs.

下划线部分为with的复合结构,该结构在句中作定语修饰some zebra with的复合结构在句中作状语或定语

with 名词/代词 形容词/副词/不定式/分词/介宾短语 eg.

Do you know the lady with a baby in her arms?

He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky.

With his hair cut, he looked much younger.

to keep someone or something safe from harm

"keep 宾语 宾补"结构

keep someone or something safe 为"keep 宾语 宾补"结构 宾语为someone or something 宾补由形容词safe充当。 此结构表示"使......保持......" 其中宾语可以是名词或代词,宾补可以由形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词或过去分词等来充当。eg.Don't keep the door open.





