


The International Media Center of hinews undertakes the mission of news, culture and education communication. Today , hinews has launched bilingual articles on Hainan's human geography in both Chinese and English. By taking the first step in cultural dissemination, it will launch a series of chapters for further related dissemination. Stay tuned for further update.

Translated by Liu Ping Source:hinews



In a speech, Hu Weidong, a cultural scholar in Hainan said that Hainan is a coastal area with frequent typhoons which are caused by natural factors. In coastal areas, men go fishing and women are responsible for other work. Why do women work harder yet they are willing to work without complaint? That's because their work is hard, but they are not at risk. This is also the first time that the division of labor between men and women has been formed in Hainan, and the division of labor is quite thorough. At that time, lots of people from Hainan went to Southeast Asia countries to make a living. And they brought back commercial culture afterwards. Because of the need for information exchange in commercial culture, the phenomenon of having Daddy tea appeared in Hainan ever since, which also strengthened the division of labor between men and women.


This division of labor reminds the journalist of the picture of men clapping their chest saying to women: There is a saying goes that the men take cares for the outside while the women looks after the inside. The things at the sea are the outside while the things on the island are the inside. Things on the outside belong to our men so farming and housework on the island belong to you!



Some men went to Southeast Asia countries and some went fishing hence heavy work like farming are left to women. Later, men no longer sought their dreams in Southeast Asia countries and fishing was becoming more and more difficult. Some people then turned to find a way out such as receiving education. Yet some others did not want to do so, instead, they took on some other work for livelihood and waited for opportunities. Drinking tea became their only recreation when they were free.


Hainan women are used to their roles in hard work, and still working in the fields, or operating small businesses like driving tricycles to carry passengers. And drinking "Daddy Tea" has become a "tradition" and habit that men really enjoy... This kind of scene is more common in Wenchang and Qionghai. But in Wanning, men often share farm work with women, and heavy work is usually done by men, such as opening up waste land, plowing fields and cutting firewood on the mountain etc. They reckon women are weaker in physical strength but more careful than men, so women should do the work requiring less physical strength and more care such as transplanting rice seedlings. Most of the Wanning men looked strong and forceful with a loud voice, which can often be contributed to the hard work.


Hu Weidong's statement makes sense to explain the situation in Hainan's coastal cities and counties. However, in Ding’an and Tunchang, where farming are prosperous, have almost no labor related to the sea, yet "Daddy Tea" shops can be found easily. On the contrary, in Wuzhishan City where warm in winter and cool in summer, Daddy Tea shops of original sense are rarely seen. There, people like to have tea at the riverside to enjoy surrounding scenery merely for the leisure joy. How can this be explained? The journalist tend to think that the prosperity of the Daddy Tea shops is not directly related to the sea and the Southeast Asia phenomenon, but mainly depending on whether the hot climate is for long-term. In cities and counties with high temperature such as Changjiang city, Daddy tea shop is also rare. Changjiang people rather increasing their cost of living to stay in an air-conditioned room for tea drinking.



The author have witnessed the local people drinking Daddy tea in the open air in Sanya, Lingao, Chengmai and Tunchang, and this can easily make one think that the men might not be convenient to drink tea or they drank not enough during the day time so they continue to do so at night.


Sanya’s open-air daddy tea shop are mostly located in front of the shops on both sides of streets; In Tunchang, Dadddy tea shop are aggregated at the opposite side of cinema, complementing the business of the cinema and accommodating each other. The light there is dimly, making tea shops there the best location to watch and talk about passengers on the road. The banks of the Wenlan River near Lingao County are set up with tables and chairs. Tea customers keep coming and going. The Daddy tea place in Chengmai County is on one side of Huancheng Avenue. There is no street light, tables and chairs are set in the dark, and tea is provided by the shops with lights on the opposite side. Tea customers finish their tea in the dark night, and leave before paying the bill by putting money on the table for they rarely escape the charge.


Lu Xiaohua, a writer from Sanya talked about Sanya Daddy Tea with the journalist: The tea Sanya people drink in the open air on the street is called "Daddy Tea". Each pot of tea for each table is charged no more than 20 Yuan by the owner of the tea booth regardless of the number of customer. With this price, the owner of the booth would definitely not make much. This should be considered the cheapest tea in the city. We are willing to go there not for saving money. To be honest, we like the feeling of sitting on the road side enjoying the wide openness with less noise and pollution from smoke. We enjoy watching the sky and clouds during the day and the stars and the moon at night, which make us feel closer to the nature. Sanya is in hot weather all year long and selling tea under the tree on the road side has a long history. A group of friends from the culture circle would consider Daddy tea from a historical and cultural perspective. After rounds of argument and reasoning, they finally reached a consensus that Daddy tea is part of urban culture of Sanya.


“Daddy Tea” , the product of climate environment.



More than a decade ago, the teahouses in Haikou and other places were popular. “Chinese Tea Ceremony” and “Century Tea Art” are the two well fame tea houses in Longkun South Road. This should be the upgrade of Daddy Tea Shop. The popularity of the later appeared “xx Coffee” seemed to have no relation to Daddy tea. But they still have something in common: people in tropical area need "sustainable water supply" for their drinks .


Climate environment determines lifestyle, and a fix lifestyle would naturally form a habit. Drinking "Daddy tea" and exchanging information is a long-accepted habit on this tropical island, and this habit gradually becomes a cultural phenomenon.


The prevalence of Daddy tea reflects the leisure, casual, loose, and lively living conditions of Hainanese. The relatively low-consumption tea shops have become an amusement park for tea customers to exchange information and thoughts. All the pains, worries, loneliness, and confusion can be dissolved here. Similarly, joy, pride, and glory can also find their arena here. Smiling faces can easily be seen and people seem to shout when having conversation like, competing their voice volume. You can wear casually exposing your neck and shoulders and talk as loud as you wish, you can boast around and even have a roughhousing, and play poker to indulge yourself. After spending so much time in Daddy tea house for a long time, the passion and ambition that one used to have may also gone while dispelling their troubles.


It is usually hot during the day time in Hainan, and drinks are essential to quench one's thirst. For its low cost, "Daddy tea" is suitable for long term and frequent drinking. Daddy tea shop has various food and drinks. It is easy for tea mates to find "common language" and they can have long talks as they want. People are used to this kind of activity and no one would feel embarrassed. This is the root cause for Hainanese love to drink Daddy tea and its long-term prosperity. It has no direct relation to the laziness of people in a place.


