

教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)

■5-1:这一章要做什么?(what does this chapter do?)

◆5-1-1:关注一些基本的语言描述和与语言问题(looking at some fairly basic language description and issues);

◆5-1-2:介绍一些师生需要了解的专业术语和问题(an introduction to some of the terms and issues which teachers and students may need);



■5-2:句法(sentence constructions)

◆5-2-1:主语、宾语、(谓语)动词、补语和状语(subject、object、verb、complement and adverbial);

◆5-2-2:能接宾语的动词称为及物动词(verbs with objects called transitive);

◆5-2-3:补语(表语),用在be、seem、look等动词后(complement,being used with verbs like “be、seem、look”);

◆5-2-4:主 谓结构,不及物动词不能接宾语(intransitive,can’t take an object);

◆5-2-5:双宾语(two objects):

【1】→直接宾语指受动词影响的人和物(direct objects refer to things and persons affected by the verb);

【2】→间接宾语指从动作中获益的人和物(indirect objects refer to things and persons that benefit from the action);

◆5-2-6:状语/状语短语(adverbial phrases):补充动词(complementing verbs);

◆5-2-7:多从复合句(multi-clause):合并多个不同的句子组成更长更复杂的句子(joining and amalgamating a number of different clauses to make much longer and more complex sentences);



■5-3:词类(parts of speech)




■5-4:名词类型(noun types)

◆5-4-1:可数与不可数(countable and uncountable)

【1】→可数名词:可计数,可变复数(countable nouns:can be counted,can be made plural);

【2】→不可数名词:不可计数,无复数形式(uncountable nouns:can’t be counted,can’t be made plural);

【3】→既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词(sometimes countable and sometimes uncountable):sugar/sugars, hair/hairs;

◆5-4-2:名词复数,动词单数(plural nouns,singular verbs)

【1】形为复数,实际如单数用(appearing to be plural,but behaving as if they are singular):darts is / news is

◆5-4-3:集合名词(collective nouns);

【1】→描述群体和组织的名词(nouns which describe groups and organization):family、team、government;

【2】→单数与复数与否,依赖于其描述的是整体或成员(either singular or plural,depending on whether describing the unit or its members);

【3】→形容词如名词用,始终是复数形式(making adjectives behave like nouns;always plural):the poor (穷人们);

◆5-4-4:不可数名词与动词单数搭配使用,可数名词与动词单数或复数搭配使用(uncountable nouns being used with singular verbs,countable nouns being used with singular or plural verbs);

◆5-4-5:复合名词(compound nouns);

【1】→由一个艺术的单词组成(constructed from more than one words);

◆5-4-6:名词短语(noun phrases);

【1】→以名词为核心的短语(phrases with a noun at their heart);

the man with the hat

【会心之处】: 名词在任何语言中,都是第一重要之词类,老子言:“无名,天地之始,有名,万物之母”,英语与汉语在名词用法方面差异很大,有无量词,是否可数,单数复数,都是英语教学的难点。

■5-5:动词类型(verb types)

◆5-5-1:助动词(auxiliary verbs);



【3】→配合谓语动词,用于肯定句,否定句及构成疑问句中(used with main verbs in affirmative sentences,negative sentences and question formation)

【4】→助动词多缩写(people use contractions with auxiliary);

◆5-5-2:谓语动词(main verbs):承载重要的意思表达(carrying the main meaning);

◆5-5-3:短语性动词(phrasal verbs);

【1】→动词后加副词或介词(副词和介词)构成,创造新的意义(adding an adverb or a preposition to a verb to create new meaning);

【2】→独立的意义单位(single units of meaning)

【3】→时常令学生迷惑(confusing students of English);

【会心之处】: 动词是语言学习中的第二大词,从人类语言学习的认知顺序来讲,名词第一,动词第二,儿童学习说话,也多是先说名词,后说动词。

■5-6:动词形式(verb forms)



◆5-6-3:一般式,动词原形(simple,the base form of verb);

【1】→与主语保持一致(agreeing with the subject);

【2】→表明时间和时态(indicating time and tense);


【1】→动词原形加-ing;(adding –ing to the base form);

【2】→与be连用(using it with the verb “to be”);


【1】→现在进行时与一般现在时总是和现在相关(present continuous and the present simple,always refers to the present);

【2】→现在进行时可指将来;在故事讲述中,现在进行时用来谈论过去(the present continuous refers to the future; in storytelling, the present continuous talks about the past );

【3】→形式与意义之间并非一一对应(no one-to-one correspondence between form and meaning);

【4】→动词形式用来谈论不同时间,事件及状态(verb forms can be used to talk about different times and different kinds of event or state);

◆5-6-6:完成式,现在完成时(perfect verbs,the present perfect);

