
It seemed to me plausible to suggest to them that the real future of old age in business is discovery. They were quite struck by this. It seemed to make profound sense, most of them being over forty. But the point about old age as a period of discovery contradicts the merely chronological approach to things. The older man in business is a man who knows the field, and he’s in a much better position to be a discoverer than some younger man who is merely job-holding. And so there’s hope.,我来为大家讲解一下关于麦读人文?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



It seemed to me plausible to suggest to them that the real future of old age in business is discovery. They were quite struck by this. It seemed to make profound sense, most of them being over forty. But the point about old age as a period of discovery contradicts the merely chronological approach to things. The older man in business is a man who knows the field, and he’s in a much better position to be a discoverer than some younger man who is merely job-holding. And so there’s hope.




