





1. In English the same word often has several ___.英语中,同一单词常常有若干个不同意思。

2. It’s sometimes very difficult to find exactly the right word to ___ precisely what you want to say.有时候,很难找到最确切的词,来明白无误地表达出你想说的话。

3. The ___ of the song are really beautiful.这首歌的歌词确实很美。

4. Rather than using words many mathematical concepts are more effectively expressed in ___.用等式比用语言更能有效地表达许多数学概念。

5. So how’s the ___ going – or would you rather I didn’t mention the d-word?节食进行得怎么样了 – 也许你更希望我不要提到那个以d开头的单词。

6. You’re still not ___ to say the f-word on TV in the US.在美国,你仍然不可以在电视中说出那个以f打头的脏词。

7. All the orders were given by word of ___ to avoid leaving written evidence which might be later discovered.所有的命令都是口头传达,以免留下以后可能会被发现的书面证据。

8. Roz was talking so much that nobody else could get a word in ___!罗兹讲了这么多话,没有任何人能插一句话。

9. You think he should make a positive career ___ outside this organization – in other words you think he should leave.你认为他应该在这个组织之外求得积极的事业进展 – 换言之你认为他应该离开。

10. Can you explain to me in words of one ___ how an electron microscope works?你能用简单的语言向我解释电子显微镜是如何工作的吗?

11. I looked ___ the word in a dictionary.我在词典里查了这个单词。

12. Write an ___ of about five hundred words.写一篇约500字的文章。

13. What does that word ___?那个单词是什么意思?

14. ‘Vater’ is the German word ___ ‘father’. Vater在德语中是“父亲”的意思。

15. Perhaps ‘lucky’ is not exactly the ___ word.也许“幸运”一词不够贴切。

16. Those are his words, not ___.那都是他说的话,我可没这么说。

17. Jones was, in the judge’s words. ‘an ___ man’.用法官的话来说,琼斯是个“邪恶的人”。

18. In your own words, explain the term ‘___ service’.用你自己的话解释一下“个性化服务”的意思。

19. I know the ___, but I forgot the words.我知道曲调,但把歌词忘了。

20. Many people don’t know the words to the country’s national ___.该国许多人不知道国歌的歌词。

21. Could I ___ a word?我们可否谈谈?

22. I’ll have a word with him and see ___ he’ll help.我要和他谈谈,看他是否愿意帮忙。

23. I was hoping to have a ___ word with you.我希望能和你简短地说两句。

24. Could I have a ___ words with you?我可以和你说几句话吗?

25. Wait a minute! I ___ a word with you!等一下!我想和你谈谈。

26. No one could hear a word because someone had ___ the amplifier cable.没人能听到,因为有人把扩音器的电线切断了。

27. I can’t understand a ___ of Russian.我一句俄语也听不懂。

28. He left ___ a word.他一句话也没说就离开了。

29. I’d like to say a few words ___ the plan.我想就计划说两句。

30. If you ___ a word of this to anyone, I’ll be really upset.如果你把这个对任何人提一个字,我真的会生气。

31. It’s a beautiful city, but a word of warning: street robbers are very ___.这是一座美丽的城市,但是我提醒一句:街头枪击的事屡见不鲜。

32. He left without a word of ___.他一句道歉的话也没说就走了。

33. Promise you won’t ___ a word to anyone?你保证不跟任何人说?

34. What’s wrong? You haven’t said a ___ since you got here.怎么了?你来了以后还没说过一句话呢。

35. He found it difficult to ___ ideas into words.他发现很难用语言表达自己的想法。

36. I was in a bad mood and he kept ___ me, so we had words.我情绪不好而他一直烦我,所以我们就吵了起来。

37. Mountain rescue teams have ___ words to say to people who climb without proper equipment.山地救援队想要批评那些不带必要装备的登山者。

38. They were married for 50 years and she says there was never an ___ word between them.他们结婚50年,她说他们之间从未有过激烈的言语。

39. ___ came that our duties would be changed.有消息说我们的职责会有变动。

40. ‘Have you heard from Ann?’ ‘No, not a ___.’“你有安的消息吗?”“没有,一点消息也没有。”

