
78 date 熟义:日期生义:起始于(某时期) date back to / date from,我来为大家讲解一下关于高考英语真题熟词生义归纳?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



78 date 熟义:日期

生义:起始于(某时期) date back to / date from


She is my date.她跟我有约会。 have a date with sb./date with sb.

78 develop 熟义:发展

生义:冲洗(胶片.相片等) develop films /photos冲洗胶卷

develop a disease 得病

develop a habit 逐渐形成一个习惯

79 draw 熟义:画图

生义:吸引;拉;抽; draw a curtain across a window 把窗帘拉上

draw a sword拔出刀

draw water from the well从井中把水抽出来

draw a lesson吸取教训

draw 20dollars from the bank从银行提取20美元

draw a conclusion draw one's attention(to …)

The street accident drew a big crowd.

The game was drawn.比赛打成了平手

The teams draw.两队不分胜负。

The game ended in a draw.比赛不分胜负 (平局)

80. due 与to 连用 熟义:due to …因为;由…引起;由于

生义:预定到达 Their plane is due in 15 minutes.预期的 他们的飞机预定在15分钟后到达

Your report is due tomorrow.你的报告应于明天交。

(票据等)到期的,应付给的 a bill due today 今天应付款的帐单

When is the rent due? 房租应于何时支付。

应有的,应得的,正当的 give due consideration to... 给予应有的考虑

This great deal of money is due to you. 这一大笔款是你应得的。

81. damage 熟义: v/n 损坏

生义:n. 赔偿金

He claimed $ 7000 damages from the taxi company.

82. dash 熟义:v. 猛冲


Being badly ill, he was dashed /rushed to hospital. vt. 急送

His mother dashed him into going to school every day. vt. 催促

83. dawn 熟义:n 拂晓,v. 破晓,天亮


The truth began to dawn on him. vt.开始明白

84. desert 熟义:n 沙漠


He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. v.抛弃,离弃

85. dismiss 熟义:v. 解雇,开除


He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic. vt. 拒绝考虑某人的观点等

86.do 熟义:做,制作


The shoes won't do for mountain-climbing.vi.可以,行;够了

Practice and determination will do wonders. v. 创造

86. drive v. 驾驶


Hunger drove her steal. v. 迫使

If yo

u say that someone has drive, you mean they have energy and determination. n. 精力;干劲;冲劲;决心

87. delicate 熟义:adj. 精巧的,微妙的,脆弱的


I admired your delicate handling of the situation. adj. 巧妙的

88. Deliver 熟义: 递送,传递,发表演说,接生


Deliver letters投递信件 deliver a speech发表讲话

89. dear(熟义:亲爱的)

生义:昂贵的 Clothes are getting dearer.衣服越来越贵了

90. enjoy 熟义:喜欢

生义:v. 享有

Men and women should enjoy equal rights. 男女应当享有平等权利。

90. employ 雇用

生义:使[采.利]用 employ force 使用武力

Why didn't you employ the new method?你们为什么不采用那个新方法呢?

She employs her time wisely.她善于利用时间。(employ...as把...用作)

91. enter 熟义:进入; 加入;登录,


[计]回车 使进[加]入 enter (oneself[sb.]) for(替...)报名参加

写下或输入 We entered our names in the guest book. 我们在来客姓名薄上写下姓名;

enter the data into the computer.把数据输入电脑

92. equal 熟义:平等的;相等的;等于(vt)


胜任的 John is quite equal to the job of running the office. 约翰很能胜任主理这个办事处的工作。

比得上(vt) None of us can equal her.没人比得上她。

93. exercise 熟义:练习;锻炼(v / n)

生义:运用(权力等)(v / n) exercise one’s right 运用自己的权利

exercise one’s intelligence to solve the problem。 运用智慧解决问题

94. exploit 熟义:剥削(v) 开发, 开采 exploit a mine开矿 to exploit the oil under the sea 开发海底石油

生义:利用 (v) exploit every opportunity 利用每一个机会

95. escape 熟义:逃走


His name escaped me for the moment.v.被忘记, 一时想不起

96. express 熟义:表达, 表示


快速的;快递的 an express train

快车(= express train);快递服务;快件服务 the No.12 special express to Beijing 开往北京的12 次特快

97 fair 熟义:公平的


(adj.) (肤色)白皙的, (头发)金黄的(天气)晴朗的

fair skin.白皙的皮肤 fair hair.金发 fair skies.晴朗的天空


village fair农村集市 trade fair商品交易会 industrial fair工业博览会


You must play fair.你必须公正处事。你必须公平比赛。

98 figure 熟义:数字, 人像;画像; 图;图表 人物

the great figures of history 历史上的伟大人物

生义:领会, 懂得 We must figure out how to solve the problem. 我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。

