高三听力题目 高三听力练习20

高三听力题目 高三听力练习20(1)


第一部分 听力(共两节)



1.What will the man have?

A. An English test.

B. A job interview.

C. A physical examination.

2. What does the man mean?

A. His math teacher is the best one.

B. He doesn’t know his math teacher well.

C. He expects his math teacher to be better.

3. When will the two speakers probably meet?

A.This morning.

B. This afternoon.

C. Early tomorrow.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Selecting a gift.

B. Having a party.

C. Losing weight.

5. Why can't the man give the woman a hand?

A. It is too heavy for him.

B. He is too busy to help her.

C. He doesn't know how to help her.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a hospital.

B. In the lift.

C. At home.

7. What is the woman?

A. A doctor.

B. A patient.

C. A clerk.


8. What is the probable relationship between the man and Donna?

A. Brother and sister.

B. Classmates.

C. Colleagues.

9. What will the man do after graduation?

A. Work in China.

B. Find a job in town.

C. Start his own business.

10. What will the man do next?

A. Leave the party.

B. Talk to Dan.

C. Go to find Donna.


11. How many ties does the man have at least?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

12. Where did the man put his blue tie?

A. In the cupboard.

B. Under his shirt.

C. In the drawer.

13. What can we learn about Susan?

A. She is the woman's sister.

B. She is the man’s sister.

C. She is a babysitter.


14. Why does the lady ask the man questions in the beginning?

A. To serve the man better.

B. To get the man to trust her.

C. To know the man more personally.

15. Where will the man's apartment be?

A. On Broadway Avenue.

B. On Lincoln Road.

C. On George Street.

16. How will the man probably go to work?

A. On foot.

B. By bus.

C. By bike.


17. What kind of clothes does the speakers sister like?

A. Designer clothes.

B. T-shirts and jeans.

C. Old-fashioned clothes.

18. What do the twin sisters have in common?

A. They both like loud music.

B. They both enjoy friendship.

C. They both want to have children.

19. Why doesn’t the speaker like sharing a room with her sister?

A. Her sister often brings friends home.

B. They can’t agree on the color of the room.

C. She likes to keep things neat while her sister doesn't

20. When does the speaker go to bed?

A. At 8: 30.

B. At 9: 30.

C. At 10: 30.

高三听力题目 高三听力练习20(2)



6~10 CABAB

11~15 BCCAC

16~20 BABCB

高三听力题目 高三听力练习20(3)

【原文】Text 1

W:Don’t be nervous.We will only measure your height and weight and then take your blood pressure.

M:That doesn’t sound too bad.I’m ready.

Text 2

W:What do you think of your math teacher?

M:In all my classmates’ eyes,she is not only our beloved teacher but also a trusted friend.I can’t imagine anyone better than her.

Text 3

W:Can I have a word with you sometime today?

M:Well,I’ll be terribly busy this morning.And I have a meeting in the afternoon till 5:00 o’clock,but any other time is OK.

W:Then let’s make it early tomorrow.

Text 4

W:What shall we get for David’s birthday?

M:How about chocolate?

W:Bad idea.He’s trying to lose weight.

M:Then I guess we can buy him a pair of sports shoes.

Text 5

W:There are still so many things to organize before the party.

M:I’d like to help.But I’m afraid I’ve got too much to do myself.

W:Never mind,we’ll manage somehow,I suppose.

Text 6

W:You know,this is the first Saturday I’ve had off in months.

M:You mean you don’t have to go to the hospital at all?

W:I asked them not to call me unless it was an emergency.

M:Then,what are you going to do?

W:I’ll clean the garden.

M:It certainly needs a thorough cleaning.But don’t work too hard.You need a rest.

W:Don’t worry.I’ll take care of myself.Oh,aren’t we invited to the Lakes for dinner tonight?

M: Right! I almost forgot about it.

Text 7

W:Hi,Peter?I’m Lisa,Donna’s mother.Are you enjoying the party?

M:Yeah,it’s great.It has been a long time since I have seen some of these people .

W:I know what you mean.I can’t believe that all you kids are finally graduating.Do you have any plans after graduation?

M:Well,I’ve applied for a teaching job in China.I guess I’ll probably go to work next week.

W:You’re more adventurous than Donna.She’s going to take an office job right here in town.

M:Oh,… Wait a minute.I’m sorry.I think Dan is leaving the party.I’ve got to talk to him before he goes.


Text 8

W:What are you looking for,dear?

M:My new blue tie.

W:It’s right there in the wardrobe with the other ties.

M:There’s a green one and two brown ones,but no blue one.

W:Here it is!In the drawer.

M:Does it go with this green shirt?

W:Perfectly,dear.We’d better hurry up,or we’ll be late.The show starts at 7:30.

M:Oh,it’s 6:30 now.Susan isn’t here to take care of the children yet.

W:She’ll be here at 7:00.That still gives us time to get there.

M:We can’t be late.I don’t want to miss the beginning.

W:I know.It’s the most sought-after one of the year.

M:Ok.I’ll give Susan a ring and see whether she is already on her way.

Text 9

W:Hi,my name is Ann Smith.

M:Hi,I’m Bill Harrington.

W:Hi,Mr.Harrington.In order to satisfy your needs better,I would like to ask you a few questions before I show you what is available.First,what price range are you interested in?

M:Somewhere between $ 400 and $ 450 a month.

W:Okay.Do you have a specific location in mind?

M:Well,I would like to live somewhere on a bus line.

W:And when would you like to move in?

M:On the first of next month.

W:Okay.Here are some photos of the apartments.Which one do you prefer?

M:This one on Broadway Avenue looks nice,but it’s too small.This one on the Lincoln Road is too big.Wait.This one on George Street.It looks perfect.

W:Sure.Let me get the keys and we will go to look at them.If you choose to rent one of them,we will need a damage deposit of $ 250.You can sign a contract today,if you like.

M:Great!Thank you.

Text 10

Twins are supposed to be very much alike,aren’t they?Well,my twin sister Jane and I do look alike.However,we are different in many ways.I care little about clothes.T-shirts and blue jeans are my favorite.However,my sister spends lots of her money on designer clothes and often dresses like a model.We have a similar character in most ways.I don’t get angry and enjoy being with friends.In this respect,my twin sister feels the same.But she likes loud music and modern dances while I find that night clubs give me a headache.She is always with friends.And she never wants to have children.I prefer to be alone at times,don’t really try to please my teachers and want to have a family of my own someday.We have tried to live in the same room several times and even agreed on the color we like best and the kind of furniture we want.But I like to keep things neat and orderly while my twin sister acts as if there were a servant around to pick up all the things that get thrown on the floor.I like to go to bed early at 9:30 and get up early at 6:30.She often goes to bed very late and then sleeps late the next day.

高三听力题目 高三听力练习20(4)


