
今天我们继续来读Sprints系列<Billy Brain Box>的第五章。

<Billy Brain Box>Chatper1 请参看:新西兰本土小学课后读物分享之二年级小学生读什么(127)

<Billy Brain Box>Chatper2 请参看:新西兰本土小学课后读物分享之二年级小学生读什么(128)

<Billy Brain Box>Chatper3 请参看:新西兰本土小学课后读物分享之二年级小学生读什么(129)

<Billy Brain Box>Chatper4 请参看:新西兰本土小学课后读物分享之二年级小学生读什么(130)


This is the front cover, the title is "Billy Brain Box".

Story by Peter Millett

Illustrations by Don Ezard


Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Invisible Footprints

I shined the lamp around the shed. Strange footprints appeared. They led out of the shed, through the garden, and into Gran's. Then, they went down the road. We followed the footprints until they led us to the door of an old house. "Gran!" I said, "Call the police!"


As Gran dialled the number, I noticed that my lamp was flickering oddly. I shook it hard, but that turned out to be a bad idea.

With a fizz and a pop, the lamp died. The visible footprints became invisible again. "Oh, no!" I cried. With a groan, I tossed it aside.

When the police arrived, I tried to explain about the invisible footprints. They looked at me as if I was crazy.


The police were more interested in a man who was staring curiously out the window of the house. He turned pale when he saw them, too! It turns out that he was well known in police circles. Once they'd arrested him, they found all the stolen goods inside his house.

The police thought it was odd that the thief was barefoot. Why wouldn't they believe me when I told them about his invisible shoes?