I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.我想不出那位戴墨镜的夫人是谁。(figure out算出;了解)

He figured the whole scheme at once. 他马上就懂得了整个计划。

推测, 估计 I figure he'll be back soon.我估计他很快会回来。

99. foot 熟义:脚;英尺

生义:步行 We'll foot it.我们将步行去。

100. fall 熟义:v. 掉落

生义: n. 秋天;瀑布 ;衰落v.降临

His father passed away in the fall of 1970. 他父亲在1970年的秋季过世。[来源:Zxxk.Com]

the rise and fall of the U.K 大英帝国的兴衰 Darkness fell.夜幕降临

101. flood 熟义:洪水


I received a flood of letters this morning. n.大量的东西;vt.大量而来,充满

102. fire 熟义:n. 火

v. 开除=dismiss

He was fired for stealing from the counter. 他因从柜台偷钱而遭解雇。


① 合适的(adj.) The food is not fit for babies.

② 健康的(adj.) Do some sports to keep fit.

③ 合适,合身(vt.) The shoes fit me well.

103. fit 熟义:合适的

生义健康的(adj.) Do some sports to keep fit.

合适,合身 (vt.) The shoes fit me well.

104. form: 熟义:表格(n.) Please fill in the form.

生义: 形式(n.) in the form of ice

形成 (vt.) He forms a good habit.

105. for good永远(勿望文生义) [来源:学科网ZXXK]

She’ll soon leave London for good. 她将永远离开伦敦。

106. foreign和……格格不入(熟义:外国的)

The subject is foreign to me. 不熟悉;

Telling lies is foreign to her nature.

adj. 和...格格不入的

107. free没有,免交;远离(常与of连用)熟义:自由的,有空的

Most of the roads are free of snow.道路上的雪大部分都已化了。

Is the way free? adj. 畅通的,无阻碍的

108. freeze (熟义:冻结,冻冰)


freeze!Drop your arms! v.不许动,停止走动

109. fade 熟义:v. 褪色


All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind. v. 逐渐消失

110. fly 熟义:v. 飞,飞翔,飞行 n. 苍蝇


The children flew to meet their mother. v. 疾驰,疾行

111. fresh 熟义:adj. 新鲜的


She is quite fresh to office work. adj. 无经验的

112. follow 熟义v. 跟着;仿效


Follow the signs沿着路标 Follow this road and you will get to the school.

113. fail (熟义:失败,不及格)


Our water supply failed.我们供水不足了。

He is failing in health/His health is failing. v. 衰退,衰弱

He failed to lend her a hand. v. 未能

He never fails to write to his mother every month.他总是每月写信给他的母亲



The famous film star has no time to deal with the fan mails. n.狂热者,迷,粉丝

115. far from远远不是(熟义:离……远)


The show was far from being a failure; it was a great success.这个秀远远不是失败;而是十分成功的。

116. fast 熟义:adj./adv. 快的/地


His tears fell fast. adv. 接连不断,快速不断地

He’s fast asleep. adv. =He is sound asleep =He has a heavy sleep. adv. 完全地

117. fine 熟义:adj.好的,晴朗的

He was fined $200. v.&n.罚款

118. fill 熟义:v. 填满


His answer did not fill our need. vt. 满足

119. find 熟义:vt. 找到


The court found him guilty. vt. 判决

120. fix: 修理 (vt.)

My watch has stopped—it needs fixing.


固定、安装 (vt.) Fix a shelf to the wall.

确定 (vt.) The time for our meeting has been fixed already.