41. There was still ___ word from John还是没有约翰的消息。

42. It’s a very small town and if you do something bad, word ___ around.这是个很小的镇子,要是有人做了坏事,消息很快就会传开。

43. The word is that the two companies are planning a ___.人们都说这两家公司正计划合并。

44. Health officials are encouraging people to ___ the word about the benefits of exercise.卫生官员鼓励人们宣传锻炼身体的好处。

45. The mayor ___ word he’d be late.市长传话说他会晚一点。

46. Word of mouth is one of the best ways of ___ business.口口相传是做生意最好的方法之一。

47. Much of this information is ___ up by word of mouth from previous students.其中很多信息是从往届学生的口中得知的。

48. The final word on policy determination ___ to the committee.最后的决策权掌握在委员会手中。

49. She has the ___ word on whether policies are put into action or not.政策实施与否由她说了算。

50. The last word must ___ to Nick, who has organized the whole project. 最后的发言权必须要由尼克来作,它是整个项目的策划者。

51. Why must you always have the ___ word in any argument?为什么每次争论都得你最后说了算?

52. Adams had the final word with a last-minute ___.亚当斯最后一分钟进球,锁定胜局。

53. I trust him to ___ his word.我相信他会履行诺言。

54. I gave you my ___ that it won’t happen again.我向你保证这种事不会再发生。

55. They had given their word of ___ that they would not attempt to escape.他们已郑重保证 不会试图逃跑。

56. We only ___ his word for it that he has already paid.我们只是听他自己说他已付款了。

57. Delors claimed that Jonson had gone ___ on his word.得洛尔声称约翰逊违背了诺言。

58. The business is doing very well. You can my ___ word for it.生意很红火,你可以相信我的话。

59. I never know whether to take him ___ his word.我从来不知道该不该相信他的话。

60. His word is his ___.他信守诺言。

61. He is a man of his ___.他是个言而有信的人。

62. The newspaper printed his speech more or less word ___ word.报纸几乎逐字逐句刊登了他的讲话。

63. We are, in a word, busy. ___ busy.总之,我们很忙,忙得离谱。

64. You have to ___ everything in words of one syllable for her.每件事你得用非常简单的话对她解释。

65. Aunt Fay wasn’t happy and said so in as ___ words.费伊姑妈不开心,并且明确地这么说。

66. He took the words out of my ___.他说了我想说的话。

67. Will you stop ___ words into my mouth – I never said I disliked the job.你不要信口开河 – 我从未说过不喜欢这份工作。

68. On the word ‘___’ everyone has to run to the end of the room and back.一听到“开始”的口令,所有人就必须跑到房间尽头并返回。

69. When I give the word, ___ him.我一下命令,你们就抓住他。

70. The marriage was a disaster from the word ___.这场婚姻从一开始就是灾难。

71. His behavior has been too ___ for words.他的举止太不像话了。

72. If I were you, I’d have a word in his ___ before it’s too late.要是我的话,就会趁现在还来得及和他说一声。

73. Once George starts talking it’s difficult to ___ a word in edgeways.乔治一开口,别人就很难插得上嘴。

74. I got the job because Paul ___ in a good word for me.我得到这份工作是因为保罗为我说了好话。

75. When I saw him again, words ___ me.当我又见到他时,不知说什么才好。

76. My word! Hasn’t she ___?哎呀!她还是老样子啊?

77. My father was a man of ___ words.我父亲是个话很少的人。

78. How can we word the letter so as not ___ the parents?这封信我们怎么措辞才能不得罪家长?

79. In a careFully worded statement, Carlos ___ all the allegations.在一份措辞谨慎的声明中,卡洛斯否认了所有的指控。

80. I received a strongly ___ letter yesterday.昨天我收到了一封措辞强硬的信。

81. Considerable effort goes into the ___ for advertisements.广告的措辞要费相当大的功夫。

82. The most important element is the ___ wording of the contract.最重要的要素是合同中确切的措辞。

83. The first half of the second act is largely ___.第二幕的前半场大部分是沉默。

84. We sat in wordless ___ of the view.我们坐着默默无语地凝视着这一景象。

85. We held each other tight and then ___ apart wordlessly.我们紧紧地拥抱对方,然后默默无言地分开了。

86. She threw her arms around him in wordless ___.她张开双臂一把抱住他,满怀无言的悲痛。

87. As usual she gave a reply which was ___ and didn’t answer the question.像往常一样,她写了一封啰嗦冗长回信,却没有回答这个问题。

88. She rehearsed her speech until she was word-___.她反复练习,直到把讲稿背得滚瓜烂熟。

89. Much of the play’s humor derives from the ___ wordplay between the lovers.这部戏的大部分幽默来自情人间的诙谐巧妙的对话。

90. In today’s review section Antony Edwards, playwright, poet, novelist and general wordsmith, talks about his ___ career. 在今天的评论栏目里,安东尼爱德华兹,这位剧作家,诗人,小说家,兼全面语言大师,谈论他的辉煌经历。

91. Iberia is the ancient ___ for the Spanish Peninsula.伊比利亚是西班牙半岛的古代名称。

92. What’s the name of that ___ of dog?那种狗叫什么?

93. The medical ___ for losing your hair is ‘alopecia’. alopecia是表示“脱发”的医学术语。

94. We don’t really have a ___ for ‘bon appetit’ in English. Bon appétit ([法语]愿你胃口好)在英语中没有很对应的说法。

95. He uses a lot of obscure ___ that I don’t really understand.他用了许多我不太懂得晦涩措辞。

96. E-learning is the ___ in educational publishing at the moment.在线学习是时下教育出版行业的流行语。

97. ‘Full of beans’ is an ___ which means feeling lively and energetic. Full of beans是习语,意思是感觉充满活力,精力充沛。

98. It’s a bit of a ___, but good communication skills are the key to success.这话说起来老套,不过良好的沟通能力的确是成功的关键因素。

99. Grass is a ___ for marijuana. Grass是俚语,指大麻。

100. The instructions were full of technical ___.这本说明书里都是些技术术语。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 meanings 2 express 3 words 4 equations 5 diet 6 allowed 7 mouth 8 edgeways 9 move 10 syllable 11 up 12 essay 13 mean 14 for 15 right 16 mine 17 evil 18 personal 19 tune 20 anthem 21 have 22 if 23 quick 24 few 25 want 26 cut 27 word 28 without 29 about 30 breathe 31 common 32 apology 33 say 34 word 35 put 36 pestering 37 harsh 38 angry 39 Word 40 word 41 no 42 gets 43 merger 44 spread 45 sent 46 getting 47 picked 48 belongs 49 final 50 go 51 last 52 goal 53 keep 54 word 55 honor 56 have 57 back 58 take 59 at 60 bond 61 word 62 for 63 Ridiculously 64 put 65 many 66 mouth 67 putting 68 go 69 grab 70 go 71 pathetic 72 ear 73 get 74 put 75 failed 76 grown 77 few 78 offend 79 denied 80 worded 81 wording 82 exact 83 wordless 84 contemplation 85 drew 86 grief 87 wordy 88 perfect 89 witty 90 glittering 91 name 92 type 93 term 94 phrase 95 expressions 96 buzzword 97 idiom 98 cliché 99 slang 100 jargon

