


words: 202

time: 3' ☻☻☻


Some scientists have found that the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) that spreads across China and other parts of the world might come from bats. According to Live Science, bats live in dark and wet places, and can carry and spread more than 60 viruses that can infect (感染) humans. Since bats carry so many viruses, why aren’t they themselves hurt by the viruses?

The answer to the question has to do with the fact that the bat is the world’s only flying mammal (哺乳动物). When a bat is flying, its body temperature can reach as high as 40℃. “For most land mammals, this can bring death. But bats live it up every day. We find that the high temperature helps kill some viruses in the bat,” says Linfa Wang, who studies bat viruses in Singapore.

Wang also says that bats have special immune systems (免疫系统) to fight viruses. Their systems allow them to live with viruses without getting sick. And bats can make something that helps repair their bodies.

And bat researchers say that even though bats may be the source (来源) of viruses, they could also be the source of medicines if we study their immune systems.

Word corner




Bats are thought to be the host of Ebola virus (埃博拉病毒).


1、词汇 Vocabulary

have to do with … 和……有关

eg. What does that have to do with you?

temperature /'temprətʃə(r)/ n. 温度;体温

拓展:take sb.’s temperature 量某人的体温

eg. His mother took his temperature and sent him to bed.

repair /rɪ'peə(r)/ v. 修理;修补

eg. Tom is looking for someone who can

repair his bike.

2、句子 Sentences

Since bats carry so many viruses, why aren’t they themselves hurt by the viruses?


句型:Since …, why …? 既然……,那为什么……?

eg. Since your child loves reading, why don’t you buy some books for him?


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