凝视 (vt.) Her eyes were fixed on the n

ice dress.[来源:学

121. fire 熟义:n. 火 v. 开除


He was fired for stealing from the counter. 他因从柜台偷钱而遭解雇。

122. flat 熟义:n. 公寓,套房

生义:adj. 平躺的, 平伸的, 扁平的

The earthquake laid the city flat. 地震把这座城市夷为平地。

123. free 熟义:adj. 自由的,有空的


adj & v. 没有,免交;远离Most of the roads are free of snow.道路上的雪大部分都已化了

Is the way free? adj. 畅通的,无阻碍的

124. freeze 熟义:冻结,冻冰


Freeze!Drop your arms! v.不许动,停止走动

125. fade 熟义:v. 褪色


All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind. v. 逐渐消失

126. fly 熟义:v. 飞,飞翔,飞行 n. 苍蝇


The children flew to meet their mother. v. 疾驰,疾行

127. fresh 熟义:adj. 新鲜的


She is quite fresh to office work. adj. 无经验的


129. gain 熟义: v. 获得,赢得


Don’t worry. My watch gains. We still have time. v. 表走的快

The car gained speed gradually. vt. 增加(速度或重量) gain weight 增重

130. go 熟义:vi. 去,变得


Pink and orange don’t go.粉红色与橘色不相配。

I have ten minutes to go剩下

131.get away with熟义:带着……逃跑


The child ought to be punished. You shouldn’t let him get away with telling lies. (做坏事)不受惩罚

132. get through用完;(使)通过(考试、议案)熟义:接通(电话)

He got through£300in a week.他一周就用完了三百英镑。

133. give away泄露(机密);暴露(身份);出卖(朋友)(熟义:赠送)

Please don’t give my secret away.请不要泄露我的机密。

134. give out宣布;被用完;运转失灵 熟义:散发(传单)等

He gave out that he was going to America.他宣布他要去美国。

The fuel gave out.燃料用完了。

135. given(=considering)prep.考虑到(熟义:被给予)

Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.


136. as good as差不多,几乎 熟义:与……一样好

He as good as said I was a liar.他实际上等于说我在说谎。

137. green 熟义:adj. 绿色的,青的


Greens are vital to our health. n. (pl绿色蔬菜) green hand 新手

138. game 比赛, 游戏,竞赛, [复]运动会


猎物,野味(不可数) Lions and elephants are called big game when they are hunted.被追捕的狮和象称为大猎物。

139. gift 赠品, 礼物


天赋, 才能 He has a gift for poetry.他有做诗的天赋。 a man of many gifts 多才多艺的人

140. grade 等级;级别;年级


1.成绩;分数 He always got high grades in school. 他在学校里总是得高分。

2.vt.分等,分级 to grade the cotton 给棉花分等

These apples have been graded according to size and quality.这些苹果已经按照大小和质量分了等级。

141. hold 拿着,握着召开,举行;

She was holding the baby in her arms.她怀里抱着婴儿


抑制;控制 to hold one's breath 屏住气

容纳;装 The room can hold twenty people. 这屋子可容下20个人。

How much water

does the jug hold? 那罐子能盛多少水?

占有;占据;坚守 to hold a position 坚守阵地

拥有,持有(金钱.土地.职位等) hold an important position at the bank.在这家银行里担任一个重要的职务。

My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this matter."对于这件事,我和丈夫的意见相左。

保持;继续 "Hold the line, please." 请不要挂断电话机

Do you think the good weather can hold? 你认为好天气能持续下去吗?

认为,以为 I hold it for certain.我以为那是确实的。

We hold that no country should interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

我们认为一国不应干涉他国的内政。 hold … to be…

拘留,扣留 held the suspect for questioning.拘留嫌疑犯以待审讯

142. hand n.帮助,控制(熟义:手)

It’s really heavy—can you give me a hand?真的很重——帮一下忙,好吗?

The boys have got out of hand.男孩们变得难以管教了。

143. heavy 熟义:adj. 重的


My father is a heavy smoker. adj. 超出一般规模、数量、力量的

The traffic today is especially heavy. adj. 交通拥挤的


head v.动身去 熟义:头

The ship was heading for Shanghai. 这艘船开往上海。

145. help 熟义:帮助 生义:避免;抑制

Don’t tell him more than you can help. 不要把不该告诉他的话告诉他。

146. home 熟义:家

The cars are made for the home market. adj.本国的,国内的

147. hit 熟义:v. 击中,打击

The film Hero is quite a hit of this year. n. 成功,红极一时的人或事

A terrible flood hit the city. 袭击

A good idea hit me. 使想起

148. hot 熟义:adj. 炎热的


We’re waiting for the hot news on the election results. adj. 最新的

a hot temper 急躁的脾气 hot 辣的hotpot 火锅


