


A big K-pop IPO

Woke blokes

In a business marked by misogyny and scandal, BTS trades in niceness

K-pop 指韩国流行音乐

Woke blokes 来自澳大利亚歌手Thelma Plum的一首同名歌曲

misogyny 意思是名词“厌恶女人”,类似词形的还有:misogynist(厌恶女人的男人)和形容词 misogynistic

scandal 意思是“丑闻,丑行”

For the past couple of years, the biggest news in the world of K-pop has been decidedly unpleasant. A scandal centred on“Burning Sun”, a glitzy nightclub in Seoul, South Korea’s capital, saw several male K-pop stars and industry executives accused last year of sexual abuse, procuring sex for business partners, drug-peddling and bribery. Later in the year two female idols committed suicide in the space of a few weeks. Both had been subject to misogynistic abuse for years.

decidedly 意思是“确实;肯定;显然”

glitzy 意思是“华丽的,浮华的”,其名词形式是 glitz

procure 意思是“(设法)获得,取得”

drug-peddling 指“贩毒”;drug 意思是“毒品”,peddle 意思是“贩卖,兜售”

bribery 意思是名词“行贿,贿赂;受贿”;bribe 指“贿赂”,既可作动词又可作名词

idol 意思是“受到热爱和崇拜的人(或物);偶像”,也就是我们平时说的“爱豆”

suicide 指名词“自杀”,commit suicide 就是动词“自杀”

subject 用作形容词,意思是“受…支配,受……影响”

But the industry’s biggest stars seem untouched by its seedy side. BTS, the world’s most successful K-pop group and the biggest boy band on the planet, has found global success by selling something close to the opposite of the machismo and aloofness that are usually required from K-pop idols. The seven 20-something men present themselves as down-to-earth, frank about the pressures and downsides of fame, socially engaged and aware of their own shortcomings. When fans got upset about a set of sexist lyrics a few years ago, the member who wrote them apologised for his ignorance and vowed to “study more” to avoid such lapses in future ( he has since been spotted reading a feminist novel). And when American fans asked the group to support the Black Lives Matter protests this year, they promptly did.

seedy 意思是“肮脏的;污七八糟的;乌烟瘴气的;下流的”

band 指“乐队”,它还有“带子”的意思。

machismo 意思是“大男子气概,大男子主义行为”

aloofness 是aloof的名词形式,aloof 意思是“冷漠的,冷淡的”

20-something 意思是“20岁出头的,20岁左右的”;这里的something表示一种模糊的概念,比如 The parcel was ten pounds something.这包裹有十磅左右。

down-to-earth 意思是“切合实际的,务实的”

frank 意思是“坦率的”

fame 指“名气,名声”,形容词是famous

lyric 常用作复数,指“歌词”

lapse 意思是“小错,过失”

spot 这里意思是“看到,看见,注意到”

Black Lives Matter 是一个黑人人权运动,意为“黑人的命也是命”,缩写为“BLM”


