
1. I'm just looking, thanks. 我只是看看,谢谢。

2. Do you have this in a larger size? 有比这个大一号的吗?

3. How much is this sweater? 这件毛衣多少钱?

4. Could you wrap it up for me, please?请给我包起来好吗?

5. Can I get a refund if I want to return it? 如果我想退货能退款吗?

6. I would like to try on this shirt. 我想试穿这件衬衫。

7. Where is the checkout counter? 收银台在哪儿?

8. This price seems a bit high. 这价格有点贵啊。

9. Excuse me, do you have any of these shoes in stock? 不好意思,请问有这款鞋的存货吗?

10. Do you accept credit cards? 可以刷信用卡吗?

11. Are there any sales or discounts going on right now? 现在有什么促销或折扣活动吗?

12. What is your store policy for returns and exchanges? 您的商店对退换货政策有何规定?

13. Can I use WeChat Pay to make my purchase? 我可以使用微信支付吗?

14. I'm sorry, I don't have enough cash on me right now. 对不起,我现在没带够现金。

15. May I see the different colors this dress comes in? 我能看到这件裙子的不同颜色吗?

16. Could you please gift wrap these items for me? 可以给这些东西包装礼物吗?

17. Can I use my loyalty points for this purchase? 我可以使用积分购买这件商品吗?

18. This dress is exactly what I was looking for! 这件裙子正是我一直在找的!

19. Is this product still under warranty? 这个产品还在保修期内吗?

20. Do you have any recommendations for a good quality leather handbag? 你有什么推荐一个优质的皮包吗?

21. Would you happen to know if this item will be on sale soon? 请问您知道这个商品是否会很快打折吗?

22. Excuse me, where can I find the men's clothing section? 不好意思,请问男装区在哪里?

23. What's the return policy for online purchases? 网购退货政策是怎样的?

24. Sorry, we don't have that color in stock at the moment. 不好意思,我们现在没有那种颜色的存货。

25. Can I get a rain check for this sale if it ends before I make it back to the store? 如果促销结束前我回不到店里,可以预留商品吗?

26. Would you like to sign up for our store credit card? 您想申请我们的信用卡吗?

27. Is there a limit on how many items I can purchase? 购买商品数有限制吗?

28. I'm sorry, can you repeat that price again, please? 不好意思,你能再说一遍那个价格吗?

29. Do you offer any free gift with purchase? 购买商品是否附有免费礼品?

30. What's the difference between these two models of smartphones? 这两款智能手机有什么不同之处?

31. I would prefer to pay in cash, is that OK? 我想用现金付款,可以吗?

32. Can I see a copy of the receipt, please? 可以让我看一份收据吗?

33. Is there a discount if I purchase more than one item? 如果购买多件商品是否会有折扣?

34. Hello there! How can I help you today? 你好!需要帮忙吗?

35. Would you like me to get that down for you from the top shelf? 需要我从顶层货架上取下来给您吗?

36. What kind of payment options do you accept? 你们接受哪种支付方式?

37. Sorry, but we don't accept returns on sale items. 对不起,我们不接受促销商品的退货。

38. This coat fits really well, thanks for your help! 这件外套穿起来很合适,谢谢你的帮助!

39. Is there a phone number I can call if I have further questions about my purchase? 如果我对购买有进一步的问题,可否提供电话号码咨询?

40. Where can I find more information about this product online? 我可以在网上找到更多关于这个商品的信息吗?

41. Do you have any vegan options for shoes? 你们有没有适合素食主义者的鞋子?

42. Could you help me find something that might be a good gift for my grandfather? 你能帮我找一些可能适合给我祖父的礼物吗?

43. Can I get a discount if I refer somebody else to buy in your store? 如果我介绍别人来购买,可以得到折扣码吗?

44. Excuse me, could you tell me where the restrooms are located? 不好意思请问洗手间在哪里?

45. Do you offer any free samples of this product before I make a purchase? 在我付款之前你们提供免费示例吗?

46. What is your exchange policy if the item doesn't fit or meet my expectations? 如果商品不适合或者我的期望无法满足,可以调换吗?

47. This shopping cart has a broken wheel, could you please get me a new one? 这个购物车的轮子坏了,请给我换一个好的。

48. Do you carry any eco-friendly products or sustainable materials? 你们有推出任何环保产品或者可持续材料吗?

49. Can I leave my bags here while I continue to shop? 我可以把包存放在店里继续购物吗?

50. Thank you very much for the excellent service today! 今天你们的服务非常棒,十分感谢!

