
Chapter 7 Poorest of the Poor

第七章 赤贫

Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity took the usual vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. But they added another vow: to serve the “poorest of the poor.” Each day, they got up at four thirty, said prayers, had breakfast, then went into the slums of Calcutta. In the slums, housing was overcrowded and falling apart. There was little fresh air. Basic services such as clean water, electricity, and garbage pickup didn’t exist. Diseases spread quickly in these conditions.



贫民窟 图片来源:Dhaka Tribune

One day, in 1952, Mother Teresa saw a woman lying in the street. Rats had eaten away part of her flesh. Her wounds were crawling with maggots. No one stopped to help her. So Mother Teresa, herself a small person, picked up the dying woman and took her to the hospital. The hospital refused to help. The woman’s life could not be saved, a nurse said. Neither the woman nor Mother Teresa had any money to pay the hospital.


Mother Teresa wouldn’t take no for an answer. The nurse gave in. Mother Teresa knew the woman would not survive. But she also knew that the woman didn’t deserve to die in the street like an animal. Caring for the dying was a supreme act of love for Mother Teresa.


Mother Teresa knew from walking the streets of Motijhil that there were many more people just like that woman. The population of cities was growing at such a fast pace. There was not enough room for everyone. People who used to do farm work moved to the city looking for work. They had no family or friends there. Mother Teresa felt that all these “poorest of the poor” deserved her help.


So she went to the city officials to ask for a place to establish a home for the dying. Again, Mother Teresa wouldn’t take no for an answer. They gave her an abandoned building behind a large Hindu temple.


Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity scrubbed the floors and cleaned the walls and brought in beds. In just one week, the home for the dying opened. It was called Nirmal Hriday, which means “the Place of the Pure Heart.”

特蕾莎修女和慈善传教士们拖地,刷墙,搬床。仅一周时间,这个临终者之家就开放了。它被称为Nirmal Hriday,意思是“纯净之心”。


纯净之心(Nirmal Hriday) 图片来源:swantour.com

The Nirmal Hriday building had once been used by travelers visiting the temple. This caused controversy. Hindus feared Mother Teresa would try to convert her dying patients to Christianity. But Mother Teresa made sure that each patient received the holy rituals they desired. That included water from the Ganges river (considered holy) on the lips for Hindus, and readings from the Koran (sacred scripture) for Muslims. When her Hindu neighbors saw this, they welcomed the home for the dying. In fact, many offered their help.


Mother Teresa provided love and care for not only people at the end of their lives, but for those at the beginning, as well.


Sometimes babies of the poor were left abandoned in police stations or at hospitals or on street corners. The Missionaries of Charity took them in. Mother Teresa spread the word that all children would receive care. In 1955, she opened a home for orphans and abandoned babies.



孤儿及弃婴收容所 图片来源:PennLive.com

At the time, leprosy was a serious and widespread skin disease in India. Leprosy was caused by an infection, which spread quickly in the poor living conditions in the slums. It was very disfiguring. People could lose fingers, toes, or features on their faces. It also caused terrible nerve damage and muscle weakness. Lepers were treated as outcasts. No one healthy wanted to go near them.


Mother Teresa opened a clinic for lepers in Calcutta, and bought a van to act as a mobile treatment center. Then she helped build a village for lepers. Now they had a place where they could learn to live on their own. It was called Shanti Nagar, which means “City of Peace.”

特蕾莎修女在加尔各答开设了一个麻风病人诊所,并买了一辆面包车作为流动治疗中心。然后她帮助建立了一个麻风村。现在他们有了一个可以自己学习生活的地方。它叫做Shanti Nagar,意思是"和平之城"



In traditional indian culture, people were divided into different social levels, or castes.


Priests and teachers made up the highest caste, called Brahman. Next came kshatriyas, the warriors and royalty. The vaishya caste included landowners, merchants, and farmers. The sudras made up the lowest caste; these were workers and craftsmen. People could not marry outside their caste. They were not even allowed toshare a meal with those from another caste!


One group of people were considered so low, they were outside the caste system. They were called Untouchables. Many of them lived in the slums. Untouchables had the dirtiest jobs, such as sweeping streets and handling garbage. In 1950, Untouchables were given equal rights under the law, but many still face prejudice today.



印度种姓(India's caste system) 图片来源:india-with.me

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