
Some of us get dipped in flat有些人浅薄Some in satin some in gloss有些人金玉其外 败絮其中But every nice in a while you find someone who’s iridescent有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人And when you do当你遇到这个人后nothing will ever compare会觉得其他人只是浮云而已


The first day I met Bryce Loski遇到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天I flipped我怦然心动It was those eyes是那双眼睛Something in those dazzing eyes那双明亮逼人的眼睛里有东西


The next tthing I know, he’s holding my hand可是接下来,他拉着我的手说道And looking right into my eyes盯着我的眼睛My heart stopped我的心跳停止了Was this it就要发生了Would this be my first kiss这会是我的初吻吗

I went to bed that night thinking of the kiss that might have been那晚我睡觉时,想着那个本来要发生的吻I mean,it was clear he had feeling for me显然他对我有感觉But he was just too shy to show them但他就是 不好意思表达出来My mother said boys were like that我妈妈说男孩子都那样

You have to look at the whole landscap你要从整个风景着眼A painting is more than the sum of its parts一幅画不是各种零件的堆积A cow by itself is just a cow一头牛自己只是一头牛A meadow by itself is just grass,flowers一片草地自己也不过是青草 花儿And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light阳光透过树林 只不过是一道光线But you put them all together你把它们放在一起And it can be magic就会很神奇


And the higher I got the more amazed I was by the view我爬得越高 越是对下面的景色越感到惊奇I began to notice how wonderful the breeze smelled我开始注意到 风的味道有多香Like sunshine and wild grass就像阳光和野草I couldn’t stop breathing it in我不停地闻呀闻Filling my lungs with the sweetest smell I’d ever known肺里装满我从未尝过的芬芳

I could sit there for hours just looking out at the world我会一坐几小时 放眼看着世界Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink有些日子 日落是紫色 粉红色And some days they were a blazing orange有些日子又是耀眼的橙色Setting fire to the clouds on the horizon点燃了地平线上的云彩

Sometimes a litter discomfort in the beginning有时开头吃点苦Can save a whole lot of pain down the road省却日后很多麻烦


I’d never been embarrassed by where we lived before我从未对我们住的地方感到尴尬I also never really thought about money也没有真正地在意过钱I know we weren’t rich我知道我们不富裕But I didn’t feel we were missing anything但从未感觉到匮乏


We didn’t say much to each other on the drive to Devonhurst去德文赫斯特的路上我们没怎么说话But I didn’t care但是我不在意I just liked being with my dad我就是喜欢和爸爸在一起Somehow the slience seemed to connect us似乎沉默比语言更能把握我们In a way that words never could联系在一起


I didn’t care what they thought我才不管他们怎么想I like just Baker我喜欢上了朱莉·贝可


I wanted to look good for Juil我想让朱莉觉得我精神But I didn’t want her to think that I wanted to look good for her但我不想让她觉得这是为了她It was a fine line区别很微妙A very fine line非常微妙


I wanted to look good for Juil我想让朱莉觉得我精神But I didn’t want her to think that I wanted to look good for her但我不想让她觉得这是为了她It was a fine line区别很微妙A very fine line非常微妙


I had fipped. Completely我是动心了 彻底地


When she walked out of the doors当她走出门I thought back to the first time I saw her我回想起第一次看到她的时候How could anybody, ever have wanted to run away from Juli Baker怎么会竟然有人想躲避朱莉‘贝克

When she walked out of the doors当她走出门I thought back to the first time I saw her我回想起第一次看到她的时候How could anybody, ever have wanted to run away from Juli Baker怎么会竟然有人想躲避朱莉‘贝克


A tree He’s planting a tree一棵树 他种了一棵树I didn’t really need to ask我问都不必问I could tell from the shape of the leaves从树叶树干的形态And the texture of the trunk就能认出来It was a sycamore tree那是一棵枫树

He looked at me with those eyes他用那双眼睛看着我Those once again dazzing eyes那双眼睛再一次明亮逼人

And I knew that Bryce Loski我知道布莱斯‘罗斯基Was still walking around with my first kiss还在等着给我我的初吻But he would’t be for long但他不会等很久