51. Could you tell me where the fitting room is? 请问试衣间在哪?

52. Do you have this dress in a different color? 你们有其他颜色的这条裙子吗?

53. This size doesn't seem to fit me well, do you have a smaller size? 这个尺码好像不太合适,你们有小一点的吗?

54. How much is the total cost? 总价是多少?

55. Can I return this if it doesn't fit well? 如果我买了不合适,可以退货吗?

56. I'd like to pay by credit card, is that possible? 我想用信用卡付款,可以吗?

57. Is there a discount for students? 学生有优惠吗?

58. Do you have any recommendations for stylish shoes? 你们有什么漂亮的鞋子推荐吗?

59. Could you gift wrap this for me? 能帮我把这个礼物包装一下吗?

60. What's your exchange policy? 你们的换货政策是什么?

61. Do you have any promotions going on right now? 现在有任何促销活动吗?

62. Can I put this item on hold until tomorrow? 我能不能把这个东西放到明天再来取?

63. Excuse me, could you help me carry this to my car? 不好意思,能帮我把这个拿到我的车里吗?

64. Do you have any eco-friendly products available? 你们有任何环保产品吗?

65. I'm looking for a gift for my sister, do you have any suggestions? 我想给我妹妹买一个礼物,你们有什么好的建议吗?

66. Can I use a coupon for this purchase? 我可以使用优惠券吗?

67. I'd like to speak with the manager, please. 我想和经理说话,请。

68. Could you pass me that shirt in the display window? 能把橱窗里的那件衬衫递给我吗?

69. Is there a warranty for this product? 这个产品有保修吗?

70. May I know the material of this bag? 能告诉我这个包的材质是什么?

71. I'm sorry, but I think this item is damaged. Could I exchange it for a new one? 对不起,我觉得这件商品有损坏,请问是否可以换一件新的?

72. How long will it take to receive my online order? 需要多久才能收到我的网购订单?

73. Can I track my package online? 我可以在网上跟踪我的包裹吗?

74. What's your return policy? 你们的退货政策是什么?

75. Excuse me, can you show me where the restroom is? 不好意思,能告诉我洗手间在哪里吗?

76. I'm looking for a specific brand, do you carry it? 我正在找一种特定的品牌,你们有吗?

77. Can I redeem my loyalty points for this purchase? 我可以使用我的积分来换购这个商品吗?

78. This sweater is too expensive, do you have any similar styles at a lower price? 这件毛衣太贵了,你们有没有更便宜的相似款式?

79. Could I have a receipt, please? 请问可否给我一个收据?

80. What's the difference between these two products? 这两个产品有什么区别?

81. I would like to cancel my online order, how can I do that? 我想取消我的网上订单,怎么做?

82. Is there a discount for bulk orders? 大量订购有优惠吗?

83. Can I speak with someone who speaks Chinese? 我能找个说中文的人吗?

84. Do you offer gift cards? 你们提供礼品卡吗?

85. Is there a customer service hotline I can call? 有客服电话可以打吗?

86. I would like to try on these shoes, could you please bring me the size 7? 我想试穿这双鞋,能拿给我七码的吗?

87. I'm interested in this product, could you give me more information about it? 我对这个产品很感兴趣,你能给我更多信息吗?

88. Could you please wrap this in a paper bag instead of plastic? 请用纸袋包装,而不是塑料袋。

89. I don't have much cash. Can I make payment by mobile payment or other digital payment methods? 我没带太多现金,可以通过移动支付或其他数字支付方式付款吗?

90. Is there a warranty for this product? 这种产品有保修吗?

91. Excuse me, do you sell gift wrapping materials like wrapping papers, ribbons and cards separately? 不好意思,例如翻译,您们是否售卖独立的礼物包装材料,比如礼盒、丝带和贺卡等?

92. What is the size chart for these clothes? 这些服装的尺码表是什么样子的?

93. Do you have any discounts available for first-time customers? 作为首次消费者,你们有任何折扣吗?

94. Does this come with a guarantee? 这个商品有保修单吗?

95. Excuse me, where can I find kitchen appliances in your store? 不好意思,请问在你们店里,厨房电器在哪里可以找到?

96. How long does the sale last? 促销活动要持续多久?

97. This item is slightly damaged, can you offer me a discount? 这个商品有些损坏,请问你们是否能给我折扣?

98. Excuse me, could you please help me find a dress in this style but different color? 不好意思,能帮我找一件颜色不同但风格相似的连衣裙吗?

99. How much does it cost to ship to another country? 发往另一个国家要多少钱?

100. Can I exchange this product for store credit instead of a refund? 我可以用换货凭证来换购其他东西,而不是要求退款吗?



