



  • 学会了日语和学会的英语,哪个更实用?Which is more practical, learning Japanese or learning English?
    • Hello大家好,我是康康,我来回答一下日语和英语哪个更实用?Hello, this kangkang. Which is more practical, learning Japanese or learning English?
    • 我是一个英语老师,英语专业,我的第二语言是日语。I am an English teacher, and I am also an English major. My Second language is Japanese.
    • 在我看来,我认为英语更加实用。In my opinion, English is more practical.
    • 第一,英语是世界上使用范围最广的语言。First, English is the most widely spoken language in the world.
    • 前两年在香港做翻译的时候,在香港机场遇到一个日本人向路人求助,他问了很多人,大家都不明白他在讲什么。Two years ago, when I was working as a translator in Hong Kong, I met a Japanese who asked passers-by for help at the Hong Kong airport. He asked a lot of people, but they couldn't understand what he was talking about.
    • 如果他懂英语的话,是不是问题一下子就解决了呢?If he knew English, would the problem be solved at once?
    • 第二、世界上很多的网站广播报纸杂志媒体都是以英语为交流工具的。Second, most of the world's broadcast, newspapers, website etc. use English as a communication tool.
    • 想要获取发达的欧美国家当中的一些先进的资讯和有价值的信息,就要学英语,学好英语可以更多的了解我们周围的世界,连接其他国家正在发生什么,对我们有什么样的机会和教训?If you want to obtain some advanced information and valuable information in developed European and American countries, it is necessary to learn English. Throug learning English, you can learn more about the world around us, you can know about what is happening in other countries and what are the opportunities and lessons for us?
    • 如果你选修日语的话,除了日语国家之外,我们其他的都不太懂了。If you take Japanese as your major, we won't know much about the situation in other countries except Japan.
    • 如果你立志在日本生活,或者在日本企业进行工作的话,日语也许对你有用。If you aim to live in Japan or work for a Japanese company, Japanese may be useful.
    • 但是如果你学好了英语,对于有更大的职业发展机会,供你选择。But if you learn English well, there are more opportunities for your career development.
    • 第三,英语是一种通用外交语言。Third, English is a common diplomatic language.
    • 作为一种通用外交语言来说,可以在正式场合正式会议来表达自己的主张,争取自己的权益。As a common diplomatic language, you can express your views and fight for your rights in formal occasions and meetings.
    • 这一点对于我们来说是非常重要的。This is very important for us.
    • 最后我想对你说,选修英语吧,选修英语将对你的人生和阅历有非常大的发展。Finally, I want to suggest that you should learn English. It will greatly develop your life and experience.
    • 英语可以为我们开阔一个新的世界。English can open up a totally new world for every one of us including you.
    • 如果你实在放不下日语的话,就把日语当作一个爱好去学习吧。If you can't get rid of Japanese, study it as a hobby.
    • 日本の桜はとてもきれいです。The flowers of cherry in Japan are very beautiful.
    • 日本のアニメもとてもきれいです。Japanese animation is very interesting.
    • 日本の歌もいいですね。Japanese songs are very nice.
    • 最后几句话是告诉你,日本的樱花非常好看,日本动漫很好看,日本的歌曲也很好听,如果喜欢日语就继续喜欢吧。The last few sentences I want to tell you is that the cherry blossoms in Japan are very beautiful, the Japanese animation is very interesting, and the Japanese songs are also very nice. If you really like Japanese, you can choose to learn Japanese.
    • 如果你真的想以日语为专业的话,那就选择日语。If you really want to major in Japanese, please choose Japanese.
    • 在选择所修的专业的时候,爱好是第一位的。In the choice of the major, hobby is always the first.
    • 只有你发自内心的喜欢跟爱好,才能够花出很多的时间进行钻研,才有可能在这个领域有所成就。Only from the heart of yourself can you spend a lot of time in studying. It is also possible to make achievements in this field.
    • 如果考虑将来自己的工作和前途和使用的广泛性来说,我还是建议你选择英语。If you think about your future career and the extensive use, I suggest that you choose English.
    • 最后,我的观点是我建议你来选择英语。Finally, I suggest you to choose English.
    • 如果屏幕前的你觉得我说的有道理,就顺手点个赞,发个评论,再关注下我,我会分享更多有趣有实用的英语知识。
    • If you also think that what I said is reasonable, please give me a" like", make a comment, and be my follower, I will share more interesting and practical English knowledge with you.

