




Mary is beautiful and Lucy is beautiful too.

>>Mary is as(副词) beautiful as(连词) Lucy (is beautiful).

>>Mary is more beautiful than Lucy.

原级比较:as(副词) 形容词或副词的原级……as(连词)……,否定句中可用not so…… as ……。



He is as handsome as John is.

He is as handsome as you are.

He is as handsome as I am.


Pigs are as clever as monkeys and dolphins. 表语比较

People are not so honest as they once were.表语比较,人们不再像以前那样诚实。


David works as hard as Bill.

Mary reads as much as Tony watches television.玛丽看书的时间和托尼看电视的时间一样多。

I can’t keep a secret as long as he/him.

尽量:……as adj/adv as possible/one can

You should be as careful as you can when driving. = You should be as careful as possible when driving.

The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tied to get into the case herself, but it was too small.这位妇女尽可能地靠近孩子,甚至自己也想钻进箱子里去,只是箱子太小了。

极为……,be as adj as can……be。

The girl is as beautiful as can be.

和往常一样……,as adj/adv as ever/as one used to be.

I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fact as ever.

Jack is working as hard as ever.

Jay Chen is not so popular as he used to be.

多达……,as many as 数字 复数名词,类似搭配有:as long/high/wide as长达,高达,宽达……

As many as 20,000 people were killed or missing in a massive tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011.

注:修饰金额时,一律用as much as.

I have as much as 100 dollars with me.


1、 想要把英文学好,你应该尽量多看英文文章。

2、 我每次见到大卫,他都像蜜蜂一样忙着工作。

3、 彼得或许没有玛丽那样聪明,但是他勤奋极了(hard working)。

4、 这名歌手不像以前那么受欢迎了。

5、 估计多达10万名考生将参加新托福考试。

6、 我学英文长达十年之久。

1. To study English well, you should read as more English article as possible.

2. Whenever time I see David, he is as busy working as a bee.

3. Peter may be not as clever as Mary, but he is as hard working as he can be.

1. The singer is not as popular as he used to be.

2. It is estimated that as many as one hundred thousand candidates will take the IBT.

3. I have been learning English as long as ten years.


A is beautiful. B is beautiful. A is more beautiful than B (is) beautiful.


Mary is more beautiful than Jane.

Jane is more handsome than I am.

I like her. You like her. >>I like her more than you (like her).歧义,我比你更喜欢她。/我更喜欢她相比你。 >>I like her more than you do.


Bill Frith’s garden is larger than joe’s.

Wisdom is more precious than wealth.智慧比财富更宝贵。

Athlete need to consume much more food than the average person.

Taking a beautiful fall is better than wondering aimlessly.华丽地跌倒,胜过无谓的徘徊。

Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than out straight dislike.冷漠和忽视经常比直接地憎恨伤害更大。


Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe’s garden is more interesting.

Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于空谈。

比较级可以被副词much/ever/still/ far/a lot修饰,表示……得多或a bit/a litter修饰,表示……一点点。

比较级前面加上all the表示更加……,是一种强调,相当于even/much,

The food was all the more delicious because we were hungry.

= The food was even/much more delicious because we were hungry.


We learned that he passed the exam.

As we learned, he passed the exam.

As (what/the thing that) I soon learn, he was English himself.

主动式:As I soon learn he was English himself.

被动式:As was soon learn (by me), he was English himself.


But as they soon discovered, disguises can sometimes be too perfect.

Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking.

As is known to us all, the whale is not fish but mammal.

She was married again, as was expected.

As is reported, it is 100 years since Tsing university was founded.


1、 正如她工作表现出的一样,她很细心。

2、 就像我们猜测的一样,这个调皮的学生没有通过考试。

3、 正如常常被指出,知识是一把双刃剑,可以同等地用于造福和作恶。

1. She is very careful, as her work shows.

2. As we guessed, the naughty student didn’t pass the exam.

3. As is so often pointed, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil.


He smoked more cigarettes than (what) were normally available.

Don’t drink more wine than is good for health.

I have more money than he needs.

He is a good student than you are.

The manufacturers had to pay more money than they had anticipated, for they bought the biscuit from the students for 24,000 dollars.这个公司不得不付出比他们预计多得多的钱,因为为买下那学生烘制的饼干他们支付了24000美元。

To compensate for his unpleasant experiences in hospital, the man drank a little more than was good for him.

It seems that man was making a real effort to understand the seasons 20,000 years earlier than has been supposed.看来人类早就致力于探索四季变迁了,比人们想象的要早20000年。


1、 人们现在准备饭菜比以前容易多了。

2、 父母最好别给孩子太多的钱,够用就行了。

3、 所以今天想在某一领域成为专业人士要比以前花费更长的时间

1. People today can prepare their food much easier than has ever been before.

2. Parents had better not give their children more money than is needed.

3. Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than has ever been before.


只引导限定性定语从句,通常被否定词修饰。注:这个结构通常只能和there be句型搭配。

There is no man but errs. = There is no man who doesn’t err.人必犯错。

There is nothing but he knows. = There is nothing which he doesn’t know.没有他不知道的事情。


1、 在场的人没人不知道这个故事。

2、 没有不爱自己孩子的母亲。

1. There is no one present but knew the story already.

2. There is no mother but loves her children.