【1】→表示开始于过去的动作一直持续到现在(the idea of an action started in the past but continuing up until the present);

【2】→表示始于过去的动作与现在相关联(the idea of an action started in the past which has present relevence);

【3】→表示一直持续且并未结束的动作(the idea of an action on a continuum which has not yet finished);

【4】→强调现在的相关性(stressing the present relevance);

【5】→过去完成时(the past perfect):始于过去某个时间点之前的动作持续到此过去时间点,或与此过去时间点有关联性(an action before the past and continuing up until that point in the past –or at least having a kind of “past”relevance);




◆5-6-8:规则动词和不规则动词(regular and irregular verbs)

◆5-6-9:主动语态和被动语态(active and passive)

【1】→主动语态:subject(S) verb(V) object(O)

【2】→被动语态:不知或不想说动作主语,强调的侧重不同(passive sentences:don’t know or want to say who did something,giving a different emphasis);

◆5-6-10:动词补充(verb complementation)

【1】→后接不定式(followed by infinitives);

【2】→后接带to不定式(followed by to infinitive);

【3】→后接分词(followed by participles);

【4】→后接that 从句(followed by that clause);

【会心之处】: 纷繁复杂的动词,向来是英语学习者的噩梦,尤其是中国学生,在英语学习的路上,在动词形式变化方面栽的跟头也很多。动词形式的学习,除了要给学生讲清语法之外,熟练诵读语篇,比我们想象的更加重要。熟练诵读语篇,可以保证学生将动词各种变化形式变成大脑无意识的行为,这才是最终掌握动词的成败关键。


◆5-7-1:代词类型(types of pronoun);

【1】→人称代词(personal pronouns);

【2】→反身(人称)代词(reflexive pronouns);

【3】→关系代词(relative pronouns);

◆5-7-2:人称代词(personal pronouns);





◆5-7-3:关系代词(relative pronouns);


【2】→用来连接从句(used to join clauses/ideas);

【会心之处】: 代词中的主格、宾格是中国学生学习的难点之一,因为汉语中人称代词无主、宾格之分。


◆5-8-1:用在名词前后(being used before and after nouns);

◆5-8-2:比较级和最高级(comparative and superlative);

【1】→单音节形容词,加-er或-est;(one-syllable adjectives,adding –er or -est);


【3】→以元音 辅音结尾,双写末尾辅音(ending in vowel consonant,double the final consonant);

【4】→以“y”结尾,变“y”为“i”(ending in “y”,changing “y”to “i”);

【5】→多音节形容词,前加“more、most”(three or more syllables,prefaced by “more、most”);

◆5-8-3:形容词顺序(adjective order)


◆5-8-4:形容词与介词(adjective and preposition);

【1】→形容词后跟特定的介词(followed by specific prepositions);

◆5-8-5:形容词作名词(adjectives as nouns);

【1】→the blind;the poor;

【会心之处】: 形容词是语言学习的第三类大词,名词和动词可以描述基本的事件、行为,形容词则可以增加语言的准确性和丰富性,其次,形容词也属于形式变化较丰富的词类。


◆5-9-1:表时间的;表方式的;表地点的(of time,of manner,of place);

◆5-9-2:副词位置(adverb position);

【1】→句前,句末,句中(appearing at the end,at the beginning,or in the middle of sentences);

【2】→通常不能放在谓语动词和宾语之间(cannot usually come between a verb and its object);

◆5-9-3:修饰类副词(modifying adverbs);

【1】→修饰形容词(modifying adjectives);

【会心之处】: 根据教学经验,学生对于副词的关注度远不如形容词多,原因在于副词更易与动词联合使用。在教学中,副词需要抓住重点,掌握高频词的用法。


◆5-10-1:介词的位置(position of prepositions);

【1】→名词前(before a noun);

【2】→特定结构从句的结尾(at the end of a clause with certain structures);

◆5-10-2:特别的介词(particular prepositions);

◆5-10-3:介词和副词(prepositions and adverbs);

【1】→兼做介词和副词(both prepositions and also adverbs);

【会心之处】: 在教学中,对于介词的学习,教师无需多讲解,重点让学生多记忆一些短语性动词和介词短语,介词用法,大多是习惯性用法和固定组合。




【2】→this,that,these,those,some,all of;

【3】→名词前或名词短语前(coming before a noun or at the beginning of a noun phrase)

◆5-11-2:定冠词(definite article“the”);

【1】→读者或听者知道所谈论的人或事(reader or listener knows which particular thing or person we are talking about);

【2】→独一无二(when there can only be one);

◆5-11-3:不定冠词(indefinite articles“a/an” );

【1】→读者和听者并不知道所描述的人或事(referring to a particular person or thing when the listener/reader doesn’t know which one is being described);

【2】→与群体的一员连用,代指一个群体(using “a/an”to refer to a member of group in order to refer to the whole group);

