
英语学习四步法:单词—短语—单句—短文。今天我们就用这种可以同时有助于英语听、说、读、写四项技能均能同时提高的特色方法学习《新概念英语》第一册 Lesson 1 Sorry, Sir. 对不起,先生!


Lesson 1, Book 1, New Concept English


excuse英 [ɪk'skjuːs] 美 [ɪk'skjuːs] vt. 原谅;辩解;n. 理由;辩解;借口

用作及物动词 (vt.)

Excuse me, but I must say you are completely wrong. 对不起,但是我必须说你完全错了。

I hope you will excuse me if I have to leave early.如果我必须早些离开,希望你能原谅我。

He told a real whopper to excuse his lateness.他撒了个大谎为自己的迟到辩解。

His excuse for being late was that he had missed the train.他迟到的理由是没有赶上火车。

Such conduct allows of no excuse.这样的行为是不容辩解的。

My lame excuse is that I have too much to do.我那站不住脚的借口就是我要干的事太多了。

I won't let him get away with that excuse.我不会让他用那种借口蒙混过去。


v. forgive, pardon

n. cause,grounds,plea,pretence,reason


v. blame,condemn,discipline,punish

Handbag英 ['hændbæɡ] 美 ['hændbæɡ] n. 手提包

She was carrying a buffalo hide handbag. 她拎著一个牛皮手提包。

Do you mind if I open your handbag and check?我打开你的手提包检查一下行吗?


purse 钱包 ,pocketbook 财力 ,bag 袋 ,shoulder bag 有肩带的女用手提包,clutch bag 女用无带提包.,backpack 双肩背包,grip 紧握 ,vanity case 小化装箱 ,case 例子 ,vanity 自负 ,sack 袋子


excuse by (v. prep.) 以…方式找原因〔借口〕 give a reason for (sth) in order to be forgivenHe excused his absence by saying that he was ill.他说他生病了,为他缺席开脱。

excuse for (v. prep.) 就〔因〕…原谅(某人) accept the explanation offered by (sb) for (a fault)

Ignorance of a law does not excuse a man for violating it. 一个人不懂法律不能成为其违反法律行为的借口。

Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,打扰你了。

Excuse me for being rude. 恕我失礼。

Please excuse me for using your telephone without asking permission. 请原谅我没征得你的允许就用了你的电话。

You can't be excused for such a silly reason. 不能因为这样一个可笑的理由而原谅你。

excuse from (v. prep.): 允许(某人)免去… allow (sb) not to complete (sth that he was expected to do); free (sb) from (sth)excuse sb/oneself from sth/v-ing

I want to excuse myself from the work. 我想请求不做那项工作。

I cannot excuse you from attending my classes.我不能允许你不听我的课。

She excused herself from attending the meeting.她请求不参加会议。

Those who passed the first test are excused from the second one.凡是通过第一次测试的人,第二次可以免试。

They may be excused from complying with this regulation.他们可以不按这条规则行事。

make sb's excuses 作出解释 explain why sb is not doing sth or for absence

Pardon for (v. prep.) 就…原谅(某人) forgive sb for sthpardon sb for sth/v-ing

I hope you will pardon me for that slip. 我希望您原谅我那个失误。

Pardon me for interrupting.对不起打断一下。

I hope you will pardon me for breaking school rules.我犯了校规,希望你能原谅我。

Please pardon me for not arriving sooner.请原谅我没能早一点到达。


For skills : Listenting , speaking, reading, and writing.


Excuse me?


Is this your handbag?


Is this your handbag ?

Yes, it is.

Thank you very much.


Explanation for : Excuse can be used as a noun, meaning

4.1/a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.; examples: "he kept finding excuses to stay", "every day he had a new alibi for not getting a job","his transparent self-justification was unacceptable.

4/2, explaining an absence: "he had to get his mother to write an excuse for him"

4/3, a poor example: "it was an apology for a meal";"a poor excuse for an automobile";Excuse can also be used as a verb:

4/4, accept an excuse for: "Please excuse my dirty hands"

4/5, grant exemption or release to: "Please excuse me from this class"

4/6,s serve as a reason or cause or justification of: "Your need to sleep late does not excuse your late arrival at work"; "Her recent divorce may explain her reluctance to date again"

4/7, defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning: "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior" ;"he rationalized his lack of success"

4/8, ask for permission to be released from an engagement

4/9, excuse, overlook, or make allowances for; be lenient with: "excuse someone's behavior" ; "She condoned her husband's occasional infidelities"


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