【会心之处】: 汉语强调量词,而冠词在英语中不可或缺,语言和语言之间,绝非一一对应的关系,这才是语言教学中教师需要特别留意的地方。

■5-12:连词与条件句(conjunctions and conditionals);


【1】→连接两个从句(joining two clauses);

【2】→一词连二句(one conjunction for two clauses);

◆5-12-2:条件句(conditional sentences);

【1】→条件VS结果(condition VS result);





教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)

【会心之处】: 对于虚拟语气,其实自己一直不是非常清晰,这一节中条件句的切入角度比较独特,读完之后,豁然开朗。

■5-13:形式与意义(forms and meanings);

◆5-13-1:一种形式,多种意义(one forms,many meanings);

【1】→现在进行时:指现在;指将来;指临时未完成的事件;指一系列已完成的事件;(the present continuous,refers to the present,the future,temporary uncompleted event,a series of completed events)

【2】→单个词可有多种意思;可作不同词性(individual words can mean more than one thing,can be different parts of speech);

【3】→单词的最终意义由语境决定(the context the word occurs in which determines which of these meanings is being referred to);

◆5-13-2:一种意义,多种形式(one meaning,many forms);

【1】→一种意思或概念可由不同形式来表现(a meaning or concept can be expressed in many different ways);

【2】→不同形式之间略有差异(each different form has slightly different meaning);

【3】→同义词之间通常还有差别(synonyms are usually distinct from each other);



Smart:(略表)狡猾的(slightly tricky);



◆5-13-3:形式与意义不对等(form does not equal meaning and vice-versa);

【会心之处】: 语法是语言发展到一定阶段的自然产物,需要了解的是,语法规则无法总览所有语言现象和语言问题,所以有非常多的“不规则”和特例存在。

■5-14:语言功能(language functions);

◆5-14-1:语言功能即说话和写作时所要实现的目的(a language function is a purpose you wish to achieve when you say or write something);

◆5-14-2:实现一个语言功能,即实现一种交际行为(by“performing”the function you are performing an act of communication);

【会心之处】: 语言学习的一个大目标,就是实现语言功能,强调语言的交际性。

■5-15:词与词在一起:搭配关系(words together:collocation);

◆5-15-1:一些词幸福地生活在一起,另一些却不(some words live happily and other words don’t);

【会心之处】: 掌握语境和词语搭配习惯,除了阅读和朗读,别无他法。

■5-16:说与写(speaking and writing)

◆5-16-1:口语的特点(characteristics of speech);

【1】→不完整的句子(speaking in incomplete sentences);

【2】→语句重复(repeating what each other says);

【3】→使用缩略形式(using contractions);


◆5-16-2:副语言特征(paralinguistic features);

【1】→语调(the tone of voices);



【4】→肢体语言(body language);

◆5-16-3:写作符号(writing devices);


【2】→!叹号(exclamation marks);

【3】→另起一段(new paragraphs);


【5】→大写(capital letters);

【会心之处】: 口语弱,一直是中国英语教学的死穴和致命缺点,或者因为中国人天然的害羞民族性,还是我们的课堂还没有鼓励学生大胆的发声,说不好,但绝对有办法克服。



【1】→单词由独立的语音构成(words are made up of individual sounds);

【2】→语音用音标表示(sounds are represented by phonetic symbols);

【3】→字母与语音并非一一对应(no one-to-one correspondence between written letters and spoken sounds);

【4】→相同的拼写,会有不同的发音(same spelling,different sounds);

【5】→相同的发音,会有不同的拼写(same sounds,different spelling);


【1】→重音之所在,即词、句之重点所在(where emphasis is placed in words and sentences);

【2】→重读音节即强调之要点(stressed syllable has the greatest emphasis);

【3】→主重音,次重音(main stress,secondary stress);

【4】→不同类别的英语,相同单词,重音或不同(different varieties of English can often stress words differently);

【5】→表示重音的方式(how to show stress):


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)

◆5-17-3:音高与语调(pitch and intonation)

【1】→音高,声音的高低水平(pitch,the level at which you speak);

【2】→音调高:激动的,恐惧的(high-pitched voice,excited terrified);

【3】→音调低:疲惫的,厌烦的(low-pitched voice,sleepy,bored);

【4】→语调,说话的音乐性(intonation,the music of speech);

【会心之处】: 现代汉语学习:每一个汉字,一个字形配合一个拼音,字形是意义的核心,拼音是学习的辅助;英语学习,每一个单词配合一个语音,语音是意义和学习的核心,所以汉语重视“形”,英语重视“音”,英语单词的学习和记忆,应该将发音放在首位,依次会读-会拼-会写。


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


教师发展行动研究 第一季 经典阅读-How to teach English(05)


